Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche Oncologiche e Gastroenterologiche - DiSCOG  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
'In vitro' effect of enoxaparin on thrombin generation in plasma of cirrhotic patients at different stages of liver disease 2011 RODRIGUEZ CASTRO, KRYSSIA ISABELSENZOLO, MARCOBURRA, PATRIZIASIMIONI, PAOLO + JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS - -
A prediction model for successful anticoagulation in cirrhotic portal vein thrombosis 2018 Rodriguez-Castro, Kryssia IVitale, AlessandroShalaby, SarahSartori, Maria TeresaBurra, PatriziaSimioni, PaoloSenzolo, Marco + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY - -
AISF position paper on liver disease and pregnancy 2016 BURRA, PATRIZIAFLOREANI, ANNAROSARodriguez Castro, K + DIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE - -
AISF position paper on liver transplantation and pregnancy. Women in Hepatology Group, Italian Association for the Study of the Liver (AISF) 2016 Burra, PRodríguez-Castro, KBurra, PDe Martin, EFloreani, APontisso, PRodríguez-Castro, KiSEBASTIANI, GIULIAVilla, E + DIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE - -
Anticoagulation for the treatment of thrombotic complications in patients with cirrhosis. 2012 RODRIGUEZ CASTRO, KRYSSIA ISABELSIMIONI, PAOLOBURRA, PATRIZIA + LIVER INTERNATIONAL - -
Cavoportal hemitransposition associated to portoportal anastomosis for liver transplant in portomesenteric thrombosis. 2013 Rodriguez Castro KIBertacco ABURRA, PATRIZIASENZOLO, MARCOCILLO, UMBERTO + TRANSPLANTATION - -
Clinical and genetic characteristics of Dent's Disease type 1 in Europe 2022 Parolin, MattiaDelprete, DorellaCastro, Isabel + NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION - -
Effect of Low Molecular Weight Heparin (lmwh) On Thrombin Generation (tg) In Cirrhotic Patients 2011 RODRIGUEZ CASTRO, KRYSSIA ISABELBURRA, PATRIZIASIMIONI, PAOLOSENZOLO, MARCO + TRANSPLANT INTERNATIONAL - -
Effect of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) on thrombin generation in cirrhotic patients 2011 RODRIGUEZ CASTRO, KRYSSIA ISABELBURRA, PATRIZIASIMIONI, PAOLOSENZOLO, MARCO + DIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE - -
Effect of Low Molecular Weight Heparin (lmwh) On Thrombin Generation In Cirrhotic Patients At Different Stages of Liver Disease 2011 RODRIGUEZ CASTRO, KRYSSIA ISABELBURRA, PATRIZIASIMIONI, PAOLOSENZOLO, MARCO + JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY - -
Female gender in the setting of liver transplantation. 2014 Rodríguez Castro KIGAMBATO, MARTINALAZZARO, SILVIABURRA, PATRIZIA + WORLD JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION - -
HCC criteria for liver transplantation: Controversies 2015 BURRA, PATRIZIAZanetto, AlbertoRODRIGUEZ CASTRO, KRYSSIA ISABEL LIVER TRANSPLANTATION - -
Hepatitis C virus infection in end stage renal disease and after kidney transplant. 2014 Rodriguez Castro KIRIGOTTI, PAOLORUGGE, MASSIMOBURRA, PATRIZIA + JOURNAL OF GASTROINTESTINAL AND LIVER DISEASES - -
Impact of Donor-Recipient Risk Factors on Patient and Graft Survival after Liver Transplantation? A Single Centre Experience 2012 GAMBATO, MARTINAFRIGO, ANNA CHIARARODRIGUEZ CASTRO, KRYSSIA ISABELRUSSO, FRANCESCO PAOLONADAL, ELENAA. VitaleG. ZanusCILLO, UMBERTOBURRA, PATRIZIA + LIVER TRANSPLANTATION - -
Management of Portal Vein (pvt) and Splacnic Veins Thrombosis (svt) In Liver Transplantation Candidates 2010 RODRIGUEZ CASTRO, KRYSSIA ISABELBURRA, PATRIZIABOCCAGNI, PATRIZIACILLO, UMBERTOSENZOLO, MARCO + TRANSPLANT INTERNATIONAL - -
Managment of Nonneoplastic Portal Vein Thrombosis in the Setting of Liver Trasplantation: a Systematic Review 2012 Kryssia I. Rodriguez-CastroElena NadalGiacomo GermaniPatrizia BurraMarco Senzolo + TRANSPLANTATION - -
Markers of acute rejection and graft acceptance in liver transplantation. 2015 Germani GRodriguez Castro KRUSSO, FRANCESCO PAOLOSENZOLO, MARCOZANETTO, ALBERTOFERRARESE, ALBERTOBURRA, PATRIZIA WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY - -
Neoplastic disease after liver transplantation: Focus on de novo neoplasms 2015 BURRA, PATRIZIARodriguez Castro, Kryssia WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY - -
Prospective Evaluation of Long Term Cognitive and Neurological Alterations in Liver Transplanted Patients with Central Pontine (CPM) and Extrapontine Myelinolysis (EPM) 2012 R. ManaraMONTAGNESE, SARAFAVARO, ANGELAG. ZanusCILLO, UMBERTOGAMBATO, MARTINANADAL, ELENARODRIGUEZ CASTRO, KRYSSIA ISABELBURRA, PATRIZIA + LIVER TRANSPLANTATION - -
Site-specific risk factors for portal vein thrombosis and evaluation of anticoagulation efficacy in patients with cirrhosis 2013 Rodriguez Castro, Kryssia Isabel - - -