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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A comparison between numerical methods for evaluating ground coupled heat pump systems performance 2017 ZARRELLA, ANGELODE CARLI, MICHELEEMMI, GIUSEPPE + - - 3rd Building Simulation Applications Conference BSA 2017
A comparison of numerical simulation methods analyzing the performance of a ground-coupled heat pump system 2018 Zarrella, AngeloDe Carli, MicheleEmmi, Giuseppe + SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT - -
A data base for European climatic data for energy potentials and mapping 2016 DE CARLI, MICHELEEMMI, GIUSEPPEGALGARO, ANTONIOGRACI, SAMANTHAZARRELLA, ANGELO + - - CLIMA 2016
A database for climatic conditions around Europe for promoting GSHP solutions 2018 De Carli, MicheleCultrera, MatteoSanta, Giorgia DallaDi Bella, AntoninoEmmi, GiuseppeGalgaro, AntonioGraci, SamanthaPerego, RodolfoZarrella, Angelo + GEOSCIENCES - -
A double source heat pump: A case study 2018 Zarrella A.De Carli M.Emmi G. + - - 2nd IGSHPA Research Track
A dynamic analysis of a SAGSHP system coupled to solar thermal collectors and photovoltaic-thermal panels under different climate conditions 2020 Emmi G.Bordignon S.Zarrella A.De Carli M. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT - -
A European Database of Building Energy Profiles to Support the Design of Ground Source Heat Pumps 2019 CARNIELETTO, LAURAGraci, SamanthaEmmi, GiuseppeZarrella, AngeloDi Bella, AntoninoDalla Santa, GiorgiaGalgaro, AntonioDe Carli, Michele + ENERGIES - -
A heat pump coupled with photovoltaic thermal hybrid solar collectors: A case study of a multi-source energy system 2017 Emmi, GiuseppeZarrella, AngeloDe Carli, Michele ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT - -
A new air handling unit system for residential buildings: Experiment and simulation-based analysis 2019 Zarrella A.Emmi G. + IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING - IAQVEC2019, 10th International Conference On Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation And Energy Conservation In Buildings
A Novel Ground-Source Heat Pump with R744 and R1234ze as Refrigerants 2020 Emmi, G.Bordignon, S.Carnieletto, L.De Carli, M.Poletto, F.Galgaro, A.Mezzasalma, G. + ENERGIES - -
A sensitivity analysis on the heating and cooling energy flexibility of residential buildings 2020 Vivian J.Emmi G.Zarrella A. + SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY - -
A simplified calculation method to evaluate heating and cooling loads of buildings 2016 DE CARLI, MICHELEEMMI, GIUSEPPEALESSIO, GIULIA + - - CLIMA 2016 - proceedings of the 12th REHVA World Congress
A simulation-based analysis of photovoltaic thermal hybrid solar collectors with a new TRNSYS type model 2019 Emmi G.BORDIGNON, SARAZarrella A.Vivian J. + JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES - 37th UIT Heat Transfer Conference
A simulation-based analysis of variable flow pumping in ground source heat pump systems with different types of borehole heat exchangers: A case study 2017 ZARRELLA, ANGELOEMMI, GIUSEPPEDE CARLI, MICHELE ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT - -
A solar-assisted low-temperature district heating and cooling network coupled with a ground-source heat pump 2022 Bordignon S.Quaggiotto D.Vivian J.Emmi G.De Carli M.Zarrella A. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT - -
A survey on performance of heat pumps present on the Italian market 2011 DE CARLI, MICHELEEMMI, GIUSEPPE + - - Sources/Sinks alternative to the outside Air for Heat Pump and Air-Conditioning Techniques (Alternative Sources - AS)
Absorption gas fired chiller: recovery heat for heating in winter 2011 EMMI, GIUSEPPEDE CARLI, MICHELE + - - International Sorption Heat Pump Conference (ISHPC11)
Algoritmi e procedure per la valutazione del fabbisogno energetico per la climatizzazione degli edifici 2008 EMMI, GIUSEPPEZECCHIN, ROBERTO + - - Aicarr - Certificazione energetica: normative e modelli di calcolo per il sistema edificio-impianto posti a confronto
All-air system and radiant floor for heating and cooling in residential buildings: A simulation-based analysis 2020 Alessio GiuliaEmmi GiuseppeDe Carli MicheleZarrella Angelo SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT - -
An analysis of solar assisted ground source heat pumps in cold climates 2015 EMMI, GIUSEPPEZARRELLA, ANGELODE CARLI, MICHELEGALGARO, ANTONIO ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT - -