Dipartimento di Geoscienze
Alpine exhumation determined by fission-tracks analysis and petrography of Tertiary sandstones of the Veneto foreland
2003 Zattin, Massimiliano; Stefani, Cristina; Martin, Silvana
Alternation of ecologic regimes in a deep-marine carbonate basin: calciturbidites trace fossils from the Cretaceous Scaglia Rossa, northeastern Italy
2004 Miller, W. I. I. I.; Stefani, Cristina; Grandesso, Paolo
Bronze Age paleohydrography of the southern Venetian Plain
2010 Piovan, Silvia; Mozzi, Paolo; Stefani, Cristina
Deterioration of the renaissance monument to Giovanni Calfurnio (Basilica of St. Anthony, Padova, Italy); diagnostic studies prior to restoration work
2005 Benchiarin, Simone; Baccelle, L.; Fassina, V.; Molin, Gianmario; Stefani, Cristina
2003 Zattin, Massimiliano; Stefani, Cristina; Martin, Silvana
Detrital fission-track analysis and petrography as keys of alpine exhumation: the example of the Veneto foreland (Southern Alps, Italy)
2003 Zattin, Massimiliano; Stefani, Cristina; Martin, Silvana
Exotic clasts of Upper Cretaceous Southalpine units (N Italy) point to uplift and erosion of uppermost Austroalpine (Eastalpine and Transdanubian) and E-Southalpine sources
2024 Massari, Francesco; Cadel, Giuseppe; Stefani, Cristina
From Middle Jurassic heating to Neogene cooling: The thermochronological evolution of the southern Alps
2006 Zattin, Massimiliano; Cuman, Andrea; Fantoni, R.; Martin, Silvana; Scotti, P.; Stefani, Cristina
From present rivers to old terrigenous sediments: the evolution of the drainage system in the eastern Southern Alps
2010 Monegato, Giovanni; Stefani, Cristina; Zattin, Massimiliano
Integrated biomagnetostratigraphy of the Alano section (NE Italy): A proposal for defining the middle-late Eocene boundary.
2011 Agnini, Claudia; Fornaciari, Eliana; Giusberti, Luca; Grandesso, Paolo; Lanci, L; Luciani, V; Muttoni, G; Pälike, H; Rio, Domenico; Spofforth, Dja; Stefani, Cristina
Integrated stratigraphy at the Bartonian−Priabonian transition: Correlation between shallow benthic and calcareous plankton zones (Varignano section, northern Italy)
2020 Luciani, Valeria; Fornaciari, Eliana; Papazzoni, Cesare A.; Dallanave, Edoardo; Giusberti, Luca; Stefani, Cristina; Amante, Enrico
Late Cretaceous Carbonate Turbidites of the Northern Apennines: Shaking Adria at the Onset of Alpine Collision
2004 Argnani, A.; Fontana, D.; Stefani, Cristina; Zuffa, G. G.
Late Holocene Palaeoenvironmental evolution and human settlements in the Adige River Plain (Italy)
2007 Piovan, Silvia; Mozzi, Paolo; Miola, Antonella; Stefani, Cristina
Middle Pleistocene to Holocene palaeoenvironmental evolution of the south-eastern Alpine foreland basin from multi-proxy analysis
2021 Marcolla, A.; Miola, A.; Mozzi, P.; Monegato, G.; Asioli, A.; Pini, R.; Stefani, C.
Polyphase tectonics through subsidence analysis: the Oligo-Miocene Venetian and Friuli Basin, north-east Italy
2000 Mellere, D.; Stefani, Cristina; Angevine, C.
Proposal for the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the Priabonian Stage (Eocene) at the Alano section (Italy)
2021 Agnini, Claudia; Backman, Jan; Boscolo Galazzo, Flavia; Condon Daniel, J.; Fornaciari, Eliana; Galeotti, Simone; Giusberti, Luca; Grandesso, Paolo; Lanci, Luca; Luciani, Valeria; Monechi, Simonetta; Muttoni, Giovanni; Pälike, Heiko; Pampaloni Maria, Letizia; Papazzoni Cesare, A.; Pearson Paul, N.; Pignatti, Johannes; Premoli Silva, Isabella; Raffi, Isabella; Rio, Domenico; Rook, Lorenzo; Sahy, Diana; Spofforth David, J. A.; Stefani, Cristina; Wade Bridget, S.
Provenance and paleogeographic evolution in a multi-source foreland: the cenozoic venetian basin (NE Italy)
2007 Stefani, Cristina; Fellin, M. G.; Zattin, Massimiliano; Zuffa, G. G.; Dalmonte, C.; Mancin, N.; Zanferrari, A.
Seesaw longitudinal-transverse drainage patterns driven by Middle and Late Pleistocene climate cycles in the foreland basin of the south-eastern European Alps
2021 Marcolla, A; Monegato, G; Mozzi, P; Miola, A; Stefani, C
Seesaw longitudinal–transverse drainage patterns driven by Middle and Late Pleistocene climate cycles in the foreland basin of the south-eastern European Alps
2021 Marcolla, A.; Monegato, G.; Mozzi, P.; Miola, A.; Stefani, C.
Stratigraphy and evolution of a long-lived fluvial system in the southeastern Alps (NE Italy): the Tagliamento conglomerate.
2010 Monegato, G; Stefani, Cristina