Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale - ICEA  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A new strategy for the initialization of MPM simulations 2023 Girardi VeronicaCeccato Francesca + - - Proceedings 10th NUMGE 2023.
An optical fiber-based monitoring system to study the seepage flow below the landside toe of a river levee 2021 Cola S.Girardi V.Simonini P.Schenato L. + JOURNAL OF CIVIL STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING - -
Characterizing marshland compressibility by an in-situ loading test: design and set-up of an experiment in the Venice Lagoon 2020 Teatini, PietroSimonini, PaoloGirardi, VeronicaZorzan, PaoloZoccarato, ClaudiaFerronato, MassimilianoRoner, MarcellaMarani, MarcoD'Alpaos, AndreaCola, Simonetta + - - Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences
Developing and testing multiphase MPM approaches for the stability of dams and river embankements 2019 Francesca CeccatoVeronica GirardiPaolo Simonini - - Proceedings of XXIV AIMETA Conference 2019
Effect of artificial snowing system on the stability of a ski slope in the Dolomites 2021 Ceccato F.Cola S.Girardi V.Simonini P. - - Proceeding of XIII International Symposium of Landslide
Evaluation of dynamic explicit MPM formulations for unsaturated soils 2019 Francesca CeccatoVeronica GirardiPaolo Simonini + - - PARTICLES 2019
Failure of levees induced by toe uplift: Investigation of post-failure behavior using material point method 2022 Girardi VeronicaCeccato FrancescaSimonini PaoloGabrieli Fabio + JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING - -
In-situ loading experiments reveal how the subsurface affects coastal marsh survival 2022 Zoccarato ClaudiaZorzan PaoloGirardi VeronicaSimonini PaoloTeatini Pietro + COMMUNICATIONS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT - -
Large Strain Analysis of Unsaturated Heterogeneous Slopes with MPM 2022 Girardi V.Ceccato F.Simonini P.Gabrieli F. + - LECTURE NOTES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Challenges and Innovations in Geomechanics. IACMAG 2022.
Modellazione del collasso arginale indotto da sollevamento al piede con il metodo dei punti materiali 2022 Girardi V.Ceccato F.Gabrieli F. - - Atti Del XI Incontro Annuale Dei Giovani Ingegneri Geotecnici. IAGIG 2022
Modellazione del collasso di un rilevato arginale con il metodo dei punti materiali per terreni parzialmente saturi 2021 Girardi VeronicaCeccato Francesca - - X Incontro Annuale dei Giovani Ingegneri Geotecnici. Atti del Convegno
Modellazione fisica in centrifuga di un argine fluviale soggetto a carichi idraulici variabili 2022 Girardi V.Zarattini F.Gabrieli F. + - - Atti dell'Incontro Annuale Dei Ricercatori Di Geotecnica – IARG2022
Modelling deformations in water retention structures with unsaturated material point method 2021 Girardi, VeronicaCeccato, FrancescaSimonini, Paolo + PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING - -
Modelling saturated soil column collapse with 2-phase 2-point material point method 2018 Veronica GirardiFrancesca CeccatoPaolo Simonini - - Book of Extended Abstracts 4th International Symposium on Computational Geomechanics
Modelling unsaturated soils with the Material Point Method. A discussion of the state-of-the-art 2022 Girardi, VeronicaCeccato, Francesca + GEOMECHANICS FOR ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT - -
MPM simulations of the impact of fast landslides on retaining dams 2018 Ceccato FrancescaSimonini PaoloGIRARDI, VERONICA - - Proceedings of China-Europe Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
Numerical and experimental investigation of saturated granularcolumn collapse in air 2020 Francesca CeccatoVeronica GirardiPaolo Simonini + SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS - -
Numerical study of uplift induced levee failure for the design of a centrifuge test 2022 Girardi V.Zarattini F.Gabrieli F. + - - Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on New Developments in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Saturated sand column collapse in air: comparison between MPM and coupled DEM-LBM 2019 Francesca CeccatoVeronica Girardipaolo Simonini + - - 2nd International Conference on the Material Point Method