Dipartimento di Medicina Animale, Produzioni e Salute - MAPS  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A case of oral health problem in a geriatric camel (Camelus batracianus) showing behavioral changes 2023 Giulia Maria De BenedictisEnrico FioreFrancesca Zanusso + - - Proceedings 76° convegno SISVET
A case of progressive weight loss, dysorexia and behavioral changes in a geriatric camel (Camelus batracianus) with dental disorders. 2022 Zanusso FrancescaFiore EnricoDe Benedictis Giulia Maria + - - Proceedings EAZWV – The Zoo and Wildlife Conference.
A retrospective study on transabdominal ultrasound measurements of the rumen wall thickness to evaluate chronic rumen acidosis in beef cattle 2020 Fiore E.Faillace V.Morgante M.Armato L.Gianesella M. BMC VETERINARY RESEARCH - -
A study on the effects of rumen acidity on rumination time and yield, composition, and technological properties of milk from early lactating holstein cows 2019 Saha, SudebGallo, LuigiBittante, GiovanniSchiavon, StefanoBergamaschi, MatteoGianesella, MatteoFiore, Enrico ANIMALS - -
Adaptation of some energetic parameters during transition period in dairy cows 2017 FIORE, ENRICOMORGANTE, MASSIMOGIANESELLA, MATTEO + JOURNAL OF APPLIED ANIMAL RESEARCH - -
An Untargeted Metabolomics Investigation of Jiulong Yak (Bos grunniens) Meat by H-1-NMR 2020 Fiore E. + FOODS - -
Application of texture analysis of b-mode ultrasound images for the quantification and prediction of intramuscular fat in living beef cattle: A methodological study 2020 Fiore, EnricoFabbri, GiorgiaGallo, LuigiMorgante, MassimoBoso, MatteoGianesella, Matteo + RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE - -
Application of texture analysis of b-mode ultrasound images for the quantification and prediction of intramuscular fat in living beef cattle: A methodological study 2020 Fiore E.Fabbri G.Morgante M.Boso M.Gianesella M. + RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE - -
Application of ultrasound images texture analysis for the estimation of intramuscular fat content in the longissimus thoracis muscle of beef cattle after slaughter: A methodological study 2021 Fabbri G.Gianesella M.Gallo L.Morgante M.Contiero B.Boso M.Fiore E. + ANIMALS - -
Associations between pathogen-specific cases of subclinical mastitis and milk yield, quality, protein composition, and cheese-making traits in dairy cows 2017 BOBBO, TANIASTOCCO, GIORGIAFIORE, ENRICOGIANESELLA, MATTEOMORGANTE, MASSIMOPASOTTO, DANIELABITTANTE, GIOVANNICECCHINATO, ALESSIO + JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE - -
Associations between ultrasound hepatic measurements, body measures, and milk production traits in Holstein cows 2022 Piazza, MGiannuzzi, DTessari, RFiore, EGianesella, MPegolo, SSchiavon, SCecchinato, AGallo, L + JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE - -
Associations between ultrasound measurements and hematochemical parameters for the assessment of liver metabolic status in Holstein–Friesian cows 2021 Giannuzzi D.Tessari R.Pegolo S.Fiore E.Gianesella M.Tagliapietra F.Gallo L.Schiavon S.Bittante G.Cecchinato A. + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
Biochemical effects of preventive protocols for ketosis during the transition period in dairy cows 2024 Anastasia LisuzzoMatteo GianesellaEnrico Fiore + - - Proceeding of the 32th World Buiatrics Congress (WBC)
Biochemical profile differences during the transition period based on different levels of non-esterified fatty acids at 7 weeks before parturition in Mediterranean Italian dairy buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) 2024 Anastasia LisuzzoBarbara ContieroEnrico Fiore + FRONTIERS IN VETERINARY SCIENCE - -
Bovine Respiratory Disease in Veal Calves: Benefits Associated with Its Early Detection by Lung Ultrasonography and Its Prompt Treatment with a Single Dose of a Fixed Combination of Florfenicol and Meloxicam 2024 Anastasia LisuzzoBarbara ContieroEnrico Fiore + ANIMALS - -
Bovine respiratory disease: healing process of lung lesions after florfenicol and meloxicam treatment in veal calves 2024 Anastasia LisuzzoBarbara ContieroEnrico Fiore + - - Proceeding of the 77th Convegno Sisvet (Società Italiana delle Scienze Veterinarie)
Calving and early lactation effect on metabolic and hormonal parameters in bubalus bubalis 2018 Fiore E.Fabbri G.Morgante M.Mazzotta E.Gianesella M. + - - Proceedings of SISVET (Società Italiana delle Scienze Veterinarie)
Changes in plasma fatty acids profile in hyperketonemic ewes during early lactation: a preliminary study 2022 Lisuzzo A.Mazzotta E.Berlanda M.Badon T.Contiero B.Fiore E. + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
Changes in some blood parameters, milk composition and yield of buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) during the transition period 2017 FIORE, ENRICOGiambelluca, SoniaMorgante, MassimoContiero, BarbaraMazzotta, ElisaGianesella, Matteo + ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL - -