Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche - DiSC  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
"Analisi chimico-fisiche del colore" 2009 BRUSTOLON, MARINA ROSANODARI, LUCAZOLEO, ALFONSO - - Carte scoperte: il restauro del codice 29 della Biblioteca del Seminario vescovile di Padova", a cura di Leonardo Granata, NovaCharta ed.,2009
A multidisciplinary approach to conservation: a case study of Ignatius of Loyola's autograph diario spirituale 2019 Alfonso ZoleoCecilia RossiMANCUSO, ALESSIARenzo Bertoncello + - - Works of Art on Parchment and Paper - Interdisciplinary Approaches
A study of radicals in industrial raw cristobalite powders 2021 Zoleo A. + PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF MINERALS - -
An insight into the metal coordination and spectroscopic properties of artistic Fe and Fe/Cu logwood inks 2016 BRONZATO, MADDALENAZOLEO, ALFONSOBIONDI, BARBARA + SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA. PART A, MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY - -
Analysis and Simulation of EPR Spectra of Photoexcited Triplet States 2023 Strzelczyk, RCiuti, SBortolus, MFranco, LZoleo, ARuzzi, MToffoletti, ADi Valentin, MCarbonera, DBarbon, A + APPLIED MAGNETIC RESONANCE - -
Anion radicals of mono- and bisfulleropyrrolidines: g tensors, spin density distribution and spin-lattice relaxation 2000 ZOLEO, ALFONSOMANIERO, ANNA LISASEVERIN, MARIA GABRIELLABRUSTOLON, MARINA ROSA + JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. A, MOLECULES, SPECTROSCOPY, KINETICS, ENVIRONMENT, & GENERAL THEORY - -
Application of multispectral imaging and portable spectroscopic instruments to the analysis of an ancient persian illuminated manuscript 2021 Rossi C.Zoleo A.Bertoncello R.Meneghetti M.Deiana R. SENSORS - -
Au25(SEt)18, a Nearly Naked Thiolate-Protected Au25Cluster: Structural Analysis by Single Crystal X-ray Crystallography and Electron Nuclear Double Resonance 2014 DAINESE, TIZIANOANTONELLO, SABRINARUZZI, MARCOZOLEO, ALFONSOMARAN, FLAVIO + ACS NANO - -
Characterisation of the Fe(III):H+ Defect Centre in Natural Amethyst 2020 Zoleo A. + APPLIED MAGNETIC RESONANCE - -
Characterization of ancient and modern papers by CW-EPR spectroscopy 2009 ZOLEO, ALFONSOBRUSTOLON, MARINA ROSA + APPLIED MAGNETIC RESONANCE - -
Characterization of Pigment and Binder in Badly Conserved Illuminations of a 15th-Century Manuscript 2013 ZOLEO, ALFONSONODARI, LUCARUSSO, UMBERTOBRUSTOLON, MARINA ROSA + ARCHAEOMETRY - -
Chemical variability of artificial stone powders in relation to their health effects 2019 Zoleo A. + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
Composition and spectroscopic properties of historic Cr logwood inks 2016 BRONZATO, MADDALENAZOLEO, ALFONSOBOGIALLI, SARABADOCCO, DENIS + JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY - -
Conformational role of the divalent metal in bovine heart mitochondrial F1-ATPase: an electron spin echo envelope modulation study. 2007 ZOLEO, ALFONSOBRUSTOLON, MARINA ROSADABBENI SALA, FEDERICAMANIERO, ANNA LISA + BIOCHEMISTRY - -
Copper Complexes in Verdigris Painting Mixtures: An Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Characterization 2023 Punis, RiccardoZoleo, Alfonso RESTAURATOR - -
Copper Soaps Formation in Verdigris-Linseed Oil Painting Mixtures: A Multispectroscopic Characterization 2024 Punis, RiccardoVeronese, MauroMeneghetti, MorenoZoleo, Alfonso INORGANIC CHEMISTRY - -
Cross-linked poly-vinyl polymers versus polyureas as designed supports for catalytically active M-0 nanoclusters - Part I. Nanometer scale structure of the polyurea support EnCat (TM) 40 2007 ZOLEO, ALFONSOMANIERO, ANNA LISACORAIN, BENEDETTO + JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL - -
Cross-linked polyvinyl polymers versus polyureas as designed supports for catalytically active M-0 nanoclustersPart III. Nanometer scale structure of the cross-linked polyurea support EnCat 30 and of the Pd-II/EnCat 30 and Pd-0/EnCat 30NP catalysts 2009 CENTOMO, PAOLOZECCA, MARCOZOLEO, ALFONSOMANIERO, ANNA LISACORAIN, BENEDETTO + PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS - -
Cu(II)-binder complexes in azurite and malachite pictorial mixtures: An EPR study 2024 Punis, RiccardoZoleo, Alfonso MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL - -