Dipartimento di Matematica "Tullio Levi-Civita" - DM
A branch-and-price algorithm for the Airport Equipment Allocation problem
2010 M., Barbieri; DE GIOVANNI, Luigi
A branch-and-price based heuristic for the stochastic vehicle routing problem with hard time windows
2016 Andreatta, Giovanni; Casula, M.; DE FRANCESCO, Carla; DE GIOVANNI, Luigi
A Branch-and-Price framework for the Pure Parsimony Haplotyping Problem
2016 De Giovanni, Luigi; Dal Sasso, Veronica; Labbé, Martine
A Column Generation Approach for Pure Parsimony Haplotyping
2014 DE GIOVANNI, Luigi; Martine, Labbé
A column generation approach for pure parsimony haplotyping
2016 DAL SASSO, Veronica; DE GIOVANNI, Luigi; Labbé, Martine
A Data Analytics Approach for 4D Trajectories in ATFM
2019 DE GIOVANNI, Luigi; Meneghetti, Davide; Lancia, Carlo; Lulli, Guglielmo
A data-driven approach to 4D-trajectories selection in the European Airspace
2017 Andreatta, Giovanni; Capanna, Lorenzo; De Giovanni, Luigi; Righi, Luca
A Fast Heuristic for Airport Ground-Service Equipment-and-Staff Allocation
2014 Andreatta, Giovanni; DE GIOVANNI, Luigi; Michele, Monaci
A genetic approach for the cutting pattern sequencing problem
2007 F., Pezzella; DE GIOVANNI, Luigi
A Heuristic and an Exact Method for Pattern Sequencing Problems
2011 DE GIOVANNI, Luigi; G., Massi; F., Pezzella; M., Pfetsch; G., Rinaldi; P., Ventura
A heuristic and an exact method for the gate matrix connection cost minimization problem
2013 DE GIOVANNI, Luigi; Gionata, Massi; Ferdinando, Pezzella; Marc E., Pfetsch; Giovanni, Rinaldi; Paolo, Ventura
A heuristic for multi-attribute vehicle routing problems in express freight transportation
2017 De Giovanni, Luigi; Gastaldon, Nicola; Lauriola, Ivano; Sottovia, Filippo
A Heuristic for Multi-attribute Vehicle Routing Problems in Express Freight Transportation
2017 De Giovanni, Luigi; Gastaldon, Nicola; Lauriola, Ivano; Sottovia, Filippo
A heuristic for the Air Traffic Flow Management Problem based on Data Analytics and Integer programming
2019 DE GIOVANNI, Luigi; Lancia, Carlo; Lulli, Guglielmo; Meneghetti, Davide
A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the Distributed and Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem
2007 F., Pezzella; DE GIOVANNI, Luigi
A Lower Bound for the Internet Protocol Network Design Problem
2005 DE GIOVANNI, Luigi; B., Fortz; M., Labbé
A Lower Bound for the Internet Protocol Network Design Problem
2005 DE GIOVANNI, Luigi; Fortz, B; Labbé, M.
A matheuristic approach to preference aware air traffic flow management
2021 DE GIOVANNI, Luigi; Lulli, Guglielmo
A Polyhedral Study for Delay Management in Public Transportation
2014 DE GIOVANNI, Luigi; Géraldine, Heilporn; Martine, Labbé
A rich vehicle routing problem in express freight transportation
2016 DE GIOVANNI, Luigi; Gastaldon, Nicola; Sottovia, Filippo