Dipartimento di Biomedicina Comparata e Alimentazione - BCA  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A monitoring of chemical contaminants in waters used for field irrigation and livestock watering in the Veneto region (Italy), using bioassays as a screening tool. 2014 DE LIGUORO, MARCODALLA BONA, MIRCOCAPOLONGO, FRANCESCA + ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL - -
A multivariate statistical approach to identify the factors influencing the grayanotoxin content of Italian Rhododendron honey 2022 Lucatello LorenaFasolato LucaCapolongo Francesca + FOOD CONTROL - -
A scientific note on oxalic acid by topical application for the control of varroosis 1997 CAPOLONGO, FRANCESCA + APIDOLOGIE - -
Accumulation and response of willow plants exposed to environmental relevant sulfonamide concentrations 2014 MICHELINI, LUCIACAPOLONGO, FRANCESCAGHISI, ROSSELLA + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYTOREMEDIATION - -
Acido formico nel controllo della varroasi. Influenza sulle caratteristiche del miele. 1997 CAPOLONGO, FRANCESCA + OBIETTIVI E DOCUMENTI VETERINARI - -
An in vitro study on metabolism of 17 beta-boldenone and boldione using cattle liver and kidney subcellular fractions 2007 MERLANTI, ROBERTAGALLINA, GUGLIELMOCAPOLONGO, FRANCESCADACASTO, MAUROMONTESISSA, CLARA + ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA - -
Avvelenamenti dolosi: quanta conoscenza, quale percezione? 2012 CAPOLONGO, FRANCESCA + SUMMA ANIMALI DA COMPAGNIA - -
Beehive products as bioindicators of antimicrobial resistance contamination in the environment 2022 Andrea LaconiRoberta TolosiLisa CarraroBarbara CardazzoFrancesca CapolongoRoberta MerlantiAlessandra Piccirillo + SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT - -
Benzydamine as a useful substrate of hepatic flavin-containing monooxygenase activity in veterinary species 2010 CAPOLONGO, FRANCESCAMONTESISSA, CLARA + JOURNAL OF VETERINARY PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS - -
Biotransformation of benzydamine by microsomes and precision-cut slices prepared from cattle liver 2002 CAPOLONGO, FRANCESCAMONTESISSA, CLARA + XENOBIOTICA - -
Boldenone, boldione, and milk replacers in the diet of veal calves: The effects of phytosterol content on the urinary excretion of boldenone metabolites 2007 GALLINA, GUGLIELMOMERLANTI, ROBERTACAPOLONGO, FRANCESCAMONTESISSA, CLARA + JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY - -
Caratteristiche fisico-chimiche e microbiologiche di mieli autunnali della Regione Veneto. Indagine preliminare 1996 CAPOLONGO, FRANCESCA + SELEZIONE VETERINARIA - -
Caratterizzazione del miele: analisi statistica dei parametri chimico-fisici e confronto con le analisi melissopalinologica e sensoriale 1995 CAPOLONGO, FRANCESCA + AMBIENTE RISORSE SALUTE - -
Clinical effects and pharmacokinetics of low-dose butorphanol intravenously in donkeys 2023 Francesca ZanussoLorena LucatelloFrancesca CapolongoLuca BelliniMartina CardinaliGiulia Maria De Benedictis + VETERINARY ANAESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA - -
Clinical effects of vatinoxan co-administered with medetomidine and methadone in healthy dogs undergoing isoflurane anaesthesia 2024 Zanusso, F.Capolongo, F.Lucatello, L.Bellini, L. + VETERINARY ANAESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA - -
Conservazione del miele: cinetica di formazione dell’idrossimetilfurfurale e di degradazione degli enzimi (diastasi e invertasi). 1996 CAPOLONGO, FRANCESCA + L'APICOLTORE MODERNO - -
Cytochrome P450 inhibition profile in liver of veal calves administered a combination of 17 beta-estradiol, clenbuterol, and dexamethasone for growth-promoting purposes 2008 DACASTO, MAUROCAPOLONGO, FRANCESCA + FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY - -
Development and optimisation of a fentanyl pharmacokinetic model for target-controlled infusion (TCI) in anaesthetised dogs 2023 Cattai, AndreaMerlanti, RobertaBizzotto, RobertoLucatello, LorenaCapolongo, FrancescaFranci, Paolo VETERINARY ANAESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA - -
Development and validation of an LC-MS/MS method for the quantification of fluoroquinolones in several matrices from treated turkeys 2014 LUCATELLO, LORENACAPOLONGO, FRANCESCAMONTESISSA, CLARA + FOOD CONTROL - -