Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 8.978
EU - Europa 2.391
AS - Asia 1.508
SA - Sud America 30
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 9
AF - Africa 6
OC - Oceania 5
Totale 12.927
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 8.966
IT - Italia 905
SG - Singapore 643
CN - Cina 593
FI - Finlandia 366
UA - Ucraina 262
DE - Germania 234
SE - Svezia 202
FR - Francia 193
VN - Vietnam 101
RU - Federazione Russa 95
HK - Hong Kong 76
IN - India 64
GB - Regno Unito 62
NL - Olanda 34
BR - Brasile 15
IE - Irlanda 14
EU - Europa 9
CA - Canada 6
ID - Indonesia 6
TR - Turchia 6
CL - Cile 5
PE - Perù 5
AL - Albania 4
JP - Giappone 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
TW - Taiwan 4
BE - Belgio 3
EC - Ecuador 3
MX - Messico 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
AR - Argentina 2
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 2
ES - Italia 2
IR - Iran 2
LT - Lituania 2
LV - Lettonia 2
MY - Malesia 2
PK - Pakistan 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
AM - Armenia 1
AT - Austria 1
AU - Australia 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
DK - Danimarca 1
GR - Grecia 1
HR - Croazia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
MA - Marocco 1
NA - Namibia 1
PA - Panama 1
PL - Polonia 1
PT - Portogallo 1
SC - Seychelles 1
TH - Thailandia 1
Totale 12.927
Città #
Jacksonville 1.088
Woodbridge 1.001
Chandler 930
Ann Arbor 785
Houston 618
Fairfield 531
Boardman 460
Singapore 414
Wilmington 411
Princeton 406
Ashburn 238
Cambridge 207
Medford 205
Nanjing 166
Seattle 163
Des Moines 141
Beijing 121
Helsinki 104
Dong Ket 98
Vigodarzere 98
Santa Clara 89
San Diego 85
Padova 81
Hong Kong 76
Milan 70
New York 68
Nanchang 52
Mumbai 49
Hebei 44
Shenyang 42
Roxbury 38
Ogden 33
Guangzhou 32
Rome 29
Norwalk 27
Redwood City 27
Columbus 25
Jiaxing 25
Tianjin 25
Venice 19
Castelfranco Veneto 18
Brendola 16
Changsha 15
Novara 15
Dublin 14
Legnaro 11
Treviso 11
Kharkiv 10
Florence 9
Los Angeles 9
Torino 9
Auburn Hills 8
Bologna 8
Borås 8
Jinan 8
Vicenza 8
Trento 7
Catania 6
Fiume Veneto 6
Pavia 6
Rockville 6
Salvador 6
Verona 6
Brescia 5
Chieve 5
Gavardo 5
Munich 5
Napoli 5
Bari 4
Duri Pulo 4
Gomaringen 4
Islington 4
Kunming 4
Marciaga 4
Arzignano 3
Cagliari 3
Chicago 3
Duncan 3
Ferrara 3
Hefei 3
Lima 3
London 3
Modena 3
Moscow 3
Naples 3
Palermo 3
Ponte San Nicolo 3
Rieti 3
Roccafranca 3
Saludecio 3
Santi Cosma E Damiano 3
Sao Roque 3
Taipei 3
Tokyo 3
Trieste 3
Tübingen 3
Venezia 3
Ardara 2
Arese 2
Augusta 2
Totale 9.465
Nome #
Applicazioni cliniche del dosaggio della 3-metilistidina (3-MeHis) 120
Bioadhesive topical application of tryptophan derivatives 110
Active Packaging for Topical Cosmetic/Drug Products: a Hot-Melt Extruded Preservative Delivery Device 109
Content of non-protein tryptophan in human milk, bovine milk and milk- and soy-based formulas 108
Cosmetologia termale e cosmetici termali. 105
A combined chemico-mineralogical and tensiometric approach for evaluation of Euganean Thermal Mud (ETM) quality 104
A rapid HPLC technique for determining levels of histamine in tears from normal and inflamed human eyes 103
Controlled release of dehydroacetic acid sodium salt for the stability improvement of cosmetic formulations. 101
Bioadhesive topical application of tryptophan derivatives 100
Levels of non-proteic tryptophan in milk and soybean formulas 99
The characterization of isothiazolinone preservatives in cosmetics. 98
Silicon Membrane Interface For the Direct Analysis of Kathon-cg In Aqueous-solutions and Cosmetic Emulsions 98
Content of non protein tryptophan in human milk, bovine milk and milk-and soy-based formulas. 97
A new approach to the quality control of medical devices 93
Tensiometric Versus Skin (TVS) modelling as improved approach for the direct evaluation of skin hydration 91
Analisi diretta di preservanti in prodotti cosmetici mediante HPLC e spettroscopia derivativa e determinazione dei coefficienti di ripartizione. 88
Method Development for Measuring Contact Angles of Perfluoropolyether Liquid on Fomblin HC/25® PFPE Film 87
Stability of vitamin C derivatives in solution and topical formulations. 85
Surface characterisation of bags for total parenteral nutrition by tensiometry and atomic force microscopy 84
Dowicil 200 stability test: chemical and microbiological studies. 83
Comunione di intenti per una ricerca sostenibile 82
Determination of coumarin and 6-methyl-coumarin in cosmetics by high performance liquid chromatography. 81
Histamine in tears: developments in collcetion and HPLC fluorimetric detection. 79
Dehydroacetic acid sodium salt stability in cosmetic preservatives mixtures. 79
Development of a tensiometric model for surface energy characterization of raw coffee beans 79
Histamine determination in tears as index of safety in use of cosmetic products. 78
Within-Tree variations in the surface free anergy of wood assessed by contact angle analysis 77
Tenskinmetric Evaluation of Surface Energy Changes in Adult Skin: Evidence from 834 Normal Subjects Monitored in Controlled Conditions 77
Selectivity in fluorescence. Application to tryptophan analysis. 76
Silicon membrane interface for the direct analysis of kathon CG in aqueous solutions and cosmetic emulsions. 76
Determination of 3-methylhistidine levels in urine. Derivative detection by HPLC. 74
HPLC control and determination of free formaldehyde in cosmetics. 72
Tryptophan and kinurenine in senile cataract. 72
Monitoring of tryptophan levels in biological fluids by HPLC.An improved method. 71
Tryptophan characterization by syncronous scanning spectroscopy. 70
Selectivity in fluorescence spectroscopy: Application to tryptophan analysis 70
Rapid determination of tryptophan and its metabolites along the kinurenine pathway by HPLC. 69
A tensiometric approach to evaluate stability and compatibility of materials for biomedical and pharmaceutical use. 69
Analisi diretta di preservanti in prodotti cosmetici. HPLC e spettroscopia derivativa 69
Il TVS skin test 69
A rheological approach to the study of cosmetic emulsion stability 69
Tear histamine assay by fluorescamine derivatization and high performance liquid chromatography. 68
Chemico-physical and functional properties of inorganic sinscreens in cosmetic products. 68
Rheological characterization of sunscreen emulsions 67
Bifunctional bioadhesive compositions for oral implantology 66
High performance liquid chromatographic determination of free forlmaldehyde in cosmetic preserved with dowicil 200. 65
Determination of bergapten in suntan cosmetics. 65
A. Bettero. Der Draize Test: ohne gebrauch von tieren. 65
Rheological and spectroscopic behaviour of cosmetic products. Application to sulphur analysis. 64
null 64
Ocular irritancy evaluated "in vivo" by conjunctival lavage technique and "in vitro" by bovine eye cup model. 64
Reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography applied to the direct analysis of untreated heterophasic systems. 62
L’Osservatorio Termale Permanente OTP 62
Challenge test e regressione lineare in forma cosmetiche preservate con parabeni. 61
Determinazione delle furocumarine contenute nelle foglie di ficus carica mediante l’impiego di HPLC 60
Rheological charcterization of sunscreen emulsions 60
null 60
Evaluation of "E. Coli" penicillin acylase activity by HPLC and fluorescence. 60
Innovative technical forms for bioadhesive topical applications (badsystem) 59
Determination of bergapten and citropten in perfumes and suntan cosmetics by HPLC and fluorescence. 59
Sulla determinazione dei costituenti cumarinici delle foglie di "ficus carica" mediante HPLC 58
Stability of vitamin A propionate in cosmetic formulations. 58
Analisi e separazione di proteine e loro frammenti proteoliti via HPLC e fluorescenza. Cleup-Padova 61 (1987). 57
Proposta di uno schema terapeutico integrato in fangoterapia. 56
Il nuovo termalismo: l'Inthes fangoterapico. 56
Studio sull'efficacia preservante degli esteri dell'acido 4-idrossibenzoico in forme cosmetiche. 55
Sviluppo di un metodo per la determinazione di colesterolo, squalene e acidi grassi nel cuoio capelluto. 55
Determinazione di cinarina per HPLC in forme farmaceutiche 55
Rapid pentachlorophenol evaluation in solid matrices by second derivative UV spectroscopy. Application to wood and leather samples 55
reverse phase high performance liquid chromatographic and uv derivative spectrophotometric determination of phenylethylamine in phosphomycin. 54
Method for sanitizing packaging containers and materials, particularly for pharmaceutical and cosmetic use, and plant for implementing the method. 54
Analisi di cumarine in matrici cosmetiche non trattate mediante spettroscopia di fluorescenza. 53
Thermal mud evaluation by TVS model 53
The B2A-P test. An objective method for the evaluation of the toxicity of substances applied to the skin and mucous membranes 53
Basi razionali per la determinazione, valutazione e controllo del TITOLO energetico di un parco giardino storico terapeutico mediante TVS modeling 53
Method for sanitizing packaging containers and materials, particularly for pharmaceutical and cosmetic use, and plant for implementing the method. 52
Method for sanitizing packaging containers and materials, particularly for pharmaceutical and cosmetic use, and plant for implementing the method. 51
Correlation between epidermal tihickening and surface free energy reflex in patients operated for breast carcinoma by a combined ultrasound imaging and tenskinmetric analysis (TVS skin test). The influence of a biomimetic cosmetic-treatment. 51
Chemical stability and microbiological reply of preservatives in cosmetics. A direct correlation. 51
Imidazolidinilurea e formaldeide nei prodotti cosmetici. caratterizzazione via HPLC e spettroscopia derivativa 51
Tryptophan characterization bu syncronous scanning spectrometry 51
HPLC of leukotrienes labeled by 4-bromomethyl-7-methoxy-coumarin (Br-Mmc) as fluorescent agent 51
Progetto integrato per la promozione delle conoscenze e per l'apprendimento delle metodologie che mirano alla qualità dei prodotti e dei servizi in campo cosmetico e termale. 50
The surface free Nanotechnologies and Cosmetics energy reflex as an evaluation marker of epidermal functionality (TVS modeling) 50
Struttura e qualità  dei fanghi termali. 49
Introduction to Tenskinmetry 49
Levels of non proteic tryptophan in milk and soybean formulas 49
Valutazione dell'efficacia preservante in forme cosmetiche detergenti. 48
Bioadhesive application and dermatological evaluation of Valgrande (Dolimites) thermal water 48
Tensiometric Versus Skin (TVS) modelling as improved approach for the direct evaluation of skin hydration 48
A new technical form for bioadhesive topical applications of all trans retinol 48
Analisi di tossicità in vivo e in vitro mediante test di irritazione culare 48
Levels of non proteic tryptophan in milk/soybean formulas. 48
Controllo e modulazione della funzione epidermica di permeabilità agli elementi termali specifici rilasciati da un fango maturo. 47
Nuovi aspetti del termalismo 47
Preservatives in cosmetics. Developments on the direct characterization. 47
Free and released formaldehyde in cosmetics 47
Totale 6.838
Categoria #
all - tutte 44.012
article - articoli 15.290
book - libri 498
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 2.724
patent - brevetti 4.151
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.598
Totale 69.273

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020630 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 153 86 175 100 116
2020/20211.278 23 118 12 126 31 128 16 136 201 60 206 221
2021/20221.619 17 471 54 80 44 23 9 106 128 22 136 529
2022/20232.174 497 110 12 250 483 247 8 134 269 8 117 39
2023/20241.174 214 182 85 72 51 77 59 31 47 6 149 201
2024/20251.685 18 249 292 130 690 71 179 56 0 0 0 0
Totale 13.038