Dipartimento di Medicina - DIMED
A polyphenol-rich dietary pattern improves intestinal permeability, evaluated as serum zonulin levels, in older subjects: The MaPLE randomised controlled trial
2021 Del Bo', C.; Bernardi, S.; Cherubini, A.; Porrini, M.; Gargari, G.; Hidalgo-Liberona, N.; Gonzalez-Dominguez, R.; Zamora-Ros, R.; Peron, G.; Marino, M.; Gigliotti, L.; Winterbone, M. S.; Kirkup, B.; Kroon, P. A.; Andres-Lacueva, C.; Guglielmetti, S.; Riso, P.
An Integrated LC-ESI-MSn and High Resolution LC-ESI-QTOF Approach for the Identification of Phloroglucinols from Nepalese Hypericum japonicum
2020 Peron, G.; Pant, D. R.; Shrestha, S. S.; Rajbhandary, S.; Dall'Acqua, S.
Analysis of monacolins and berberine in food supplements for lipid control: An overview of products sold on the italian market
2021 Marcheluzzo, S.; Faggian, M.; Zancato, M.; Peron, G.
Antiadhesive Activity and Metabolomics Analysis of Rat Urine after Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton) Administration
2017 Peron, Gregorio; Pellizzaro, Anna; Brun, Paola; Schievano, Elisabetta; Mammi, Stefano; Sut, Stefania; Castagliuolo, Ignazio; Dall'Acqua, Stefano
Characterization of PACs profile and bioactivity of a novel nutraceutical combining cranberry extracts with different PAC-A oligomers, D-mannose and ascorbic acid: An in vivo/ex vivo evaluation of dual mechanism of action on intestinal barrier and urinary epithelium
2021 Faggian, M.; Bernabe, G.; Valente, M.; Francescato, S.; Baratto, G.; Brun, P.; Castagliuolo, I.; Dall'Acqua, S.; Peron, G.
Chemical Composition, Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Activities of Essential Oil of the Inflorescence of Anacamptis coriophora subsp. fragrans (Orchidaceae) from Tunisia
2016 El Mokni, Ridha; Hammami, Saoussen; Dall'Acqua, Stefano; Peron, Gregorio; Faidi, Khaled; Braude, JEREMY PHILLIP; Sebei, Houcine; El Aouni, Mohamed Hédi
Comprehensive characterization of secondary metabolites from colebrookea oppositifolia (Smith) leaves from nepal and assessment of cytotoxic effect and anti-Nf-κB and AP-1 activities in vitro
2020 Peron, G.; Hosek, J.; Phuyal, G. P.; Kandel, D. R.; Adhikari, R.; Dall'Acqua, S.
Development and validation of an HPLC-ELSD method for the quantification of 1-triacontanol in solid and liquid samples
2018 Sut, Stefania; Franceschi, Clizia; Peron, Gregorio; Poloniato, Gabriele; Dall'Acqua, Stefano
Development of an LC-DAD-MS-Based Method for the Analysis of Hydroxyanthracene Derivatives in Food Supplements and Plant Materials
2022 Loschi, Francesca; Faggian, Marta; Sut, Stefania; Ferrarese, Irene; Maccari, Erica; Peron, Gregorio; Dall'Acqua, Stefano
Hypericum triquetrifolium and H. neurocalycinum as Sources of Antioxidants and Multi-Target Bioactive Compounds: A Comprehensive Characterization Combining In Vitro Bioassays and Integrated NMR and LC-MS Characterization by Using a Multivariate Approach
2021 Dall'Acqua, S.; Ak, G.; Sinan, K. I.; Elbasan, F.; Ferrarese, I.; Sut, S.; Yildiztugay, E.; Peron, G.; Schievano, E.; Nancy Picot-Allain, M. C.; Mahomoodally, M. F.; Zengin, G.
Known triterpenes and their derivatives as scaffolds for the development of new therapeutic agents for cancer
2018 Peron, Gregorio; Marzaro, Giovanni; Dall'Acqua, Stefano
LC-MSn and HR-MS characterization of secondary metabolites from Hypericum japonicum Thunb. ex Murray from Nepalese Himalayan region and assessment of cytotoxic effect and inhibition of NF-κB and AP-1 transcription factors in vitro
2019 Peron, G.; Hosek, J.; Rajbhandary, S.; Pant, D. R.; Dall'Acqua, S.
Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents (NADES) to Enhance Berberine Absorption: An In Vivo Pharmacokinetic Study
2017 Sut, Stefania; Faggian, Marta; Baldan, Valeria; Poloniato, Gabriele; Castagliuolo, Ignazio; Grabnar, Iztok; Perissutti, Beatrice; Brun, Paola; Maggi, Filippo; Voinovich, Dario; Peron, Gregorio; Dall'Acqua, Stefano
NMR and LC-MSn coupled with pharmacological network analysis for the assessment of phytochemical content and biopharmaceutical potential of Carapa procera extracts
2021 Sinan, K. I.; Ferrarese, I.; Aktumsek, A.; Peron, G.; Glamocilja, J.; Sokovic, M.; Nenadic, M.; Dall'Acqua, S.; Zengin, G.
NMR, HS-SPME-GC/MS, and HPLC/MSnAnalyses of Phytoconstituents and Aroma Profile of Rosmarinus eriocalyx
2017 Bendif, Hamdi; Miara, Mohamed Djamel; Peron, Gregorio; Sut, Stefania; Dall'Acqua, Stefano; Flamini, Guido; Maggi, Filippo
Nutraceuticals, a new challenge for medicinal chemistry
2016 Sut, Stefania; Baldan, Valeria; Faggian, M; Peron, Gregorio; Dall'Acqua, Stefano
Phytochemical analysis of the labdanum-poor Cistus creticus subsp. eriocephalus (Viv.) Greuter et Burdet growing in central Italy
2016 Maggi, Filippo; Lucarini, Domenico; Papa, Fabrizio; Peron, Gregorio; Dall'Acqua, Stefano
Phytochemical investigations and antiproliferative secondary metabolites from Thymus alternans growing in Slovakia
2017 Dall'Acqua, Stefano; Peron, Gregorio; Ferrari, Sara; Gandin, Valentina; Bramucci, Massimo; Quassinti, Luana; Mártonfi, Pavol; Maggi, Filippo
Phytochemical investigations on Artemisia alba Turra growing in the North-East of Italy
2017 Peron, Gregorio; Baldan, Valeria; Sut, Stefania; Faggian, Marta; Roccabruna, Lorenzo; Zanini, Daniele; Manzini, Paolo; Maggi, Filippo; Dall'Acqua, Stefano
Polyphenol-Rich Larix decidua Bark Extract with Antimicrobial Activity against Respiratory-Tract Pathogens: A Novel Bioactive Ingredient with Potential Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Applications
2021 Faggian, Marta; Bernabè, Giulia; Ferrari, Sara; Francescato, Stefano; Baratto, Gianni; Castagliuolo, Ignazio; Dall'Acqua, Stefano; Peron, Gregorio