Dipartimento di Territorio e Sistemi Agro-Forestali - TESAF
Disentangling the climate-driven bimodal growth pattern in coastal and continental Mediterranean pine stands.
2017 PACHECO SOLANA, Arturo; Camarero, Jj; Ribas, M; Gazol, A; Gutierrez, E; Carrer, Marco
Growth rings show limited evidence for ungulates’ potential to suppress shrubs across the Arctic
2022 Vuorinen, Katariina; Austrheim, Gunnar; Tremblay, Jean-Pierre; Myers-Smith, Isla H.; Hortman, Hans Ivar; Frank, Peter; Barrio, Isabel C.; Dalerum, Fredrik; Björkman, Mats P.; Björk, Robert G.; Ehrich, Dorothee; Sokolov, Aleksandr; Sokolova, Natalia; Ropars, Pascale; Boudreau, Stephane; Normand, Signe; Prendin, Angela Luisa; Schmidt, Niels Martin; Pacheco, Arturo; Post, Eric; John, Christian; Kerby, Jeff T; Sullivan, Patrick F; Le Moullec, Mathilde; Hansen, Brage Bremset; Van der Wal, Rene; Pedersen, Åshild Ønvik; Sandal, Lisa; Gough, Laura; Young, Amanda; Li, Bingxi; Magnússon, Rúna Íris; Sass-Klaassen, Ute; Buchwal, Agata; Welker, Jeffery M; Grogan, Paul; Andruko, Rhett; Morrissette-Boileau, Clara; Volkovitskiy, Alexander; Terekhina, Alexandra; Speed, James David Mervyn
Growth, wood anatomy and stable isotopes show species-specific couplings in three Mexican conifers inhabiting drought-prone areas
2020 Pacheco, A.; Camarero, J. J.; Pompa-Garcia, M.; Battipaglia, G.; Voltas, J.; Carrer, M.
Linking wood anatomy and xylogenesis allows pinpointing of climate and drought influences on growth of coexisting conifers in continental Mediterranean climate
2016 PACHECO SOLANA, Arturo; Camarero, J. Julio; Carrer, Marco
Modificación de olfatómetros de cuatro brazos para experimentación en broca del café, hypothenemus hampei Ferrari (coleoptera: curculionidae)
2012 PACHECO SOLANA, Arturo; Blanco Metzler, Helga; Mora, Rebeca
Shifts of irrigation in Aleppo pine under semi-arid conditions reveal uncoupled growth and carbon storage and legacy effects on wood anatomy
2018 Pacheco, Arturo; Camarero, J. Julio; Carrer, Marco
Tree-ring anatomy and carbon isotope ratio show both direct and legacy effects of climate on bimodal xylem formation in Pinus pinea
2018 Castagneri, Daniele; Battipaglia, Giovanna; von Arx, Georg; Pacheco, Arturo; Carrer, Marco