Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali "Marco Fanno" - DSEA  

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Risultati 1 - 20 di 39 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.063 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
An investigation of stakeholder prioritization and engagement: who or what really counts 2009 BOESSO, GIACOMO + JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING & ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE - -
Approccio strategico alla responsabilità sociale d'impresa e performance finanziaria: un'analisi delle "Best Corporate Citizens" 2009 MICHELON, GIOVANNABOESSO, GIACOMO FINANCIAL REPORTING - -
Beyond the money: grantors supporting their grantees 2022 Boesso G.Cerbioni F.Menini A. + THE JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT AND GOVERNANCE - -
Corporate Social Performances: the Financial Effects of Responsive and Strategic Approaches 2014 BOESSO, GIACOMOKUMAR, KAMALESH ECONOMIA AZIENDALE ONLINE - -
Corporate social responsibility and comparative capitalism frameworks: Evidence from the United States, Poland, and Italy 2023 Boesso G.Ghitti M. + CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - -
Cross-national differences in stakeholder management: Applying institutional theory and comparative capitalism framework 2021 Boesso G. + BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT - -
Cultural values, institutional arrangements and stakeholder management culture: A cross-national study 2017 Kumar, KamaleshBoesso, Giacomo + REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND STRATEGY - -
Descriptive, Instrumental and Strategic Approaches to Corporate Social Responsibility: Do they Drive the Financial Performance of Companies Differently? 2013 BOESSO, GIACOMOKUMAR, KAMALESHMICHELON, GIOVANNA ACCOUNTING, AUDITING & ACCOUNTABILITY JOURNAL - -
Determinism vs. solidarism: the philanthropic approach of foundations 2022 Boesso GCerbioni FRedigolo G + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS GOVERNANCE AND ETHICS - -
Difference in stakeholder engagement approach of small & medium enterprises and large companies and its performance implications 2021 Boesso G. + CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - -
Does the Adoption of Planning and Control Tools Influence Performance? Opinions of Grantors and Grantees About Non-profit Projects 2022 Boesso, GiacomoCerbioni, FabrizioMenini, Andrea FINANCIAL REPORTING - -
Drivers of Corporate Voluntary Disclosure: A framework and Empirical Evidences from Italy and the United States 2007 BOESSO, GIACOMO + ACCOUNTING, AUDITING & ACCOUNTABILITY JOURNAL - -
Erogazioni virtuose: come le fondazioni d’erogazione supportano i propri beneficiari 2024 Giacomo BoessoFabrizio CerbioniMarco Ghitti AZIENDA PUBBLICA - -
Examining the association between stakeholder culture, stakeholder salience and stakeholder engagement activities: An empirical study 2016 BOESSO, GIACOMOKUMAR, KAMALESH MANAGEMENT DECISION - -
Examining the Link between Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility and Company Performance: An Analysis of the Best Corporate Citizens 2013 MICHELON, GIOVANNABOESSO, GIACOMOKUMAR, KAMALESH CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - -
Explicit and implicit corporate social responsibility: Differences in the approach to stakeholder engagement activities of U.S. and Japanese companies 2019 Kumar, KamaleshBoesso, Giacomo + BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT - -
Gli Strumenti di Comunicazione e Relazione con gli Stakeholder nel Trasporto Pubblico Locale: dalla Qualità  alla Responsabilità  Sociale 2007 BOESSO, GIACOMO + ECONOMIA PUBBLICA - -
Governance e Filantropia Strategica nelle Fondazioni: la via Italiana tra determinismo e solidarismo 2017 boesso g.cerbioni f. IMPRESA SOCIALE - -
Governo e prestazioni nelle fondazioni di origine bancaria. 2011 BOESSO, GIACOMOCERBIONI, FABRIZIOMENINI, ANDREAPARBONETTI, ANTONIO IL RISPARMIO - -
Health-enhancing Products in the Italian Food Industry: Multinationals and SMEs Competing on Yogurt 2009 BOESSO, GIACOMOFAVOTTO, FRANCESCO + AGBIOFORUM - -