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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A prototype of a free-space QKD scheme based on the B92 protocol 2011 CANALE, MATTEOBACCO, DAVIDERENNA, FRANCESCOLAURENTI, NICOLAVALLONE, GIUSEPPEVILLORESI, PAOLO + - - International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies, ISABEL
Achievable secrecy rates for wiretap OFDM with QAM constellations 2011 RENNA, FRANCESCOLAURENTI, NICOLA + - - 1st International ICST Workshop on Secure Wireless Networks, SECURENETS 2011
Estimation of carrier and sampling frequency offset for Ultra Wide Band multiband OFDM systems 2008 LAURENTI, NICOLARENNA, FRANCESCO - - Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, 2008. ICUWB 2008.
High SNR secrecy rates with OFDM signaling over fading channels 2010 RENNA, FRANCESCOLAURENTI, NICOLA + - - Proceedings of the 21st Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2010)
Low-power secret-key agreement over OFDM 2013 RENNA, FRANCESCOLAURENTI, NICOLATOMASIN, STEFANO + - - Proceedings of the 2nd ACM workshop on Hot topics on wireless network security and privacy - HotWiSec '13
OFDM in emerging wireless networks: synchronization algorithms and physical layer security 2011 Renna, Francesco Renna - - -
On Schmidl-Cox-like frequency estimation applied to UWB impulse radio systems 2009 ERSEGHE, TOMASORENNA, FRANCESCO - - IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB 2009)
Performance analysis of a low-cost, low-complexity, free-space QKD scheme based on the B92 protocol 2011 CANALE, MATTEOBACCO, DAVIDERENNA, FRANCESCOLAURENTI, NICOLAVALLONE, GIUSEPPEVILLORESI, PAOLO + - - QCRYPT 2011: First Annual Conference on Quantum Cryptography
Physical layer secrecy for OFDM systems 2010 RENNA, FRANCESCOLAURENTI, NICOLA + - - European Wireless Conference, EW 2010
QKD secrecy for privacy amplification matrices with selective individual attacks 2011 CANALE, MATTEORENNA, FRANCESCOLAURENTI, NICOLA - - QCRYPT 2011: First Annual Conference on Quantum Cryptography
Resource allocation for secret transmissions on parallel Rayleigh channels 2014 LAURENTI, NICOLATOMASIN, STEFANORENNA, FRANCESCO - - 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)
Secrecy Transmission on Parallel Channels: Theoretical Limits and Performance of Practical Codes 2014 LAURENTI, NICOLATOMASIN, STEFANORENNA, FRANCESCO + IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY - -
Semi-Blind Key-Agreement over MIMO Fading Channels 2011 RENNA, FRANCESCOLAURENTI, NICOLA + - - IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2011
Semi-Blind Key-Agreement over MIMO Quasi-Static Channels 2011 RENNA, FRANCESCOLAURENTI, NICOLA + - - NEWCOM++ / COST 2100 Joint workshop, JNCW
The Jamming Game in an OFDM Setting 2011 RENNA, FRANCESCOLAURENTI, NICOLA + - - International Workshop on Game Theory in Communication Networks, GAMECOMM 2011
Time synchronization for OFDM systems in very dispersive channels 2009 RENNA, FRANCESCOLAURENTI, NICOLAERSEGHE, TOMASO - - Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, ICUWB '09