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Context. Gaia's readout window strategy is challenged by very dense fields in the sky. Therefore, in addition to standard Gaia observations, full Sky Mapper (SM) images were recorded for nine selected regions in the sky. A new software pipeline exploits these Service Interface Function (SIF) images of crowded fields (CFs), making use of the availability of the full two-dimensional (2D) information. This new pipeline produced half a million additional Gaia sources in the region of the omega Centauri (ω Cen) cluster, which are published with this Focused Product Release. We discuss the dedicated SIF CF data reduction pipeline, validate its data products, and introduce their Gaia archive table. Aims. Our aim is to improve the completeness of the Gaia source inventory in a very dense region in the sky, ω Cen. Methods. An adapted version of Gaia's Source Detection and Image Parameter Determination software located sources in the 2D SIF CF images. These source detections were clustered and assigned to new SIF CF or existing Gaia sources by Gaia s cross-match software. For the new sources, astrometry was calculated using the Astrometric Global Iterative Solution software, and photometry was obtained in the Gaia DR3 reference system. We validated the results by comparing them to the public Gaia DR3 catalogue and external Hubble Space Telescope data. Results. With this Focused Product Release, 526 587 new sources have been added to the Gaia catalogue in ω Cen. Apart from positions and brightnesses, the additional catalogue contains parallaxes and proper motions, but no meaningful colour information. While SIF CF source parameters generally have a lower precision than nominal Gaia sources, in the cluster centre they increase the depth of the combined catalogue by three magnitudes and improve the source density by a factor of ten. Conclusions. This first SIF CF data publication already adds great value to the Gaia catalogue. It demonstrates what to expect for the fourth Gaia catalogue, which will contain additional sources for all nine SIF CF regions.
Gaia Focused Product Release: Sources from Service Interface Function image analysis: Half a million new sources in omega Centauri
Gaia Collaboration,;Weingrill K.;Mints A.;Castaneda J.;Kostrzewa-Rutkowska Z.;Davidson M.;De Angeli F.;Hernandez J.;Torra F.;Ramos-Lerate M.;Babusiaux C.;Biermann M.;Crowley C.;Evans D. W.;Lindegren L.;Martin-Fleitas J. M.;Palaversa L.;Ruz Mieres D.;Tisanic K.;Brown A. G. A.;Vallenari A.;Prusti T.;De Bruijne J. H. J.;Arenou F.;Barbier A.;Creevey O. L.;Ducourant C.;Eyer L.;Guerra R.;Hutton A.;Jordi C.;Klioner S. A.;Lammers U.;Luri X.;Mignard F.;Randich S.;Sartoretti P.;Smiljanic R.;Tanga P.;Walton N. A.;Bailer-Jones C. A. L.;Bastian U.;Cropper M.;Drimmel R.;Katz D.;Soubiran C.;Van Leeuwen F.;Audard M.;Bakker J.;Blomme R.;Fabricius C.;Fouesneau M.;Fremat Y.;Galluccio L.;Guerrier A.;Masana E.;Messineo R.;Nicolas C.;Nienartowicz K.;Pailler F.;Panuzzo P.;Riclet F.;Roux W.;Seabroke G. M.;Sordo R.;Thevenin F.;Gracia-Abril G.;Portell J.;Teyssier D.;Altmann M.;Benson K.;Berthier J.;Burgess P. W.;Busonero D.;Busso G.;Canovas H.;Carry B.;Cheek N.;Clementini G.;Damerdji Y.;De Teodoro P.;Delchambre L.;Dell'oro A.;Fraile Garcia E.;Garabato D.;Garcia-Lario P.;Garralda Torres N.;Gavras P.;Haigron R.;Hambly N. C.;Harrison D. L.;Hatzidimitriou D.;Hodgkin S. T.;Holl B.;Jamal S.;Jordan S.;Krone-Martins A.;Lanzafame A. C.;Loffler W.;Lorca A.;Marchal O.;Marrese P. M.;Moitinho A.;Muinonen K.;Nunez Campos M.;Oreshina-Slezak I.;Osborne P.;Pancino E.;Pauwels T.;Recio-Blanco A.;Riello M.;Rimoldini L.;Robin A. C.;Roegiers T.;Sarro L. M.;Schultheis M.;Siopis C.;Smith M.;Sozzetti A.;Utrilla E.;Van Leeuwen M.;Abbas U.;Abraham P.;Abreu Aramburu A.;Aerts C.;Altavilla G.;Alvarez M. A.;Alves J.;Anders F.;Anderson R. I.;Antoja T.;Baines D.;Baker S. G.;Balog Z.;Barache C.;Barbato D.;Barros M.;Barstow M. A.;Bartolome S.;Bashi D.;Bauchet N.;Baudeau N.;Becciani U.;Bedin L. R.;Bellas-Velidis I.;Bellazzini M.;Beordo W.;Berihuete A.;Bernet M.;Bertolotto C.;Bertone S.;Bianchi L.;Binnenfeld A.;Blazere A.;Boch T.;Bombrun A.;Bouquillon S.;Bragaglia A.;Braine J.;Bramante L.;Breedt E.;Bressan A.;Brouillet N.;Brugaletta E.;Bucciarelli B.;Butkevich A. G.;Buzzi R.;Caffau E.;Cancelliere R.;Cannizzo S.;Cantat-Gaudin T.;Carballo R.;Carlucci T.;Carnerero M. I.;Carrasco J. M.;Carretero J.;Carton S.;Casamiquela L.;Castellani M.;Castro-Ginard A.;Cesare V.;Charlot P.;Chemin L.;Chiaramida V.;Chiavassa A.;Chornay N.;Collins R.;Contursi G.;Cooper W. J.;Cornez T.;Crosta M.;Dafonte C.;De Laverny P.;De Luise F.;De March R.;De Souza R.;De Torres A.;Del Peloso E. F.;Delbo M.;Delgado A.;Dharmawardena T. E.;Diakite S.;Diener C.;Distefano E.;Dolding C.;Dsilva K.;Duran J.;Enke H.;Esquej P.;Fabre C.;Fabrizio M.;Faigler S.;Fatovic M.;Fedorets G.;Fernandez-Hernandez J.;Fernique P.;Figueras F.;Fournier Y.;Fouron C.;Gai M.;Galinier M.;Garcia-Gutierrez A.;Garcia-Torres M.;Garofalo A.;Gerlach E.;Geyer R.;Giacobbe P.;Gilmore G.;Girona S.;Giuffrida G.;Gomel R.;Gomez A.;Gonzalez-Nunez J.;Gonzalez-Santamaria I.;Gosset E.;Granvik M.;Gregori Barrera V.;Gutierrez-Sanchez R.;Haywood M.;Helmer A.;Helmi A.;Henares K.;Hidalgo S. L.;Hilger T.;Hobbs D.;Hottier C.;Huckle H. E.;Jablonska M.;Jansen F.;Jimenez-Arranz O.;Juaristi Campillo J.;Khanna S.;Kordopatis G.;Kospal A.;Kun M.;Lambert S.;Lanza A. F.;Le Campion J. -F.;Lebreton Y.;Lebzelter T.;Leccia S.;Lecoeur-Taibi I.;Lecoutre G.;Liao S.;Liberato L.;Licata E.;Lindstrom H. E. P.;Lister T. A.;Livanou E.;Lobel A.;Loup C.;Mahy L.;Mann R. G.;Manteiga M.;Marchant J. M.;Marconi M.;Marin Pina D.;Marinoni S.;Marshall D. J.;Martin Lozano J.;Marton G.;Mary N.;Masip A.;Massari D.;Mastrobuono-Battisti A.;Mazeh T.;McMillan P. J.;Meichsner J.;Messina S.;Michalik D.;Millar N. R.;Molina D.;Molinaro R.;Molnar L.;Monari G.;Monguio M.;Montegriffo P.;Montero A.;Mor R.;Mora A.;Morbidelli R.;Morel T.;Morris D.;Mowlavi N.;Munoz D.;Muraveva T.;Murphy C. P.;Musella I.;Nagy Z.;Nieto S.;Noval L.;Ogden A.;Ordenovic C.;Pagani C.;Pagano I.;Palicio P. A.;Pallas-Quintela L.;Panahi A.;Panem C.;Payne-Wardenaar S.;Pegoraro L.;Penttila A.;Pesciullesi P.;Piersimoni A. M.;Pinamonti M.;Pineau F. -X.;Plachy E.;Plum G.;Poggio E.;Pourbaix D.;Prsa A.;Pulone L.;Racero E.;Rainer M.;Raiteri C. M.;Ramos P.;Ratajczak M.;Re Fiorentin P.;Regibo S.;Reyle C.;Ripepi V.;Riva A.;Rix H. -W.;Rixon G.;Robichon N.;Robin C.;Romero-Gomez M.;Rowell N.;Royer F.;Rybicki K. A.;Sadowski G.;Saez Nunez A.;Sagrista Selles A.;Sahlmann J.;Sanchez Gimenez V.;Sanna N.;Santovena R.;Sarasso M.;Sarrate Riera C.;Sciacca E.;Segovia J. C.;Segransan D.;Shahaf S.;Siebert A.;Siltala L.;Slezak E.;Smart R. L.;Snaith O. N.;Solano E.;Solitro F.;Souami D.;Souchay J.;Spina L.;Spitoni E.;Spoto F.;Squillante L. A.;Steele I. A.;Steidelmuller H.;Surdej J.;Szabados L.;Taris F.;Taylor M. B.;Teixeira R.;Tolomei L.;Torralba Elipe G.;Trabucchi M.;Tsantaki M.;Ulla A.;Unger N.;Vanel O.;Vecchiato A.;Vicente D.;Voutsinas S.;Weiler M.;Wyrzykowski L.;Zhao H.;Zorec J.;Zwitter T.;Balaguer-Nunez L.;Leclerc N.;Morgenthaler S.;Robert G.;Zucker S.
Context. Gaia's readout window strategy is challenged by very dense fields in the sky. Therefore, in addition to standard Gaia observations, full Sky Mapper (SM) images were recorded for nine selected regions in the sky. A new software pipeline exploits these Service Interface Function (SIF) images of crowded fields (CFs), making use of the availability of the full two-dimensional (2D) information. This new pipeline produced half a million additional Gaia sources in the region of the omega Centauri (ω Cen) cluster, which are published with this Focused Product Release. We discuss the dedicated SIF CF data reduction pipeline, validate its data products, and introduce their Gaia archive table. Aims. Our aim is to improve the completeness of the Gaia source inventory in a very dense region in the sky, ω Cen. Methods. An adapted version of Gaia's Source Detection and Image Parameter Determination software located sources in the 2D SIF CF images. These source detections were clustered and assigned to new SIF CF or existing Gaia sources by Gaia s cross-match software. For the new sources, astrometry was calculated using the Astrometric Global Iterative Solution software, and photometry was obtained in the Gaia DR3 reference system. We validated the results by comparing them to the public Gaia DR3 catalogue and external Hubble Space Telescope data. Results. With this Focused Product Release, 526 587 new sources have been added to the Gaia catalogue in ω Cen. Apart from positions and brightnesses, the additional catalogue contains parallaxes and proper motions, but no meaningful colour information. While SIF CF source parameters generally have a lower precision than nominal Gaia sources, in the cluster centre they increase the depth of the combined catalogue by three magnitudes and improve the source density by a factor of ten. Conclusions. This first SIF CF data publication already adds great value to the Gaia catalogue. It demonstrates what to expect for the fourth Gaia catalogue, which will contain additional sources for all nine SIF CF regions.
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Il report seguente simula gli indicatori relativi alla propria produzione scientifica in relazione alle soglie ASN 2023-2025 del proprio SC/SSD. Si ricorda che il superamento dei valori soglia (almeno 2 su 3) è requisito necessario ma non sufficiente al conseguimento dell'abilitazione. La simulazione si basa sui dati IRIS e sugli indicatori bibliometrici alla data indicata e non tiene conto di eventuali periodi di congedo obbligatorio, che in sede di domanda ASN danno diritto a incrementi percentuali dei valori. La simulazione può differire dall'esito di un’eventuale domanda ASN sia per errori di catalogazione e/o dati mancanti in IRIS, sia per la variabilità dei dati bibliometrici nel tempo. Si consideri che Anvur calcola i valori degli indicatori all'ultima data utile per la presentazione delle domande.
La presente simulazione è stata realizzata sulla base delle specifiche raccolte sul tavolo ER del Focus Group IRIS coordinato dall’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e delle regole riportate nel DM 589/2018 e allegata Tabella A. Cineca, l’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e il Focus Group IRIS non si assumono alcuna responsabilità in merito all’uso che il diretto interessato o terzi faranno della simulazione. Si specifica inoltre che la simulazione contiene calcoli effettuati con dati e algoritmi di pubblico dominio e deve quindi essere considerata come un mero ausilio al calcolo svolgibile manualmente o con strumenti equivalenti.