Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.208
EU - Europa 513
AS - Asia 424
AF - Africa 11
SA - Sud America 5
Totale 3.161
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.205
IT - Italia 270
SG - Singapore 182
CN - Cina 170
FI - Finlandia 55
FR - Francia 31
DE - Germania 30
GB - Regno Unito 26
VN - Vietnam 26
RU - Federazione Russa 25
SE - Svezia 20
TR - Turchia 12
IE - Irlanda 11
NL - Olanda 10
GR - Grecia 8
IN - India 8
HK - Hong Kong 7
UA - Ucraina 7
DK - Danimarca 4
DZ - Algeria 4
ES - Italia 4
MY - Malesia 4
AT - Austria 3
CH - Svizzera 3
EC - Ecuador 3
IR - Iran 3
PT - Portogallo 3
BE - Belgio 2
EG - Egitto 2
JP - Giappone 2
MX - Messico 2
PH - Filippine 2
SN - Senegal 2
TN - Tunisia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
YE - Yemen 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BR - Brasile 1
CA - Canada 1
ID - Indonesia 1
NG - Nigeria 1
PE - Perù 1
PK - Pakistan 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
Totale 3.161
Città #
Fairfield 361
Ann Arbor 196
Woodbridge 191
Ashburn 175
Houston 163
Santa Clara 143
Singapore 133
Seattle 121
Wilmington 99
Chandler 96
Cambridge 93
Boardman 75
Beijing 58
Padova 55
Medford 50
Princeton 50
Roxbury 46
Des Moines 41
Helsinki 32
Nanjing 29
San Diego 28
Dong Ket 26
Cagliari 12
Dublin 11
Chicago 10
Shenyang 9
Milan 7
Tianjin 7
Athens 6
Frankfurt am Main 6
Hong Kong 6
Istanbul 6
Jiaxing 6
Pune 6
Bologna 5
Las Vegas 5
Nanchang 5
Norwalk 5
Palermo 5
Amantea 4
Bari 4
Berlin 4
Florence 4
Jinan 4
Marostica 4
New York 4
Puchong Batu Dua Belas 4
Redwood City 4
Rimini 4
Rome 4
Shanghai 4
Treviso 4
Verona 4
Beni Saf 3
Chiswick 3
Gavoi 3
Genoa 3
Longone al Segrino 3
Molfetta 3
Ogden 3
Phoenix 3
Spinea 3
Tabriz 3
Zhengzhou 3
Ancona 2
Balanga 2
Bayreuth 2
Brendola 2
Casalnuovo di Napoli 2
Changsha 2
Changzhou 2
Dakar 2
Edinburgh 2
Epsom 2
Frederiksberg 2
Fuzhou 2
Gîza 2
Hebei 2
Hyderabad 2
Indiana 2
Kharkiv 2
Larissa 2
Leganés 2
Legnago 2
Legnaro 2
Limena 2
Loja 2
London 2
Ningbo 2
Paese 2
Paris 2
Piombino Dese 2
Reggio Emilia 2
Riese Pio X 2
Roskilde 2
Salerno 2
Salihli 2
San Jose 2
San Juan Bautista Tuxtla 2
San Stino di Livenza 2
Totale 2.539
Nome #
Electricity auctions: an European view on markets and practices 134
Design optimization of ORC systems for waste heat recovery on board a LNG carrier 120
Analisi e ottimizzazione della configurazione di un macrosistema di conversione di energia 113
Off-design dynamic model of a real Organic Rankine Cycle system fuelled by exhaust gases from industrial processes 102
Supercritical CO2 and air Brayton-Joule versus ORC systems for heat recovery from glass furnaces: Performance and economic evaluation 99
Design and off-design models of single and two-stage ORC systems on board a LNG carrier for the search of the optimal performance and control strategy 96
Combination of elementary processes to form a general energy system configuration 93
Semi-empirical model of a multi-diaphragm pump in an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) experimental unit 89
TSO-STO: A two-step approach to the optimal operation of heat storage systemswith variable temperature tanks 87
Design and performance evaluation of an Organic Rankine Cycle system exploiting the low grade waste heat of the main engines in a LNG carrier 85
From component to macro energy systems: a common design and off-design modeling approach 85
Optimum integration of concentrating solar technologies in a real coal-fired power plant for fuel saving 84
Semi-empirical model of a multi-diaphragm pump in an organic Rankine cycle test rig 79
Smart rules and thermal, electric and hydro storages for the optimum operation of a renewable energy system 77
Dynamic simulation and experiments of a low-cost small ORC unit for market applications 77
Adattamento dei modelli di instabilità di combustione al caso in pressione 75
Experimental performance evaluation of a multi-diaphragm pump of a micro-ORC system 75
Optimum choice and placement of concentrating solar power technologies in integrated solar combined cycle systems 74
A zero‐dimensional model for the analysis of radiant hydronic panels with solid layer 67
Smart Energy Systems: Guidelines for Modelling and Optimizing a Fleet of Units of Different Configurations 67
Simplified dynamic modeling of single-tank thermal energy storage systems 64
Tecniche per l'Integrazione di Scambi Termici all'Interno di Sistemi Energetici Complessi 62
Optimization of thermal power plants operation in the German de-regulated market using dynamic programming 61
Optimum design and performance of a solar dish microturbine using tailored component characteristics 60
University campus and surrounding residential complexes as energy-hub: A MILP optimization approach for a smart exchange of solar energy 59
The HEATSEP method to maximize the efficiency of pumped thermal energy storage 56
Generation of complex energy systems by combination of elementary processes 56
Fase 1: Combined cycle and solar technologies identification 54
Application of a new optimal operating strategy to a smart energy system in the de-regulated electricity market 54
Analisi e ottimizzazione della configurazione di un macrosistema di conversione di energia 52
New incentive systems for renewable penetration considering local climatic characteristics and sources availability: the case of Italy 50
Fase 2: Technical and thermodynamic analysis of the selected technologies 49
From Exergoeconomics to Thermo-X Optimization of Energy Systems in the transition to a fully renewable system 46
A multicriteria approach to choose the best renewable refrigeration system for food preservation 43
Comparison between the optimum performance of different absorption systems 42
Optimum operation of a real renewable smart energy system including thermal electric and hydro storages 41
Performance and economic comparison of heat recovery systems for regenerative glass furnaces 41
Reaching competitiveness in a small ORC unit: dynamic simulation, experiments and economic evaluation 39
Brine Management: Techno-economic Analysis of a Mechanical Vapor Compression Energy System for a Near-Zero Liquid Discharge Application 38
Tecniche per l'integrazione di scambi termici all'interno di sistemi energetici complessi 37
Choice of the Optimal Design and Operation of Multi-Energy Conversion Systems in a Prosecco Wine Cellar 37
A MILP approach to supply solar energy from surrounding residential complexes to a university campus 36
Tecniche il recupero termico nell’industria 36
On the optimum integration of solar energy into natural gas combined cycles 36
Relazione conclusiva della Fase 1: Analisi della configurazione commerciale esistente 34
New design options for concentrating solar integration in a real coal-fired steam power plant 33
Conceptual development and optimization of the main absorption systems configurations 33
General guidelines for the optimal economic aggregation of prosumers in energy communities 32
Optimal Operation of Heat Storage Systems withVariable Temperature Tanks for District HeatingNetwork 32
Renewable refrigeration systems for food preservation in tropical countries 31
Sviluppo e calibrazione di modelli predittivi per l'instabilità di combustione – Parte III 28
Modeling of sensible thermal energy storage systems 27
Preface of the Proceedings of ECOS 2022 - 35th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems 26
From exergoeconomics to Thermo-X Optimization in the transition to sustainable energy systems 19
Techno-economic analysis of a mechanical vapor compression desalination system for volume minimization of reverse osmosis brine 18
Energy, economic and environmental benefits of Demand Response for improving building energy flexibility 11
On the Different Fair Allocations of Economic Benefits for Energy Communities 9
Totale 3.260
Categoria #
all - tutte 13.469
article - articoli 6.988
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 106
Totale 20.563

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020207 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 55 56 43 10
2020/2021464 16 14 27 52 32 21 7 20 49 30 42 154
2021/2022463 10 85 35 10 27 37 8 32 31 32 22 134
2022/2023342 74 4 2 29 66 41 8 35 39 3 26 15
2023/2024384 12 52 36 34 33 31 18 36 19 21 57 35
2024/2025606 26 54 76 71 193 84 79 23 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.260