Cleansing the Soul by Hurting the Flesh: The Guilt-Reducing Effect of Pain
2011 B., Bastian; J., Jetten; Fasoli, Fabio
Enhancing Masculinity by Slandering Homosexuals: The Role of Homophobic Epithets in Heterosexual Gender Identity
2011 A., Carnaghi; Maass, Anne; Fasoli, Fabio
Gay Voice: Stable Marker of Sexual Orientation or Flexible Communication Device?
2020 Daniele, M.; Fasoli, F.; Antonio, R.; Sulpizio, S.; Maass, A.
Gay- and Lesbian-Sounding Auditory Cues Elicit Stereotyping and Discrimination
2017 Fasoli, Fabio; Maass, Anne; Paladino, Maria Paola; Sulpizio, Simone
Gli effetti delle etichette denigratorie sugli spettatori: il caso degli epiteti omofobi
2012 Fasoli, Fabio; A., Carnaghi; M. P., Paladino
Identità sociale, relazioni intergruppi e seconda lingua in Provincia di Bolzano: i risultati della ricerca KOLIPSI
2013 M. P., Paladino; D., Forer; Fasoli, Fabio; M., Mazzurega
Instagram Sexualization: When posts make you feel dissatisfied and wanting to change your body
2021 Guizzo, F.; Canale, N.; Fasoli, F.
Labelling and discrimination: Do homophobic epithets undermine fair distribution of resources?
2015 Fasoli, Fabio; Maass, Anne; Carnaghi, Andrea
Le conseguenze del linguaggio omofobo su omosessuali ed eterosessuali
2013 Fasoli, Fabio; M. P., Paladino; A., Carnaghi
Losing Our Humanity: The Self-Dehumanizing Consequences of Social Ostracism
2013 B., Bastian; J., Jetten; H., Chen; H. R. M., Radke; J. F., Harding; Fasoli, Fabio
Stereotypical Disease Inferences From Gay/Lesbian Versus Heterosexual Voices
2018 Fasoli, Fabio; Maass, Anne; Sulpizio, Simone
The (Female) graduate: Choice and consequences of women's clothing
2018 Fasoli, Fabio; Maass, Anne; Volpato, Chiara; Pacilli, Maria Giuseppina
The Social Costs of Sounding Gay: Voice-Based Impressions of Adoption Applicants
2020 Fasoli, Fabio; Maass, Anne
The Social Costs of Sounding Gay: Voice-Based Impressions of Adoption Applicants
2020 Fasoli, F.; Maass, A.
The sound of voice: Voice-based categorization of speakers' sexual orientation within and across languages
2015 Sulpizio, Simone; Fasoli, Fabio; Maass, Anne; Paladino, Maria Paola; Vespignani, Francesco; Eyssel, Friederike; Bentler, Dominik
Voice and Prejudice: The Social Costs of Auditory Gaydar
2018 Fasoli, Fabio; Maass, Anne
Voice Changes Meaning: The Role of Gay- Versus Straight-Sounding Voices in Sentence Interpretation
2020 Fasoli, F.; Maass, A.; Karniol, R.; Antonio, R.; Sulpizio, S.
Who wants to sound straight? Sexual majority and minority stereotypes, beliefs and desires about auditory gaydar
2018 Fasoli, Fabio; Hegarty, Peter; Maass, Anne; Antonio, Raquel
Why did Italians protest against Berlusconi's sexist behaviour? The role of sexist beliefs and emotional reactions in explaining women and men's pathways to protest
2013 Maria Paola, Paladino; Sara, Zaniboni; Fasoli, Fabio; Jeroen, Vaes; Chiara, Volpato