Dipartimento di Territorio e Sistemi Agro-Forestali - TESAF  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
Abstracts of presentations at the XXV Congress of the Italian Phytopathological Society (SIPaV) Characterization of Phytophthora and Botryosphaeriaceae species associated with emerging olive diseases in northeast Italy B.T. Linaldeddu, C. Bregant, L. Montecchio, F. Favaron, L. Sella 2019 Linaldeddu Benedetto TeodoroBregant CarloMontecchio LucioFavaron FrancescoSella Luca JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY - -
Botryosphaeriaceae Species Associated with Stem Canker, Shoot Blight and Dieback of Fraxinus ornus in Italy 2024 Rossetto G.Bregant C.Linaldeddu B. T. + FORESTS - -
Coniella granati and Phytophthora palmivora the main pathogens involved in pomegranate dieback and mortality in north-eastern Italy 2020 Benedetto T. LinaldedduCarlo BregantBarbara RuzzonLucio Montecchio ITALIAN JOURNAL OF MYCOLOGY - -
Current status of Botryosphaeriaceae species in Italy: Impacts on agricultural crops and forest ecosystems 2023 Bregant C.Linaldeddu B. T. + PHYTOPATHOLOGIA MEDITERRANEA - -
Diplodia fraxini and Diplodia subglobosa: The Main Species Associated with Cankers and Dieback of Fraxinus excelsior in North-Eastern Italy 2020 Benedetto T. LinaldedduFrancesco BottecchiaCarlo BregantLucia MaddauLucio Montecchio FORESTS - -
Diversity and distribution of Phytophthora species across different types of riparian vegetation in Italy with the description of Phytophthora heteromorpha sp. nov 2024 Bregant C.Rossetto G.Sasso N.Montecchio L.Linaldeddu B. T. + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY - -
Diversity and Pathogenicity of Botryosphaeriaceae and Phytophthora Species Associated with Emerging Olive Diseases in Italy 2023 Benedetto LinaldedduGiovanni RossettoCarlo Bregant + AGRICULTURE - -
Diversity and pathogenicity of Botryosphaeriaceae and Phytophthora species involved in emerging diseases of Fagus sylvatica in Italy and Slovenia 2024 Carlo BregantLucio MontecchioBenedetto Teodoro Linaldeddu + ITALIAN JOURNAL OF MYCOLOGY - -
Diversity and pathogenicity of Phytophthora species associated with declining alder trees in Italy and description of Phytophthora alpina sp. nov 2020 Bregant C.Maddau L.Montecchio L.Linaldeddu B. T. + FORESTS - -
Diversity of Phytophthora Species Involved in New Diseases of Mountain Vegetation in Europe with the Description of Phytophthora pseudogregata sp. nov. 2023 Carlo BregantGiovanni RossettoNicolò SassoLucio MontecchioBenedetto Linaldeddu + FORESTS - -
First report of canker and dieback caused by Neofusicoccum parvum and Diplodia olivarum on oleaster in Italy 2020 Carlo BregantLucia MaddauClaudia PinnaLucio MontecchioBenedetto Linaldeddu + ITALIAN JOURNAL OF MYCOLOGY - -
First Report of Diplodia fraxini and Diplodia subglobosa Causing Canker and Dieback of Fraxinus excelsior in Slovenia 2022 Linaldeddu B. T.Bregant C.Montecchio L. + PLANT DISEASE - -
First Report of Eutypella Canker Caused by Eutypella parasitica on Acer campestre in Italy 2020 Linaldeddu, Benedetto T.Bregant, CarloMontecchio, Lucio + PLANT DISEASE - -
First report of Neofusicoccum parvum and Phytophthora palmivora causing fruit rot of pomegranate in Italy 2024 Carlo BregantGiovanni RossettoLucio MontecchioAlessandro RaiolaSilvio TundoBenedetto Linaldeddu ITALIAN JOURNAL OF MYCOLOGY - -
First report of Neofusicoccum parvum causing canker and dieback on Alnus glutinosa in Portugal 2023 Bregant C.Rossetto G.Linaldeddu B. T. + NEW DISEASE REPORTS - -
First report of Phytophthora acerina and Phytophthora palmivora causing root rot, bleeding cankers and dieback of English walnut in Italy 2024 Bregant C.Linaldeddu B. T. + NEW DISEASE REPORTS - -
First Report of Phytophthora acerina, P. pini and P. plurivora Causing Root Rot and Sudden Death of Olive Trees in Italy 2020 Linaldeddu, Benedetto T.BREGANT, CARLOMontecchio, LucioFavaron, FrancescoSELLA, LUCA PLANT DISEASE - -
First report of Phytophthora hibernalis, P. multivora and P. niederhauserii causing root rot and bleeding cankers on Eucalyptus globulus in Portugal 2023 Bregant C.Linaldeddu B. T. + NEW DISEASE REPORTS - -
First report of Phytophthora ilicis causing leaf spot, shoot blight and bleeding canker on Ilex aquifolium in Slovenia 2024 Carlo BregantLinaldeddu Benedetto TeodoroMontecchio Lucio + NEW DISEASE REPORTS - -
First report of phytophthora pistaciae causing root and collar rot on nursery plants of Pistacia lentiscus in Italy 2020 Linaldeddu B. T.Bregant C.Piras G.Montecchio L. + PLANT DISEASE - -