A numerical routine for the crossed vertex diagram with a massive-particle loop
2019 Bonciani, R.; Degrassi, G.; Giardino, P. P.; Groeber, R.
Analytical Method for Next-to-Leading-Order QCD Corrections to Double-Higgs Production
2018 Bonciani, R.; Degrassi, G.; Giardino, P. P.; Groeber, R.
Gluon fusion production at NLO: merging the transverse momentum and the high-energy expansions
2022 Bellafronte, L; Degrassi, G; Giardino, Pp; Groeber, R; Vitti, Marco
Higgs-mass predictions in the MSSM and beyond
2021 Slavich, P.; Heinemeyer, S.; Bagnaschi, E.; Bahl, H.; Goodsell, M.; Haber, H. E.; Hahn, T.; Harlander, R.; Hollik, W.; Lee, G.; Muhlleitner, M.; Passehr, S.; Rzehak, H.; Stockinger, D.; Voigt, A.; Wagner, C. E. M.; Weiglein, G.; Allanach, B. C.; Biekotter, T.; Borowka, S.; Braathen, J.; Carena, M.; Dao, T. N.; Degrassi, G.; Domingo, F.; Drechsel, P.; Ellwanger, U.; Gabelmann, M.; Groeber, R.; Klappert, J.; Kwasnitza, T.; Meuser, D.; Mihaila, L.; Murphy, N.; Nickel, K.; Porod, W.; Rojas, E. A. R.; Sobolev, I.; Staub, F.
NLO-QCD corrections to Higgs pair production in the MSSM
2016 Agostini, A.; Degrassi, G.; Groeber, R.; Slavich, P.
On the NLO QCD corrections to gluon-initiated ZH production
2022 Degrassi, G; Groeber, R; Vitti, Marco; Zhao, Xr
On the O(alpha(2)(t)) two-loop corrections to the neutral Higgs boson masses in the MSSM
2002 A., Brignole; Degrassi, Giuseppe; Slavich, Pietro; Zwirner, Fabio
On the two-loop virtual QCD corrections to Higgs boson pair production in the standard model
2016 Degrassi, G.; Giardino, P. P.; Groeber, R.
Virtual corrections to gg→ZH via a transverse momentum expansion
2021 Alasfar, L.; Degrassi, G.; Giardino, P.; Groeber, R.; Vitti, Marco