Dipartimento di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e della Socializzazione - DPSS
Acquisition of nouns and verbs in Italian pre-school children
2017 Colombo, Lucia; Navarrete, Eduardo; Arfé, Barbara
Analogic and Symbolic Comparison of Numerosity in Preschool Children with Cochlear Implants
2011 Arfe', Barbara; Lucangeli, Daniela; E., Genovese; D., Monzani; M., Gubernale; Trevisi, Patrizia; Santarelli, Rosamaria
Aspetti cognitivi e linguistici della produzione scritta in bambini sordi
2003 Arfe', Barbara
Assessing the cognitive effects of noise in children with cochlear implants: A proof-of-concept study
In corso di stampa Arfé, Barbara; Spicciarelli, Gaia; Gheller, Flavia; Gómez-Merino, Nadina; Martini, Alessandro; Trevisi, Patrizia
Being a deaf student in a face mask world: Survey data from Italian university students
2023 Natalizi, F.; Gómez-Merino, N.; Arfé, B.; Ferrer, A.; Gheller, F.; Fajardo, I
Causal Coherence in Deaf and Hearing Students' Written Narratives
2006 Arfe', Barbara; Boscolo, Pietro
Chi inventa le storie? La costruzione dell'authorship in età scolare
2004 Levorato, MARIA CHIARA; Arfe', Barbara
Children's beliefs about authorship
2006 Levorato, MARIA CHIARA; Arfe', Barbara
Clinical markers for specific language impairment in Italian: the contribution of clitics and non-word repetition
2006 Bortolini, U; Arfe', Barbara; CASELLI M., C; DE GASPERI, L; Deevy, P; Leonard, L.
Coding in Primary Grades Boosts Children’s Executive Functions
2019 Arfé, Barbara; Vardanega, Tullio; Montuori, Chiara; Lavanga, Marta
Combined Unplugged and Educational Robotics Training to Promote Computational Thinking and Cognitive Abilities in Preschoolers
2023 Montuori, Chiara; Pozzan, Gabriele; Padova, Costanza; Ronconi, Lucia; Vardanega, Tullio; Arfé, Barbara
Components of Reading and Writing Success for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children: Research Challenges for the New Era
2015 Arfe', Barbara
Cumulative semantic cost without successful naming
2021 Navarrete, E.; Benavides Varela, S.; Lorusso, R.; Arfe, B.
Deaf and hearing students’ referential strategies in writing: What referential cohesion tells us about deaf students’ literacy development
2008 Arfe', Barbara; Perondi, I.
Difficoltà e disturbi dell'apprendimento nella sordità preverbale
2011 Arfe', Barbara
Effects of negative emotional valence on readers' text processing and memory for text: an eye-tracking study
2022 Arfe, B; Delatorre, P; Mason, L
Exploring Gender Differences in Coding at the Beginning of Primary School
2022 Montuori, Chiara; Ronconi, Lucia; Vardanega, Tullio; Arfe', Barbara
Globally minded text production bilingual, expository writing of Italian adolescents learning english
2016 Danzak, Robin L; Arfe', Barbara
How hearing and deaf children differentiate emergent writing from drawing: Is the development of emergent writing related to that of verbal language?
2010 Arfe', Barbara; B, Dambrosio; S, ; La, Malfa
Hyperlink format, categorization abilities and memory span as contributors to deaf users hypertext access
2008 Fajardo, I; Arfe', Barbara; Benedetti, P; Altoe', Gianmarco