[New perspectives in monitoring of exposures to carcinogens]
2011 Pavanello, Sofia; Lotti, Marcello
A Critical Review on Oximes in the Treatment of Acute Organophosphate Poisoning
2003 Lotti, Marcello
A risky business
2002 Lotti, Marcello; Nicotera, P.
Age sensitivity to organophosphate-induced delayed polyneuropathy. Biochemical and toxicological studies in developing chicks.
1991 Moretto, A; Capodicasa, E; Peraica, M; Lotti, Marcello
Age-related sensitivity of the nervous system to neurotoxic insults
2002 Lotti, Marcello
Biological monitoring and risk assessment
2004 Lotti, Marcello; Maroni, M; Pira, E.
Biological monitoring for organophosphate-induced delayed polyneuropathy.
1986 Lotti, Marcello
Biological monitoring of carcinogens: current status and perspectives.
2012 Pavanello, Sofia; Lotti, Marcello
Blood copper in organophosphate-induced delayed polyneuropathy
1988 Lotti, Marcello; Caroldi, S; Moretto, A.
Carbon monoxide pollution is associated with decreased lung function in asthmatic adults
2010 Canova, Cristina; Torresan, S; Simonato, Lorenzo; Scapellato, MARIA LUISA; Tessari, R; Visentin, Annalisa; Lotti, Marcello; Maestrelli, Piero
Causes of the gulf war syndrome: Testing hypotheses
1999 Lotti, Marcello
Central-peripheral delayed neuropathy caused by diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate (DFP): segregation of peripheral nerve and spinal cord effects using biochemical, clinical and morphological criteria.
1987 Lotti, Marcello; Caroldi, S; Moretto, A; Johnson, Mk; Fish, Cj; Gopinath, C; Roberts, Nl
Chlorpyrifos-induced delayed polyneuropathy
1991 Capodicasa, E; Scapellato, Ml; Moretto, A; Caroldi, S; Lotti, Marcello
Cholinergic symptoms and Gulf War Syndrome.
1995 Lotti, Marcello; Moretto, A.
Cholinesterase inhibition: complexities in interpretation.
1995 Lotti, Marcello
Cholinesterases in human toluendiisocyanate exposure.
1976 Manno, M; Lotti, Marcello
Clinical expression of organophosphate-induced delayed polyneuropathy in rats
1992 Moretto, A; Capodicasa, E; Lotti, Marcello
Delayed neurotoxicity caused by a single massive dose of dichlorovus to adult hens.
1981 Caroldi, S; Lotti, Marcello
Delayed neurotoxicity caused by chronic feeding of organophosphates requires a high point of inhibition of neurotoxic esterase.
1980 Johnson, Mk; Lotti, Marcello
Discerning selectivities of organophosphate induced delayed polyneuropathy: a proposed approach to understanding its pathogenesis.
1990 Lotti, Marcello