Dipartimento di Medicina Animale, Produzioni e Salute - MAPS
A case of oral health problem in a geriatric camel (Camelus batracianus) showing behavioral changes
2023 DE BENEDICTIS, GIULIA MARIA; Bono, Lucia; Fiore, Enrico; Tulini, Rudi; Zanusso, Francesca
A case of progressive weight loss, dysorexia and behavioral changes in a geriatric camel (Camelus batracianus) with dental disorders.
2022 Zanusso, Francesca; Bono, Lucia; Fiore, Enrico; Tulini, Rudi; DE BENEDICTIS, GIULIA MARIA
A retrospective study on transabdominal ultrasound measurements of the rumen wall thickness to evaluate chronic rumen acidosis in beef cattle
2020 Fiore, E.; Faillace, V.; Morgante, M.; Armato, L.; Gianesella, M.
A study on the effects of rumen acidity on rumination time and yield, composition, and technological properties of milk from early lactating holstein cows
2019 Saha, Sudeb; Gallo, Luigi; Bittante, Giovanni; Schiavon, Stefano; Bergamaschi, Matteo; Gianesella, Matteo; Fiore, Enrico
Adaptation of some energetic parameters during transition period in dairy cows
2017 Fiore, Enrico; Piccione, Giuseppe; Rizzo, Maria; Morgante, Massimo; Barberio, Antonio; Giudice, Elisabetta; Gianesella, Matteo
An Untargeted Metabolomics Investigation of Jiulong Yak (Bos grunniens) Meat by H-1-NMR
2020 Zhu, C.; Petracci, M.; Li, C.; Fiore, E.; Laghi, L.
Application of texture analysis of b-mode ultrasound images for the quantification and prediction of intramuscular fat in living beef cattle: A methodological study
2020 Fiore, Enrico; Fabbri, Giorgia; Gallo, Luigi; Morgante, Massimo; Muraro, Michele; Boso, Matteo; Gianesella, Matteo
Application of texture analysis of b-mode ultrasound images for the quantification and prediction of intramuscular fat in living beef cattle: A methodological study
2020 Fiore, E.; Fabbri, G.; Gallo, L.; Morgante, M.; Muraro, M.; Boso, M.; Gianesella, M.
Application of ultrasound images texture analysis for the estimation of intramuscular fat content in the longissimus thoracis muscle of beef cattle after slaughter: A methodological study
2021 Fabbri, G.; Gianesella, M.; Gallo, L.; Morgante, M.; Contiero, B.; Muraro, M.; Boso, M.; Fiore, E.
Associations between pathogen-specific cases of subclinical mastitis and milk yield, quality, protein composition, and cheese-making traits in dairy cows
2017 Bobbo, Tania; Ruegg, P. L.; Stocco, Giorgia; Fiore, Enrico; Gianesella, Matteo; Morgante, Massimo; Pasotto, Daniela; Bittante, Giovanni; Cecchinato, Alessio
Associations between ultrasound hepatic measurements, body measures, and milk production traits in Holstein cows
2022 Piazza, M; Giannuzzi, D; Tessari, R; Fiore, E; Gianesella, M; Pegolo, S; Schiavon, S; Trevisi, E; Piccioli-Cappelli, F; Cecchinato, A; Gallo, L
Associations between ultrasound measurements and hematochemical parameters for the assessment of liver metabolic status in Holstein–Friesian cows
2021 Giannuzzi, D.; Tessari, R.; Pegolo, S.; Fiore, E.; Gianesella, M.; Trevisi, E.; Ajmone Marsan, P.; Premi, M.; Piccioli-Cappelli, F.; Tagliapietra, F.; Gallo, L.; Schiavon, S.; Bittante, G.; Cecchinato, A.
Biochemical effects of preventive protocols for ketosis during the transition period in dairy cows
2024 Lisuzzo, Anastasia; Valenza, Alessio; Biancucci, Andrea; Bach, Alex; Gianesella, Matteo; Fiore, Enrico
Biochemical profile differences during the transition period based on different levels of non-esterified fatty acids at 7 weeks before parturition in Mediterranean Italian dairy buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)
2024 Lisuzzo, Anastasia; Mazzotta, Elisa; Cappelli, Giovanna; Martucciello, Alessandra; Moura Monteiro, Bruno; Nélio Sousa Sales, José; Di Vuolo, Gabriele; De Donato, Immacolata; Schiavo, Lorena; De Carlo, Esterina; Rossi, Pasquale; Contiero, Barbara; Fiore, Enrico; Vecchio., Domenico
Bovine Respiratory Disease in Veal Calves: Benefits Associated with Its Early Detection by Lung Ultrasonography and Its Prompt Treatment with a Single Dose of a Fixed Combination of Florfenicol and Meloxicam
2024 Lisuzzo, Anastasia; Achard, Damien; Valenza, Alessio; Contiero, Barbara; Cozza, Luca; Schiavon, Eliana; Catarin, Giacomo; Conte, Fabio; Fiore, Enrico
Bovine respiratory disease: healing process of lung lesions after florfenicol and meloxicam treatment in veal calves
2024 Lisuzzo, Anastasia; Achard, Damien; Valenza, Alessio; Cozza, Luca; Schiavon, Eliana; Catarin, Giacomo; Conte, Fabio; Contiero, Barbara; Fiore, Enrico
Calving and early lactation effect on metabolic and hormonal parameters in bubalus bubalis
2018 Fiore, E.; Arfuso, F.; Fabbri, G.; Piccione, G.; Vecchio, D.; Morgante, M.; Mazzotta, E.; Rossi, P.; Gianesella, M.
Changes in plasma fatty acids profile in hyperketonemic ewes during early lactation: a preliminary study
2022 Lisuzzo, A.; Fiore, F.; Harvatine, K.; Mazzotta, E.; Berlanda, M.; Spissu, N.; Badon, T.; Contiero, B.; Moscati, L.; Fiore, E.
Changes in some blood parameters, milk composition and yield of buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) during the transition period
2017 Fiore, Enrico; Giambelluca, Sonia; Morgante, Massimo; Contiero, Barbara; Mazzotta, Elisa; Vecchio, Domenico; Vazzana, Irene; Rossi, Pasquale; Arfuso, Francesca; Piccione, Giuseppe; Gianesella, Matteo
Changes in Thyroid Hormones Levels and Metabolism in Dairy Cows around Calving
2017 Fiore, Enrico; Giambelluca, Sonia; Morgante, Massimo; Piccione, Giuseppe; Vazzana, Irene; Contiero, Barbara; Orefice, Tiziana; Arfuso, Francesca; Gianesella, Matteo