Dipartimento di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e della Socializzazione - DPSS  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
"united we stand, divided we fall"! the protective function of self-stereotyping for stigmatised members' psychological well-being 2009 LATROFA, MARCELLAVAES, JEROEN ANDRE' FILIPPASTORE, MASSIMILIANOCADINU, MARIA ROSARIA APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY - -
#SexyBodyPositive: When Sexualization Does Not Undermine Young Women’s Body Image 2023 Di Michele D.Guizzo F.Canale N.Cadinu M. + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH - -
Alla ricerca delle radici dello Stereotype Threat: Quando l'attivazione dello stereotipo di genere sulla matematica produce un calo di prestazione in bambine che non possiedono consapevolezza dello stereotipo. 2012 GALDI, SILVIACADINU, MARIA ROSARIA + - - Atti del congresso
An Integrative Model of Social Identification: Self-stereotyping and Self-anchoring as Two Cognitive Pathways 2016 CADINU, MARIA ROSARIA + PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY REVIEW - -
Asimmetrie nel processo di attribuzione causale: il caso del self-serving bias 1995 CADINU, MARIA ROSARIA SCIENZE DELL'INTERAZIONE - -
Asymmetries in the attributional processes: the role of linguistic mediators 1992 CADINU, MARIA ROSARIA + - - Asymmetry phenomena in interperonal comparison: cognitive and social issues
Autostereotipizzazione: una questione di status sociale 2014 GUIZZO, FRANCESCACADINU, MARIA ROSARIA THE INQUISITIVE MIND - -
Chameleonic social identities: Context induces shifts in homosexuals’ self-categorization and self-stereotyping. 2013 CADINU, MARIA ROSARIAMAASS, ANNE + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY - -
Checkmate? The role of gender stereotypes in the ultimate intellectual sport 2008 MAASS, ANNECADINU, MARIA ROSARIA + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY - -
Cognitive and affective factors in the development and maintenance of biased intergroup relations 1997 ARCURI, LUCIANOCADINU, MARIA ROSARIA SWISS JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY - -
Comparing Self-stereotyping with In-group-stereotyping and Out-group-stereotyping in Unequal-status Groups: The Case of Gender. 2013 CADINU, MARIA ROSARIA + SELF AND IDENTITY - -
Compensatory biases after ingroup threat: Yeah, but we have a good personality 2001 CADINU, MARIA ROSARIA + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY - -
Converting verbs into adjectives: asymmetrical memory distortions for stereotypic and counterstereotypic information. 2005 MAASS, ANNECADINU, MARIA ROSARIA + GROUP PROCESSES & INTERGROUP RELATIONS - -
Defending the Victim of Sexual Harassment: The Influence of Civil Courage and Media Exposure 2017 Cadinu, Mara + PSYCHOLOGY OF WOMEN QUARTERLY - -
Describing my body or my personality? The effects of self-objectification on body monitoring and shame 2014 GUIZZO, FRANCESCACADINU, MARIA ROSARIA - - -
Differential representations of the Self-Ingroup overall: The role of in-group status 2008 LATROFA, MARCELLAVAES, JEROEN ANDRE' FILIPCADINU, MARIA ROSARIA + - - 10th European Social Cognition Network transfer of knowledge conference: Book of Abstracts
Dimmi chi sei e ti diro cosa penso: processi di sterotipizzazione in contesti di giustificazione 2005 CADINU, MARIA ROSARIA + GIORNALE ITALIANO DI PSICOLOGIA - -
Discrimination of a low-status outgroup: The role of ingroup threat 2002 CADINU, MARIA ROSARIA + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY - -
Does Sex Really Sell? Paradoxical Effects of Sexualization in Advertising on Product Attractiveness and Purchase Intentions 2021 Cadinu, MaraGuizzo, Francesca + SEX ROLES - -