This thesis was focused on the application of omics technology to understand the effect of nutritional and biostimulant stimuli in sugar beet and tomato. The application of such technologies in the agricultural research field is of great help to the rapid validation of more sustainable inputs in agriculture to preserve production and food security, ensuring environmental and economical sustainability along the process, and lessening the negative impact of agricultural intensification based on chemicals, started in the middle of the last century. Sugar beet is important since the production of white sugar has made it one of the world’s most important crops: it currently provides around 20% of the sugar requirement worldwide. Tomato instead, is one of the most important vegetables cultivated in the world, also well known for its beneficial properties. These traits make them suitable as model crop, for the evaluation of novel sustainable inputs with omics tools. The first part of the thesis presents a study on sugar beet leaf endophytes composition in response to variation of the availability of sulfur, a determinant nutrient for the growth and later sugar yield and purity in sugar beet taproot. A metabarcoding of the leaf bacterial 16S rRNA gene was carried out to determine leaf endophytic community structure and the results showed a fluctuation of the endophytes population in response to sulfur availability. These results demonstrate how important are nutrients but also how the plant microbiome can play a fundamental role as an indicator of the plant’s status. In the second part, a comparison was done between a chemical Ca-based fertilizer and a novel Ca-base fertilizer. The study included morphological and molecular evaluation of the effects of these two substances applied to tomato cv. Microtom. Results showed an increased tomato fruit yield for Ca-based biostimulant, as well as an improved gene expression for nutrient uptake related genes, correlated to an increment in the leaf ionome content. Taken together, these results showed also the beneficial biostimulant activity of the novel Ca-based biostimulant. In the third part, an intense study was done on an Ascophyllum nodosum extract (ANE), a promising biostimulant, through the transcriptome analysis in plants grown in controlled condition and in open field. Three dosages were tested, and the effect was monitored after 24, 48 and 72 hours after treatment. Through transcriptome, it was highlighted the role of ANE in triggering molecular responses linked to the plant hormonal metabolism of ABA and auxin synthesis, which resulted in significative increment in morphological traits for plants grown under controlled conditions, and in a significative increment in the sugar beet taproot yield and sugar content. These results demonstrate the biostimulant activity of ANE and promote transcriptomics as a valuable tool to dissect the complex metabolic response to different stimuli, in cultivated plants.
Questa tesi di dottorato è incentrata sull'applicazione delle tecnologie omiche per comprendere l'effetto degli stimoli nutrizionali e biostimolanti nella barbabietola da zucchero e nel pomodoro. L'applicazione di tali tecnologie nel campo della ricerca in agricoltura è di grande aiuto per la rapida adozione di input più sostenibili in agricoltura, al fine di preservare la produzione agricola e la sicurezza alimentare, garantendo la sostenibilità ambientale ed economica nel processo produttivo agricolo e riducendo l'impatto negativo dell'intensificazione agricola basata sui prodotti chimici, iniziata a metà del secolo scorso. La barbabietola da zucchero è fondamentale, infatti fornisce circa il 20% del fabbisogno mondiale di zucchero. Il pomodoro è uno degli ortaggi più importanti coltivati nel mondo, noto per le sue proprietà benefiche. Queste caratteristiche rendono tali piante adatte a diventare colture modello, per la valutazione di nuovi input sostenibili, con strumenti omici. La prima parte della tesi presenta un studio sulla variazione della composizione della popolazione di endofiti fogliari di barbabietola da zucchero in risposta alla variazione della disponibilità di zolfo, un nutriente fondamentale per la crescita della pianta e successivamente per la resa e la purezza dello zucchero nel fittone della barbabietola. È stato eseguito il metabarcoding del gene 16S rRNA batterico estratto da foglie, al fine di determinare la struttura della comunità endofitica fogliare. I risultati hanno mostrato una fluttuazione della popolazione di endofiti in risposta alla disponibilità di zolfo. Questi risultati mostrano quanto sia importante lo stato nutrizionale della pianta, ma anche come il microbioma fogliare possa giocare un ruolo fondamentale come indicatore biologico dello stato nutrizionale della pianta. Nella seconda parte, è stato effettuato un confronto tra un fertilizzante chimico a base di calcio e un nuovo biostimolante a base di calcio. Lo studio ha visto la valutazione morfologica e molecolare degli effetti di queste due sostanze applicate al pomodoro cv. Microtom. I risultati hanno mostrato un aumento della resa nelle piante di pomodoro trattate con il biostimolante, nonché una migliore espressione genica di alcuni geni correlati all'assorbimento dei nutrienti, legata anche ad un aumento del contenuto di nutrienti a livello fogliare. Presi insieme, questi risultati hanno mostrato anche l’attività biostimolante del nuovo prodotto a base di Ca. Nella terza parte è stato condotto un intenso studio su un estratto di Ascophyllum nodosum (ANE), usato come biostimolante, attraverso l'analisi del trascrittoma in piante coltivate in condizioni controllate e in pieno campo. Sono stati testati tre dosaggi e l'effetto è stato monitorato a 24, 48 e 72 ore dopo il trattamento. Attraverso il trascrittoma è stato evidenziato il ruolo di ANE nell'innescare risposte molecolari legate al metabolismo ormonale vegetale relativo alla percezione di ABA e alla sintesi dell'auxina. Questo ha determinato un significativo incremento dei caratteri morfologici nelle piante coltivate in condizioni controllate, nonché un significativo incremento della resa sia del fittone della barbabietola da zucchero resa che del suo contenuto zuccherino. Questi risultati dimostrano l'attività biostimolante dell'ANE e promuovono la trascrittomica come un prezioso strumento per studiare meglio la complessa risposta metabolica a diversi stimoli, nelle piante coltivate.
This thesis was focused on the application of omics technology to understand the effect of nutritional and biostimulant stimuli in sugar beet and tomato. The application of such technologies in the agricultural research field is of great help to the rapid validation of more sustainable inputs in agriculture to preserve production and food security, ensuring environmental and economical sustainability along the process, and lessening the negative impact of agricultural intensification based on chemicals, started in the middle of the last century. Sugar beet is important since the production of white sugar has made it one of the world’s most important crops: it currently provides around 20% of the sugar requirement worldwide. Tomato instead, is one of the most important vegetables cultivated in the world, also well known for its beneficial properties. These traits make them suitable as model crop, for the evaluation of novel sustainable inputs with omics tools. The first part of the thesis presents a study on sugar beet leaf endophytes composition in response to variation of the availability of sulfur, a determinant nutrient for the growth and later sugar yield and purity in sugar beet taproot. A metabarcoding of the leaf bacterial 16S rRNA gene was carried out to determine leaf endophytic community structure and the results showed a fluctuation of the endophytes population in response to sulfur availability. These results demonstrate how important are nutrients but also how the plant microbiome can play a fundamental role as an indicator of the plant’s status. In the second part, a comparison was done between a chemical Ca-based fertilizer and a novel Ca-base fertilizer. The study included morphological and molecular evaluation of the effects of these two substances applied to tomato cv. Microtom. Results showed an increased tomato fruit yield for Ca-based biostimulant, as well as an improved gene expression for nutrient uptake related genes, correlated to an increment in the leaf ionome content. Taken together, these results showed also the beneficial biostimulant activity of the novel Ca-based biostimulant. In the third part, an intense study was done on an Ascophyllum nodosum extract (ANE), a promising biostimulant, through the transcriptome analysis in plants grown in controlled condition and in open field. Three dosages were tested, and the effect was monitored after 24, 48 and 72 hours after treatment. Through transcriptome, it was highlighted the role of ANE in triggering molecular responses linked to the plant hormonal metabolism of ABA and auxin synthesis, which resulted in significative increment in morphological traits for plants grown under controlled conditions, and in a significative increment in the sugar beet taproot yield and sugar content. These results demonstrate the biostimulant activity of ANE and promote transcriptomics as a valuable tool to dissect the complex metabolic response to different stimuli, in cultivated plants.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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