Biondi, Riccardo
Biondi, Riccardo
Dipartimento di Geoscienze
A generalized deforestation and land-use change scenario generator for use in climate modelling studies
2015 Tompkins, A. M.; Caporaso, L.; Biondi, R.; Bell, J. P.
A multi-sensor satellite-based archive of the largest SO2volcanic eruptions since 2006
2020 Tournigand, P. -Y.; Cigala, V.; Lasota, E.; Hammouti, M.; Clarisse, L.; Brenot, H.; Prata, F.; Kirchengast, G.; Steiner, A. K.; Biondi, R.
Anak Krakatau triggers volcanic freezer in the upper troposphere
2020 Prata, A. T.; Folch, A.; Prata, A. J.; Biondi, R.; Brenot, H.; Cimarelli, C.; Corradini, S.; Lapierre, J.; Costa, A.
Analysis of aerosol optical depth retrieved by MODIS and MERIS and comparison with photometer data
2009 Bocci, E; Bonafoni, S; Basili, P; Biondi, R; Arino, O
Assessing the effects of air temperature and rainfall on malaria incidence: an epidemiological study across Rwanda and Uganda
2016 Colon-Gonzalez, F. J.; Tompkins, A. M.; Biondi, R.; Bizimana, J. P.; Namanya, D. B.
Bending Angle and Temperature Climatologies from Global Positioning System Radio Occultations
2013 Biondi, R.; Neubert, T.
Characterization of thermal structure and conditions for overshooting of tropical and extratropical cyclones with GPS radio occultation
2015 Biondi, R.; Steiner, A. K.; Kirchengast, G.; Rieckh, T.
Comparison of fractal dimension oscillations and trends of rainfall data from Pastaza Province, Ecuador and Veneto, Italy
2009 Kalauzi, A.; Cukic, M.; Millan, H.; Bonafoni, S.; Biondi, R.
Cross-Comparison and methodological improvement in GPS tomography
2020 Brenot, H.; Rohm, W.; Kacmarik, M.; Moller, G.; Sa, A.; Tondas, D.; Rapant, L.; Biondi, R.; Manning, T.; Champollion, C.
Detecting volcanic plume signatures on GNSS signal, Based on the 2014 Sakurajima Eruption
2022 Cegla, A.; Rohm, W.; Lasota, E.; Biondi, R.
Editorial for special issue "Convective and Volcanic Clouds (CVC)"
2020 Biondi, R.; Corradini, S.
First results of the "Carbonaceous Aerosol in Rome and Environs (CARE)" Experiment: Beyond current standards for PM10
2017 Costabile, F.; Alas, H.; Aufderheide, M.; Avino, P.; Amato, F.; Argentini, S.; Barnaba, F.; Berico, M.; Bernardoni, V.; Biondi, R.; Calzolai, G.; Canepari, S.; Casasanta, G.; Ciampichetti, S.; Conidi, A.; Cordelli, E.; Ianni, A. D.; Liberto, L. D.; Facchini, M. C.; Facci, A.; Frasca, D.; Gilardoni, S.; Grollino, M. G.; Gualtieri, M.; Lucarelli, F.; Malaguti, A.; Manigrasso, M.; Montagnoli, M.; Nava, S.; Padoan, E.; Perrino, C.; Petralia, E.; Petenko, I.; Querol, X.; Simonetti, G.; Tranfo, G.; Ubertini, S.; Valli, G.; Valentini, S.; Vecchi, R.; Volpi, F.; Weinhold, K.; Wiedensholer, A.; Zanini, G.; Gobbi, G. P.
GNSS radio occultation advances the monitoring of volcanic clouds: The case of the 2008 Kasatochi eruption
2019 Cigala, V.; Biondi, R.; Prata, A. J.; Steiner, A. K.; Kirchengast, G.; Brenot, H.
Is an NWP-Based Nowcasting System Suitable for Aviation Operations?
2022 Mazzarella, V; Milelli, M; Lagasio, M; Federico, S; Torcasio, Rc; Biondi, R; Realini, E; Llasat, Mc; Rigo, T; Esbri, L; Kerschbaum, M; Temme, Mm; Gluchshenko, O; Parodi, A
Measurements of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere during tropical cyclones using the GPS radio occultation technique
2011 Biondi, R.; Neubert, T.; Syndergaard, S.; Nielsen, J.
Multi-Sensor Data Analysis of an Intense Weather Event: The July 2021 Lake Como Case Study
2022 Mascitelli, Alessandra; Petracca, Marco; Puca, Silvia; Realini, Eugenio; Gatti, Andrea; Biondi, Riccardo; Anesiadou, Aikaterini; Brocca, Luca; Vulpiani, Gianfranco; Torcasio, Rosa Claudia; Federico, Stefano; Oriente, Antonio; Dietrich, Stefano
Nonlinear dynamics of meteorological variables: Multifractality and chaotic invariants in daily records from Pastaza, Ecuador
2010 Millan, H.; Kalauzi, A.; Cukic, M.; Biondi, R.
Nowcasting extreme rain and extreme wind speed with machine learning techniques applied to different input datasets
2023 Chkeir, Sandy; Anesiadou, Aikaterini; Mascitelli, Alessandra; Biondi, Riccardo
Radio occultation and ground-based GNSS products for observing, understanding and predicting extreme events: A review
2019 Bonafoni, S.; Biondi, R.; Brenot, H.; Anthes, R.
Radio occultation bending angle anomalies during tropical cyclones
2011 Biondi, R.; Neubert, T.; Syndergaard, S.; Nielsen, J. K.