Dipartimento di Geoscienze  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
40 years of mineral elasticity: a critical review and a new parameterisation of equations of state for mantle olivines and diamond inclusions 2018 Angel, Ross J.Alvaro, MatteoNestola, Fabrizio PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF MINERALS - -
A low temperature X-ray single-crystal diffraction and polarised infra-red study of epidote 2012 ALVARO, MATTEO + PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF MINERALS - -
A new framework topology in the dehydrated form of zeolite levyne 2013 ALVARO, MATTEO + AMERICAN MINERALOGIST - -
A new micro-furnace for in situ high-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction measurements 2015 ALVARO, MATTEOANGEL, ROSS JOHNMILANI, SULANESTOLA, FABRIZIO + JOURNAL OF APPLIED CRYSTALLOGRAPHY - -
A simple and generalised P-T-V EoS for continuous phase transitions, implemented in EosFit and applied to quartz 2017 Angel, Ross J.Alvaro, MatteoNestola, Fabrizio + CONTRIBUTIONS TO MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY - -
Cancrinite-group minerals ([CAN]-framework type) at non-ambient conditions 2013 ALVARO, MATTEO + - - National Congress of Zeolites Science and Technology
Carbon polymorphs in Frontier Mountain ureilitic meteorites: A correlation with increasing the degree of shock? 2023 Barbaro, AAlvaro, MNestola, F + EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS - -
CaSiO3 perovskite in diamond indicates the recycling of oceanic crust into the lower mantle 2018 Nestola, F.Pamato, M. G.Alvaro, M. + NATURE - -
Clinopyroxenes still trapped in diamonds: high-energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction as a chemical probe 2014 NESTOLA, FABRIZIOALVARO, MATTEONIMIS, PAOLO + - - Conference Abstracts
Cooling history and emplacement of a pyroxenitic lava as proxy for understanding Martian lava flows 2019 Fioretti A. M.Nestola F.Faccenda M.Alvaro M. + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
Crystallographic Methods for Non-destructive Characterization of Mineral Inclusions in Diamonds 2022 Angel, Ross J.Alvaro, MatteoNestola, Fabrizio - REVIEWS IN MINERALOGY & GEOCHEMISTRY Diamond: genesis, mineralogy and geochemistry
Crystallographic orientations of magnesiochromite inclusions in diamonds: what do they tell us? 2019 Nimis, PaoloAngel, Ross J.Alvaro, MatteoNestola, Fabrizio + CONTRIBUTIONS TO MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY - -
Crystallographic relationships between diamond and its inclusions 2015 Nimis, PaoloNestola, FabrizioAngel, Ross JMilani, SulaAlvaro, MatteoAnzolini, ChiaraBruno, Marco + - - EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 2015
Dehydration dynamics of levyne: a combined synchrotron XRPD and single crystal diffraction study 2012 ALVARO, MATTEO + - - European Mineralogical Conference
Depth of diamond formation obtained from single periclase inclusions 2019 Anzolini, ChiaraNestola, FabrizioAlvaro, MatteoNimis, PaoloHarris, Jeffrey W. + GEOLOGY - -
Depth of Formation of Ferropericlase Included in Super-Deep Diamonds 2017 Anzolini, ChiaraNestola, FabrizioAlvaro, MatteoGIANESE, ANDREANimis, Paolo + - - AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017
Depth of formation of super-deep diamonds: Raman barometry of CaSiO3-walstromite inclusions 2018 Anzolini, ChiaraAlvaro, MatteoLORENZON, SOFIANestola, Fabrizio + AMERICAN MINERALOGIST - -
Deveroite-(Ce): A new REE-oxalate from Mount Cervandone, Devero Valley, Western-Central Alps, Italy 2013 GUASTONI, ALESSANDRONESTOLA, FABRIZIOZORZI, FEDERICOALVARO, MATTEOLANZA, ARIANNA + MINERALOGICAL MAGAZINE - -
Diamond thermoelastic properties and implications for determining the pressure of formation of diamond-inclusion systems 2015 ANGEL, ROSS JOHNALVARO, MATTEONESTOLA, FABRIZIO + RUSSIAN GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS - -