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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A Concurrent Multiscale Model to Predict Crack Propagation in Nanocomposite Materials with the Peridynamic Theory 2014 DUZZI, MATTEODIPASQUALE, DANIELESAREGO, GIULIAZACCARIOTTO, MIRCOGALVANETTO, UGO - - Book of Poster
A discussion on failure criteria for ordinary state-based peridynamics 2017 Dipasquale, DanieleSarego, GiuliaZaccariotto, MircoGalvanetto, Ugo ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS - -
A NOVEL SEMI-EMPIRICAL TOOL FOR HYPERVELOCITY COLLISION SIMULATIONS 2018 Olivieri L.Feltrin F.Giacomuzzo C.Duzzi M.Sarego G.Valmorbida A.Francesconi A. - - 69th ARA meeting
Advances in the characterisation of collision break-ups by means of numerical modelling 2021 Francesconi A.Giacomuzzo C.Olivieri L.Sarego G. + - - Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC
An in-line damper for tethers-in-space oscillations dissipation 2021 Olivieri L.Brunello A.Sarego G.Valmorbida A.Lorenzini E. C. ACTA ASTRONAUTICA - -
Artificial neural networks for impact force reconstruction on composite plates 2017 Sarego, GiuliaZaccariotto, MircoGalvanetto, Ugo - - 4th IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace, MetroAeroSpace 2017 - Proceedings
Artificial neural networks for impact force reconstruction on composite plates and relevant uncertainty propagation 2018 Giulia SaregoMirco ZaccariottoUgo Galvanetto IEEE AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS MAGAZINE - -
COLLISION AVOIDANCE MANEUVERS FOR SPACE TETHER SYSTEMS 2022 Giulia SaregoAndrea ValmorbidaLorenzo OlivieriAlice BrunelloGiacomo ColombattiEnrico C. Lorenzini + - - Proceedings of the 3rd IAA Conference on Space Situational Awareness (ICSSA)
CST: a new semi-empirical tool for simulating spacecraft collisions in orbit 2018 Alessandro FrancesconiCinzia GiacomuzzoLorenzo OlivieriGiulia SaregoMatteo DuzziFrancesco FeltrinAndrea Valmorbida + - - Proc. 69th IAC
CST: A new semi-empirical tool for simulating spacecraft collisions in orbit 2019 Francesconi A.Giacomuzzo C.Olivieri L.Sarego G.Duzzi M.Feltrin F.Valmorbida A. + ACTA ASTRONAUTICA - -
Deorbit kit demonstration mission 2022 Lorenzini E. C.Olivieri L.Sarego G.Brunello A.Valmorbida A. + JOURNAL OF SPACE SAFETY ENGINEERING - -
Deorbit Kit Demonstration Mission 2021 E. C. LorenziniL. OlivieriG. SaregoA. BrunelloA. Valmorbida + - - Proceedings of the 72nd International Astronautical Congress (IAC)
Deorbiting Perfomance of Electrodynamic Tethers to Mitigate Space Debris 2021 Giulia SaregoLorenzo OlivieriAndrea ValmorbidaCarlo BettaniniGiacomo ColombattiMarco PertileEnrico C. Lorenzini - - International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Dependence of crack paths on the orientation of regular 2D peridynamic grids 2016 DIPASQUALE, DANIELESAREGO, GIULIAZACCARIOTTO, MIRCOGALVANETTO, UGO ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS - -
Deployment requirements for deorbiting electrodynamic tether technology 2020 G. SaregoL. OlivieriA. ValmorbidaA. BrunelloE. C. Lorenzini + - - Proceedings of the 2020 Aerospace Europe Conference
Deployment requirements for deorbiting electrodynamic tether technology 2021 Sarego G.Olivieri L.Valmorbida A.Brunello A.Lorenzini E. C. + CEAS SPACE JOURNAL - -
Development Roadmap of a Deorbit Kit Based on Electrodynamic Tether Technology 2020 Enrico C. LorenziniLorenzo OlivieriGiulia SaregoAndrea Valmorbida + - - Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC
Discontinuous mechanical problems studied with a peridynamics-based approach 2015 ZACCARIOTTO, MIRCOSAREGO, GIULIADIPASQUALE, DANIELESHOJAEI BARJOUI, ARMANMUDRIC, TEODUZZI, MATTEOGALVANETTO, UGO - - Proceedings of the 23rd Conference of the Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Discontinuous mechanical problems studied with a peridynamics-based approach 2017 Zaccariotto M.Sarego G.Dipasquale D.Shojaei A.Bazazzadeh S.Mudric T.Duzzi M.Galvanetto U AEROTECNICA MISSILI E SPAZIO - -
Dynamic and static simulations with peridynamic approach using finite element analysis 2014 DIPASQUALE, DANIELEZACCARIOTTO, MIRCODUZZI, MATTEOGALVANETTO, UGOSAREGO, GIULIA - - Book of Poster