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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
Book review: W. Bull, Optional Instruments of EU Law, Oxford/Antwerp/Portland: Intersentia 2016 2017 Annalisa Volpato COMMON MARKET LAW REVIEW - -
Conclusion 2022 Volpato, Annalisa + - - Boards of Appeal of EU Agencies
Controlling the Invisible: Accountability Issues in the Exercise of Implementing Powers by EU Agencies and in Harmonised Standardisation 2019 Annalisa Volpato REVIEW OF EUROPEAN ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - -
Delegation of Powers in the EU Legal System 2022 Volpato, A - - -
Il trattamento giurisprudenziale della “discrezionalità tecnica” nell’esperienza della Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione europea 2021 Annalisa Volpato + - - Le valutazioni tecnico-scientifiche tra amministrazione e giudice: Concrete dinamiche dell’ordinamento
Independence and transparency policies of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) 2023 Annalisa Volpato + - - -
Institutional Architecture of EU Environmental Governance: The Role of EU Agencies 2020 Volpato A + - - EU Environmental Law Research Handbook
Intra-EU Transport of Animals: When the Coherence of the Internal Market Borders on the Perverse 2015 Annalisa Volpato EUROPEAN LAW REPORTER - -
Introduction 2022 Volpato, Annalisa + - - Boards of Appeal of EU Agencies
Judicial Review of the Acts of EU Agencies: Discretion Escaping Scrutiny? 2019 Volpato, Annalisa - - -
La riforma del regolamento sui Novel Food: alla ricerca di un impossibile equilibrio? 2015 VOLPATO, ANNALISA RIVISTA DI DIRITTO ALIMENTARE - -
Lessons for Participation from an Interdisciplinary Law and Sustainability Science Approach: The Reform of the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive 2023 Volpato A. + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RISK REGULATION - -
Mealworms for Dinner? The Authorisation of First Insect as Novel Food 2021 Annalisa Volpato EU LAW LIVE - -
Mutual Recognition, Pre-emption and De-centralisation in the Common Agricultural Policy 2020 Annalisa Volpato REVIEW OF EUROPEAN ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - -
Novel Foods in the EU Integrated Administrative Space: An Institutional Perspective 2022 Volpato, Annalisa - - Novel Foods and Edible Insects in the European Union
On Consumer, Evocation and Cider Spirit. Note on Case C-75/15 of the Court of Justice of the European Union 2016 Annalisa Volpato EUROPEAN FOOD AND FEED LAW REVIEW - -
Op-Ed: Rules Behind Paywall: the Problem with References to International Standards in EU law 2021 Annalisa Volpato EULawLive - -
Optional Instruments of EU Law by William Bull 2017 Volpato A COMMON MARKET LAW REVIEW - -
Sketching Out the Role and Function of the ECHA Board of Appeal: Germany v ECHA and BASF v ECHA 2020 Annalisa Volpato + EUROPEAN LAW REVIEW - -
The Board of Appeal of the European Chemicals Agency at a Crossroads 2022 Volpato, Annalisa + - - Boards of Appeal of EU Agencies. Towards Judicialization of Administrative Review?