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Assessment of adrenal function and adrenal autoantibodies in a baby of a mother with autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 2. 2004 BETTERLE, CORRADODAL PRA, CHIARA + JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION - -
Association of obstructive sleep apnea with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in patients with obesity: an observational study 2021 Bettini S.Fabris R.Dal Pra C.Favaretto F.Dassie F.Vettor R.Busetto L. + EATING AND WEIGHT DISORDERS - -
Autoantibodies to human tryptophan hydroxylase and aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase. 2004 DAL PRA, CHIARABETTERLE, CORRADO + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY - -
Autoantibodies to steroidogenic enzymes in patients with premature ovarian failure with and without Addison's disease 2003 DAL PRA, CHIARABETTERLE, CORRADO + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY - -
Autoimmune Adrenal Insufficiency and Autiooimmune Polyendocrine Syndromes: Autoantibodies, Autoantigens, and Their applicability in Diagnosis and Disease Prediction. Endocrine Reviews 2002 BETTERLE, CORRADODAL PRA, CHIARAMANTERO, FRANCO + ENDOCRINE REVIEWS - -
Autoimmunity in isolated Addison's disease and in polyglandular autoimmune diseases type 1, 2 and 4 2001 BETTERLE, CORRADODAL PRA, CHIARA + ANNALES D'ENDOCRINOLOGIE - -
Characterization of subcutaneous and omental adipose tissue in patients with obesity and with different degrees of glucose impairment 2019 Belligoli, AnnaCompagnin, ChiaraSanna, MartaFavaretto, FrancescaFabris, RobertoBusetto, LucaFoletto, MirtoDal Prà, ChiaraSerra, RobertoPrevedello, LucaBardini, RomeoMescoli, ClaudiaRugge, MassimoFioretto, PaolaCONCI, SCILLABETTINI, SILVIAMilan, GabriellaVettor, Roberto + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
Estimated risk for developing autoimmune Addison's disease in patients with adrenal cortex autoantibodies. 2006 DAL PRA, CHIARAPRIEUR, ANNE MARIECANOVA, CRISTINAMANTERO, FRANCOBETTERLE, CORRADO + THE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM - -
Estimation of serum TSH receptor autoantibody concentration and affinity. 2006 DAL PRA, CHIARAPRIEUR, ANNE MARIEBETTERLE, CORRADO + THYROID - -
Gonadotrophin receptor blocking antibodies measured by the use of cell lines stably expressing human gonadotrophin receptors are not detectable in women with 46,XX premature ovarian failure 2004 DAL PRA, CHIARABETTERLE, CORRADO + CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY - -
Higher levels of C-reactive protein and ferritin in patients with overweight and obesity and SARS-CoV-2-related pneumonia 2021 Bettini S.Bucca G.Sensi C.Dal Pra C.Fabris R.Vettor R.Busetto L. OBESITY FACTS - -
Improvement of lipid profile after one‐anastomosis gastric bypass compared to sleeve gastrectomy 2021 Bettini S.Fabris R.Dal Pra C.Compagnin C.Foletto M.Vettor R.Busetto L. + NUTRIENTS - -
Lopinavir/Ritonavir and Darunavir/Cobicistat in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients: Findings From the Multicenter Italian CORIST Study 2021 Arboretti, RosaDal Pra, ChiaraGuarnieri, GabriellaMolena, BeatriceOlivieri, MarcoRossato, MarcoVettor, RobertoVianello, AndreaDe Caterina, Raffaele + FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE - -
Mechanism of inhibition of cytochrome P450C21 enzyme activity by autoantibodies from patients with Addison's disease 2005 DAL PRA, CHIARABETTERLE, CORRADO + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY - -
Modifications of Resting Energy Expenditure After Sleeve Gastrectomy 2018 BETTINI, SILVIABORDIGATO, EMANUELSerra, RobertoDal Pra’, ChiaraBelligoli, AnnaSanna, MartaCompagnin, ChiaraFoletto, MirtoPrevedello, LucaFioretto, PaolaVettor, RobertoBusetto, Luca + OBESITY SURGERY - -
Modifications of Resting Energy Expenditure after surgical or medical weight loss: Is there any difference? 2016 Bordigato, E.Bettini, S.Serra, R.Dal Pra’, C.Belligoli, A.Sanna, M.Foletto, M.Vettor, R.Busetto, L. + OBESITY FACTS - -
Obesity and COVID-19: an Italian snapshot 2020 Busetto, LucaBettini, SilviaFabris, RobertoSerra, RobertoDal Pra', ChiaraMaffei, PietroRossato, MarcoFioretto, PaolaVettor, Roberto OBESITY - -
Pancreatic Autoantibodies in Italian Patients with Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus under the Age of 20 Years. 2002 BETTERLE, CORRADOPRIEUR, ANNE MARIEDAL PRA, CHIARA + ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES - -
Resting energy expenditure is associated with insulin resistance and inflammatory status before and after weight loss in patients with severe obesity 2017 Bettini S.Bordigato E.Serra, R.Pra, C.Belligoli A.Sanna M.Foletto M.Vettor R.Busetto L. + OBESITY FACTS - -
Resting Energy Expenditure, Insulin Resistance and UCP1 Expression in Human Subcutaneous and Visceral Adipose Tissue of Patients With Obesity 2019 Silvia BettiniFrancesca FavarettoChiara CompagninAnna BelligoliMarta SannaRoberto FabrisRoberto SerraChiara Dal PràLuca PrevedelloMirto FolettoRoberto VettorGabriella MilanLuca Busetto FRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY - -