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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
Clinopyroxene single-crystal in a paleo-Christian glass mosaic tessera: crystal chemistry and synthesis temperature 2009 TONIETTO, SERENANESTOLA, FABRIZIOSILVESTRI, ALBERTAMOLIN, GIANMARIO + EPITOME - -
Fe(III) and Mn(II) EPR quantitation in glass fragments from the palaeo-Christian mosaic of St. Prosdocimus (Padova, NE Italy): archaeometric and colour correlations 2015 ZOLEO, ALFONSOBRUSTOLON, MARINA ROSABARBON, ANTONIOSILVESTRI, ALBERTAMOLIN, GIANMARIOTONIETTO, SERENA JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE - -
Gold tesserae from the Paleo-Christian glass mosaic of St. Prosdocimus (Padua, Italy): an archaeometric study 2008 TONIETTO, SERENASILVESTRI, ALBERTAMOLIN, GIANMARIOBRUSTOLON, MARINA ROSAZOLEO, ALFONSO - - 1st SIMP-AIC Joint Meeting - Learning from and for the Planet Earth - Abstract book
I mosaici vitrei di S. Giustina (Pd) e dei SS. Felice e Fortunato (Vi): due cicli paleocristiani a confronto 2009 TONIETTO, SERENASILVESTRI, ALBERTAMOLIN, GIANMARIO - - Riflessioni e trasparenze: diagnosi e conservazione di opere e manufatti vetrosi - Abstract book
Il mosaico paleocristiano a tessere vitree di S. Giustina (PD): studio archeometrico preliminare 2007 MOLIN, GIANMARIOSILVESTRI, ALBERTATONIETTO, SERENAVALENZANO, GIOVANNAMAGANI, FABRIZIO - - Colore e Arte. Storia e Tecnologia del Colore nei Secoli - Abstract book
Indagini archeometriche sul mosaico paleocristiano a tessere vitree del Sacello di San Prosdocimo (Padova). Caratterizzazione chimico-fisica e cristallografica dei materiali mediante metodiche analituche micro- e non distruttive. 2010 Tonietto, Serena - - -
Multi-methodological study of palaeo-Christian glass mosaic tesserae of St. Maria Mater Domini (Vicenza, Italy) 2015 SILVESTRI, ALBERTATONIETTO, SERENAMOLIN, GIANMARIO + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MINERALOGY - -
Pyroxene inclusions in paleo-Christian mosaic tesserae: a tool for constraining the glass manufacturing temperature 2011 TONIETTO, SERENANESTOLA, FABRIZIOSILVESTRI, ALBERTAMOLIN, GIANMARIO + APPLIED PHYSICS. A, MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING - -
The disrupted Paleo-Christian glass mosaic of St. Prosdocimus (Padua, Italy): archeometric characterisation of colourless "gold" and transparent tesserae. 2008 TONIETTO, SERENASILVESTRI, ALBERTAMOLIN, GIANMARIOMAGANI, FABRIZIO - - 37th International Symposium on Archaeometry - Abstract book
The palaeo-Christian glass mosaic of St. Prosdocimus (Padova, Italy): archaeometric characterisation of "gold" tesserae 2011 SILVESTRI, ALBERTATONIETTO, SERENAMOLIN, GIANMARIO JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE - -
The palaeo-Christian glass mosaic of St. Prosdocimus (Padova, Italy): archaeometric characterisation of tesserae with antimony- or phosphorus-based opacifiers 2012 SILVESTRI, ALBERTATONIETTO, SERENAMOLIN, GIANMARIO + JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE - -
The palaeo-Christian glass mosaic of St. Prosdocimus (Padova, Italy): archaeometric characterisation of tesserae with copper- or tin-based opacifiers 2014 SILVESTRI, ALBERTATONIETTO, SERENAMOLIN, GIANMARIO + JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE - -
The role of copper on colour of palaeo-Christian glass mosaic tesserae: an XAS study 2012 SILVESTRI, ALBERTATONIETTO, SERENAMOLIN, GIANMARIO + JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE - -
The role of copper on colour of paleo-Christian glass mosaic tesserae: a XAS study 2010 SILVESTRI, ALBERTATONIETTO, SERENAMOLIN, GIANMARIO + - - Synchrotron Radiation in Art and Archaeology - Abstract book
The role of copper on colour of paleo-Christian glass mosaic tesserae: an integrated study 2011 SILVESTRI, ALBERTATONIETTO, SERENAMOLIN, GIANMARIO + ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA. SECTION A - -