Dipartimento di Matematica "Tullio Levi-Civita" - DM
A combinatorial description of the monodromy of log curves
2021 Chiarellotto, Bruno
A comparaison theorem for weights
2002 Chiarellotto, Bruno; LE STUM, B.
1988 Chiarellotto, Bruno
A conjecture of Flach and Morin
2024 Chiarellotto, Bruno; Mazzari, Nicola; Nakada, Yukihide
A Neron-Ogg-Shafarevich criterion for K3 surfaces
2019 Chiarellotto, Bruno; Lazda, Chistopher; Liedtke, Christian
A note on fontaine theory using different Lubin-Tate groups
2014 Chiarellotto, Bruno; Esposito, Francesco
Algebraic versus rigid cohomology with logarithmic coefficients
1994 Chiarellotto, Bruno; Baldassarri, Francesco
An invintation to p-adic differential equations
2011 Chiarellotto, Bruno
An invitation to p-adic differential equations.
2011 Chiarellotto, Bruno
Arithmetic and Differential Swan Conductors of rank one representations with finite local monodromy
2009 Chiarellotto, Bruno; Pulita, A.
around l-indipendence
2018 Chiarellotto, Bruno; Lazda, Christopher
Clemens–Schmid exact sequence in characteristic $p$
2014 Chiarellotto, Bruno; Nobuo, Tsuzuki
Cohomological descent of rigid Cohomology for etale coverings
2003 Chiarellotto, Bruno; Tsuzuki, N.
Combinatorial Degenerations of Surfaces and Calabi-Yau Threefolds
2016 Chiarellotto, Bruno; Lazda, Christopher
Comparison of Relatively Unipotent Log de Rham Fundamental Groups
2023 Chiarellotto, Bruno; Di Proietto, Valentina; Shiho, Atsushi
Corrigendum: Around -independence
2020 Chiarellotto, Bruno; Lazda, Christopher
Cycle classes and the syntomic regulator
2013 Chiarellotto, Bruno; Ciccioni, Alice; Mazzari, Nicola
Duality in Rigid analysis
1990 Chiarellotto, Bruno
Dwork's 1994 Padova Lectures on Exponential Modules
2011 Chiarellotto, Bruno; Gerotto, Giovanni; Sullivan, FRANCIS J.
Dwork's 1994 Padova Lectures on Exponential Modules
2011 Chiarellotto, Bruno; Gerotto, Giovanni; Sullivan, F. J.