Dipartimento di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e della Socializzazione - DPSS
"The role of parents' socio political ideology, RWA and SDO in school aged children's social mindfulness"
2019 Tumino, Matilde; Contin, Giulia; &, ; Carraro, Luciana
Disuguaglianze socio-economiche: quando la salienza della classe sociale influisce sulla social mindfulness
2021 Tumino, Matilde; Carraro, Luciana
Face mask use as a categorical dimension in social perception
2022 Castelli, Luigi; Tumino, Matilde; Carraro, Luciana
I feel your eyes on me: How perceived control affects self-objectification and body consciousness in women
2021 Ronchetti, S; Fasoli, F; Rusconi, P; Tumino, M
La mangio o non la mangio l’ultima fetta? Il caso della Social Mindfulness come processo decisionale.
2019 Tumino, M.; Carraro, L.; &, ; Fasoli, F
Personal vs. global consequences of a threat: different reactions in left and right-wingers
2022 Tumino, Matilde; Valmori, Alessia; Carraro, Luciana; Castelli, LUIGI ALESSANDRO
Sento il tuo sguardo su di me: effetti protettivi del senso di controllo personale contro l’auto-oggettivazione sessuale nelle donne
2021 Rocchetti, Silvia; Fasoli, Fabio; Rusconi, Patrice; Tumino, Matilde
Social Mindfulness and Political Ideology: interdependence with an ingroup or an outgroup member
2021 Tumino, Matilde; Carraro, Luciana; Fasoli, Fabio
The effect of Social Norms on Groups Categorization: Face Masking Policy and Its Impact on Social Cognition
2021 Tumino, Matilde; Castelli, LUIGI ALESSANDRO; Carraro, Luciana
The Effect of Social Norms on Groups Categorization: Face Masking Policy and Its Impact on Social Cognition
2022 Tumino, Matilde; Castelli, Luigi; Carraro, Luciana
The effects of Face Mask in automatic categorization processes
2022 Tumino, Matilde; Castelli, LUIGI ALESSANDRO; Carraro, Luciana
The politicization of COVID-19 prevention norms and intergroup attitudes: two different time frames of the pandemic in Italy
2023 Tumino, Matilde; Castelli, LUIGI ALESSANDRO; Carraro, Luciana
Unmasking Social Attitudes: Probing the Pandemic's Effects on Individual and Group Perception
2024 Tumino, Matilde