Università di Padova  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
Assessing the impact of brain gliomas on effective connectivity gradients 2023 Baron GiorgiaSilvestri EricaChiuso AlessandroCecchin DiegoCorbetta MaurizioBertoldo Alessandra + - - Convegno Nazionale di Bioingegneria
Assessing the relationship between hemodynamic alterations and [18F]FDG PET microparameters in brain gliomas 2023 Baron GiorgiaSilvestri E.Chiuso AlessandroCecchin D.Corbetta M.Bertoldo A. + JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW & METABOLISM - Oral Abstracts
BOLD-based hemodynamic features inferred from dynamic causal modeling relate to subject’s age range 2022 Baron, GiorgiaBenozzo, DaniloGindullina, ElvinaSilvestri, EricaChiuso, AlessandroBertoldo, Alessandra JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM - BRAIN and BRAIN PET 2022, 29 May-1 June 2022, Glasgow, UK
Controlling target brain regions by optimal selection of input nodes 2024 Baron, GiorgiaBenozzo, DaniloSilvestri, EricaCorbetta, MaurizioChiuso, AlessandroBertoldo, AlessandraSuweis, SamirAllegra, Michele + PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY - -
Effective-metabolic coupling discriminates brain lesion localisation in patients with gliomas 2023 G. BaronG. ValliniA. ChiusoDiego CecchinM. CorbettaAlessandra Bertoldo + JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM - Abstracts to BRAIN & BRAIN PET 2023, 12–15 June 2023, Brisbane, Australia
Exploring the large-scale mechanisms orchestrating human brain functioning through dynamic causal modelling of resting-state fMRI 2024 BARON, GIORGIA - - -
Incoming and Outgoing Information Flows Relate with Node Functional Strength both in Human and Mouse Resting State fMRI 2022 Giorgia BaronDanilo BenozzoElvina GindullinaMattia ZorziMaurizio CorbettaAlessandro ChiusoAlessandra Bertoldo + NEUROLOGY INTERNATIONAL - Conference Report- Abstracts of the Fourth Brainstorming Research Assembly for Young Neuroscientists (BraYn), Italy, 20–22 October 2021
Macroscale coupling between structural and effective connectivity in the mouse brain 2024 Danilo BenozzoGiorgia BaronAlessandro ChiusoAlessandra Bertoldo + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
Single region contribution to the brain dynamic (in)stability 2023 Benozzo D.Baron G.Baggio G.Gozzi A.Corbetta M.Chiuso A.Zampieri S.Bertoldo A. - - Convegno Nazionale di Bioingegneria