Dipartimento di Biomedicina Comparata e Alimentazione - BCA
793B became undetectable in Northern Italy after homologous vaccine application was discontinued
2014 Franzo, Giovanni; Naylor, C. J.; Lupini, C.; Drigo, Michele; Catelli, E.; Listorti, V.; Laconi, A.; Pesente, P.; Rossi, G.; Cecchinato, Mattia
A comparison of AMPV subtypes A and B full genomes, gene transcripts and proteins led to reverse-genetics systems rescuing both subtypes
2016 Laconi, Andrea; Clubbe, Jayne; Falchieri, Marco; Lupini, Caterina; Cecchinato, Mattia; Catelli, Elena; Listorti, Valeria; Naylor, Clive J.
A novel array of real-time RT-PCR assays for the rapid pathotyping of type I avian paramyxovirus (APMV-1)
2023 Fortin, A.; Laconi, A.; Monne, I.; Zohari, S.; Andersson, K.; Grund, C.; Cecchinato, M.; Crimaudo, M.; Valastro, V.; D'Amico, V.; Bortolami, A.; Gastaldelli, M.; Varotto, M.; Abdelrahman, A.; Amarin, N.; Abubakar, M. B.; Belayneh, R.; Cyprien, Y. B.; Christodoulou, V.; Chvala, I.; Dodovski, A.; Ghafouri, S. A.; Giasuddin, M.; Hassan, M.; Kammon, A.; Shittu, I.; Snoeck, C. J.; Steensel, M.; Suarez, D.; Torchetti, M. K.; Tshipambe, S. M.; Ouermi Zerbo, L. H.; Terregino, C.; Panzarin, V.
A Sensitive, Reproducible, and Economic Real-Time Reverse Transcription PCR Detecting Avian Metapneumovirus Subtypes A and B
2014 Franzo, Giovanni; Drigo, Michele; Lupini, C.; Catelli, E.; Laconi, A.; Listorti, V.; Bonci, M.; Naylor, C. J.; Martini, Marco; Cecchinato, Mattia
Amoxicillin and thiamphenicol treatments may influence the co-selection of resistance genes in the chicken gut microbiota
2022 Laconi, A.; Tolosi, R.; Mughini-Gras, L.; Cuccato, M.; Cannizzo, F. T.; Piccirillo, A.
2014 Cecchinato, Mattia; Drigo, Michele; Lupini, C.; Martini, Marco; Listorti, V.; Franzo, Giovanni; Laconi, A.; Morandini, E.; Naylor, C. J.; Catelli, E.
Antimicrobial resistance and residues in biofilm from livestock farms: a protocol for a scoping review
2024 Vougat Ngom, Ronald; Laconi, Andrea; Irshad, Zehra; Tolosi, Roberta; Hassan Raza Shah Bukhari, Syed; Piccirillo, Alessandra
Assessing biosecurity compliance in poultry farms: a survey in a densely populated poultry area in North East Italy
2022 Tilli, Giuditta; Laconi, Andrea; Galuppo, Francesco; MUGHINI GRAS, Lapo; Piccirillo, Alessandra
Association between ability to form biofilm and virulence factors of poultry extra-intestinal Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli
2023 Laconi, Andrea; Tolosi, Roberta; Drigo, Ilenia; Bano, Luca; Piccirillo, Alessandra
Attenuated live infectious bronchitis virus QX vaccine disseminates slowly to target organs distant from the site of inoculation
2019 Laconi, A.; Weerts, E. A. W. S.; Bloodgood, J. C. G.; Deniz Marrero, J. P.; Berends, A. J.; Cocciolo, G.; de Wit, J. J.; Verheije, M. H.
Beehive products as bioindicators of antimicrobial resistance contamination in the environment
2022 Laconi, Andrea; Tolosi, Roberta; Mughini-Gras, Lapo; Mazzucato, Matteo; Ferrè, Nicola; Carraro, Lisa; Cardazzo, Barbara; Capolongo, Francesca; Merlanti, Roberta; Piccirillo, Alessandra
Biofilm formation ability of ESBL/pAmpC-producing Escherichia coli isolated from the broiler production pyramid. Antibiotics
2023 Laconi, A.; Tolosi, R.; Apostolakos, I.; Piccirillo, A.
Caratterizzazione molecolare di un ceppo mild del virus della malattia di Marek evidenziato in polli rurali con forma nervosa
2015 Mescolini, G.; Lupini, C.; Felice, V.; Listorti, V.; Laconi, A.; Cecchinato, Mattia; Catelli, E.
Dati epidemiologici sulla circolazione in Italia del nuovo genotipo IBDV ITA
2015 Lupini, C.; Felice, V.; Bonci, M.; Listorti, V.; Laconi, A.; Cecchinato, Mattia; Morandini, E.; Catelli, E.
Deep molecular investigation of a full-length genom of a Q1-like IBV strain isolated in Italy in 2013
2015 Listorti, V.; Franzo, Giovanni; Naylor, C. J.; Laconi, A.; Lupini, C.; Felice, V.; Drigo, Michele; Catelli, E.; Cecchinato, Mattia
Deletion of accessory genes 3a, 3b, 5a or 5b from avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus induces an attenuated phenotype both in vitro and in vivo
2018 Laconi, A.; van Beurden, S. J.; Berends, A. J.; Kramer-Kuhl, A.; Jansen, C. A.; Spekreijse, D.; Chenard, G.; Philipp, H. -C.; Mundt, E.; Rottier, P. J. M.; Helene Verheije, M.
Detection of avian influenza virus: a comparative study of the in silico and in vitro performances of current RT-qPCR assays
2020 Laconi, Andrea; Fortin, Andrea; Bedendo, Giulia; Shibata, Akihiro; Sakoda, Yoshihiro; Awuni, Joseph Adongo; Go-Maro, Emilie; Arafa, Abdelsatar; Maken Ali, Ali Safar; Terregino, Calogero; Monne, Isabella
Development and validation of a one-step SYBR Green I-based real-time RT-PCR assay for the detection and quantification of Avian metapneumovirus subtype A and B
2014 Franzo, Giovanni; Drigo, Michele; Lupini, C.; Catelli, E.; Laconi, A.; Listorti, V.; Naylor, C. J.; Martini, Marco; Cecchinato, Mattia
Diffusione dell’infezione da metapneumovirus aviare in allevamenti di tacchini e broiler nel Nord Italia
2013 Cecchinato, Mattia; Drigo, Michele; Lupini, C.; Martini, Marco; Listorti, V.; Franzo, Giovanni; Bonci, M.; Laconi, A.; Morandini, E.; Catelli, E.
Drinking water and biofilm as sources of antimicrobial re-sistance in free-range organic broiler farms.
2024 Piccirillo, A.; Tolosi, R.; Mughini-Gras, L.; Kers, J. G.; Laconi, A.