A combinatorial approach to the (positive) reachability of 2D positive systems
2003 Fornasini, Ettore; Valcher, MARIA ELENA
A note on the state space realization of 2D FIR transfer functions
1990 Fornasini, Ettore; Zampieri, Sandro
A polynomial matrix approach to the structural properties of 2D positive systems
2006 Fornasini, Ettore; Valcher, MARIA ELENA; Pinto, R.
A polynomial matrix approach to the structural properties of positive 2D systems
2005 Fornasini, Ettore; Valcher, MARIA ELENA; Pinto, R.
Algebraic aspects of 2D convolutional codes
1994 Fornasini, Ettore; Valcher, MARIA ELENA
Algebraic aspects of 2D singular systems
1991 Fornasini, Ettore; Zampieri, Sandro
Asymptotic stability and stabilizability of special classes of discrete-time positive switched systems
2013 Fornasini, Ettore; Valcher, MARIA ELENA
2004 Fornasini, Ettore; Pinto, R.
Code Decomposition in the Analysis of a Convolutional Code
2008 Fornasini, Ettore; Pinto, R.
Controllability and reachability of 2D positive systems: a graph theoretic approach
2004 Fornasini, Ettore; Valcher, MARIA ELENA
Controllability and reachability of 2D positive systems: a graph theoretic approach
2005 Fornasini, Ettore; Valcher, MARIA ELENA
Directed graphs, 2D state models and characteristic polynomials of irreducible matrix pairs
1997 Fornasini, Ettore; Valcher, MARIA ELENA
Duality analysis of 2D convolutional codesProceedings of 1994 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory
1994 Fornasini, Ettore; Valcher, MARIA ELENA
Fault Detection Analysis of Boolean Control Networks
2015 Fornasini, Ettore; Valcher, MARIA ELENA
Fault detection of Boolean control networks
2014 Fornasini, Ettore; Valcher, MARIA ELENA
Fault detection problems for Boolean networks and Boolean control networks
2015 Fornasini, Ettore; Valcher, MARIA ELENA
Feedback stabilization, regulation and optimal control of Boolean control networks
2014 Fornasini, Ettore; Valcher, MARIA ELENA
Finite-horizon optimal control of Boolean control networks
2013 Fornasini, Ettore; Valcher, MARIA ELENA
Identification problems for Boolean networks and Boolean control networks
2014 Fornasini, Ettore; Valcher, MARIA ELENA
Il percorso professionale dei laureati in Ingegneria nell’arco dei primi 18 mesi dal conseguimento del titolo
2005 Corain, Livio; Fornasini, Ettore; Salmaso, Luigi