Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente - DAFNAE  

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Risultati 1 - 20 di 78 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.045 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
"Candidatus Erwinia dacicola" sp. nov., a coevolved symbiotic bacterium of the olive fly Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) 2005 MAZZON, LUCASQUARTINI, ANDREAGIROLAMI, VINCENZO + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY - -
A unique midgut-associated bacterial community hosted by the cave beetle Cansiliella servadeii (Coleoptera: Leptodirini) reveals parallel phylogenetic divergences from universal gut-specific ancestors 2013 PAOLETTI, MAURIZIOMAZZON, LUCAMartinez Sañudo I.SIMONATO, MAUROGOMIERO, TIZIANOTONDELLO, ALESSANDRABALDAN, BARBARACONCHERI, GIUSEPPESQUARTINI, ANDREA + BMC MICROBIOLOGY - -
Aerial powdering of bees inside mobile cages and the extent of neonicotinoid cloud surrounding corn drillers 2013 GIROLAMI, VINCENZOMARZARO, MATTEOVIVAN, LINDAMAZZON, LUCAGIORIO, CHIARAMARTON, DANIELETAPPARO, ANDREA JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY - -
Antispila oinophylla new species (Lepidoptera, Heliozelidae), a new North American grapevine leafminer invading Italian vineyards: taxonomy, DNA barcodes and life cycle 2012 BALDESSARI, MARIOMAZZON, LUCAGIROLAMI, VINCENZODUSO, CARLO + ZOOKEYS - -
Antispila sp. minatore fogliare segnalato in Italia su vite 2009 GIROLAMI, VINCENZOMAZZON, LUCADUSO, CARLO + L'INFORMATORE AGRARIO - -
Assessment of the environmental exposure of honey bees to neonicotinoid insecticides coming from corn coated seeds 2010 TAPPARO, ANDREAGIROLAMI, VINCENZOMAZZON, LUCAGIORIO, CHIARAMARZARO, MATTEO + JOURNAL OF INDIAN ASSOCIATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - -
Bacterial communities associated with invasive populations of Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) in China 2016 MARTINEZ SANUDO, ISABELMAZZON, LUCAGIROLAMI, VINCENZO + BULLETIN OF ENTOMOLOGICAL RESEARCH - -
Biological insights and genetic characterization of a ground-searching mymarid wasp parasitizing eggs of a tettigoniid forest pest 2024 Martinez-Sanudo I.Maretto L.Mazzon L. + BIOCONTROL - -
Brevundimonas aurantiaca M3d10, Isolated from the Olive Fly, Produces Hydroxylated Astaxanthin 2023 Martinez-Sañudo, IsabelMazzon, Luca + COSMETICS - -
Can extensively managed perennial crops serve as surrogate habitat for orthopterans typical of dry calcareous grasslands? 2021 Ortis, GiacomoMazzon, LucaCavaletto, GiacomoMarangoni, FedericoMarini, Lorenzo AGRICULTURE, ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT - -
Cave hygropetric beetles and their feeding behaviour, a comparative study of Cansiliella servadeii and Hadesia asamo (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae, Leptodirini). 2017 Dorigo, L.Squartini, A.Pamio, A.Ruzzier, E.Gavinelli, F.Martinez-Sañudo, I.Mazzon, L.M. G. , Paoletti + ACTA CARSOLOGICA - -
Climate and landscape composition explain agronomic practices, pesticide use and grape yield in vineyards across Italy 2024 Geppert C.Duso C.Mazzon L.Prazaru S. C.Tamburini G.Marini L. + AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS - -
Climvit, biodiversità e servizi ecosistemici in vigneto 2022 C. GeppertL. MazzonG. TamburiniL. Marini + L'INFORMATORE AGRARIO - -
Co-haplotyping symbiont and host to unravel invasion pathways of the exotic pest Halyomorpha halys in Italy 2020 Martinez-Sañudo, IsabelScaccini, DavidePozzebon, AlbertoMazzon, Luca + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
Comparative efficacy of BG-Sentinel 2 and CDC-like mosquito traps for monitoring potential malaria vectors in Europe 2022 Bertola, MichelaSgubin, SofiaMazzon, Luca + PARASITES & VECTORS - -
Controllo di Metcalfa pruinosa ad opera di Neodryinus typhlocybae 1999 GIROLAMI, VINCENZOMAZZON, LUCA L'INFORMATORE AGRARIO - -
Correlation of bois noir disease with nettle and vector abundance in northern Italy vineyards 2012 MORI, NICOLAMAZZON, LUCA + JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE - -
C’era una volta la Metcalfa... Un insetto alieno che manca tanto agli apicoltori. 2020 Luca Mazzon + L'APICOLTORE ITALIANO - -
Danni da Ancylis tineana (Hübner) (Lepidoptera Tortricidae) su Cotoneaster sp. in Italia Settentrionale 2006 MAZZON, LUCA + INFORMATORE FITOPATOLOGICO - -
Do Torymus sinensis (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) and agroforestry system affect native parasitoids associated with the Asian chestnut gall wasp? 2018 Faccoli, MassimoMazzon, Luca + BIOLOGICAL CONTROL - -