Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale - DII
Advanced topics on motor drives for emerging mechatronic applications
2008 Sgarbossa, Luca
Automatic Tracking of MTPA Trajectory in IPM Motor Drives Based on AC Current Injection
2011 Bolognani, Silverio; Petrella, R; Prearo, A; Sgarbossa, Luca
Automatic tracking of MTPA trajectory in IPM motor drives based on AC current injection
2009 Bolognani, Silverio; Petrella, R; Prearo, Antonio; Sgarbossa, Luca
Design of a flux weakening control scheme for DC motor drives featuring full voltage operation
2008 Bolognani, Silverio; Faggion, A; Sgarbossa, Luca
Effective control of an Integrated Starter-Alternator with an IPM synchronous machine
2008 Faggion, Adriano; Sgarbossa, Luca; Alberti, Luigi; Barcaro, Massimo; DAI PRE, M; Bolognani, Silverio
Experimental tests on a 12-slot 8-pole Integrated Starter-Alternator
2008 Barcaro, Massimo; Alberti, Luigi; Faggion, Adriano; Sgarbossa, Luca; DAI PRE', Michele; Bianchi, Nicola
Full speed range sensorless IPM motor drives
2012 Bolognani, Silverio; Faggion, Adriano; Fornasiero, Emanuele; Sgarbossa, Luca
High efficiency multi-drive system for a hybrid electric catamaran with submersed PM synchronous motors
2008 Bolognani, Silverio; Faggion, Adriano; Sgarbossa, Luca
Interior Permanent Magnet Integrated Starter Alternator
2011 Alberti, Luigi; Barcaro, Massimo; Bianchi, Nicola; Bolognani, Silverio; Bon, D; Castiello, Mose'; Faggion, Adriano; Fornasiero, Emanuele; Sgarbossa, Luca
Interior Permanent Magnet Integrated Starter-Alternator
2009 Alberti, Luigi; Barcaro, Massimo; Bianchi, Nicola; Bolognani, Silverio; D., Bon; Castiello, Mose'; Faggion, Adriano; Fornasiero, Emanuele; Sgarbossa, Luca
IPM Machine Drive Design and Tests for an Integrated Starter-Alternator Application
2008 Barcaro, Massimo; Alberti, Luigi; Faggion, Adriano; Sgarbossa, Luca; DAI PRE', Michele; Bianchi, Nicola; Bolognani, Silverio
IPM Machine Drive Design and Tests for an Integrated Starter-Alternator Application
2010 Barcaro, Massimo; Alberti, Luigi; Faggion, Adriano; Sgarbossa, Luca; DAI PRE', Michele; Bianchi, Nicola; Bolognani, Silverio
Model-based sensorless control of an SPM synchronous motor drive for a hybrid catamaran
2009 Bolognani, Silverio; Faggion, Adriano; Sgarbossa, Luca
On-line tracking of the MTPA trajectory in IPM motors via active power measurement
2010 Bolognani, Silverio; Petrella, R; Prearo, A; Sgarbossa, Luca
Performance Evaluation of an Integrated Starter Alternator using an Interior PM Machine
2010 Barcaro, Massimo; Faggion, Adriano; Sgarbossa, Luca; Bianchi, Nicola; Bolognani, Silverio
Rotor position estimation in IPM motor drives based on PWM current harmonics
2011 Bolognani, Silverio; Faggion, Adriano; Sgarbossa, Luca