Dipartimento di Territorio e Sistemi Agro-Forestali - TESAF  

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Risultati 1 - 20 di 41 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.056 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A contaminant transport model for wetlands accounting for distinct residence time bimodality 2014 A. Bottacin BusolinZARAMELLA, MATTIAMARION, ANDREA + JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY - -
A Method for Calibrating the Transient Storage Model from the Early and Late-Time Behavior of Breakthrough Curves 2023 Dallan E.Bottacin Busolin A.Zaramella M.Marion A. WATER - -
A numerical study of the effects of vegetation patterns on wetland performance 2015 Bottacin-Busolin AndreaMattia ZaramellaAndrea Marion + - - Proceedings of the 36th IAHR Congress
A residence time model for stream-subsurface exchange of contaminants 2005 MARION, ANDREAZARAMELLA M. ACTA GEOPHYSICA POLONICA - -
Applicability of the Transient Storage Model to the hyporheic exchange of metals 2006 ZARAMELLA M.MARION, ANDREA + JOURNAL OF CONTAMINANT HYDROLOGY - -
Application of the transient storage model to analyze advective hyporheic exchange with deep and shallow sediment beds 2003 ZARAMELLA M.MARION, ANDREA + WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH - -
Aquatic interfaces: a hydrodynamic and ecological perspective 2014 MARION, ANDREAMattia ZaramellaTREGNAGHI, MATTEO + JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC RESEARCH - -
Assessing climate change impact on complementarity between solar and hydro power in areas affected by glacier shrinkage 2017 PUSPITARINI, HANDRIYANTI DIAHFRANCOIS, BAPTISTEZOCCATELLI, DAVIDEZARAMELLA, MATTIABORGA, MARCO + - - Geophysical Research Abstracts
Assessment of transient storage exchange and advection-dispersion mechanisms from concentration signatures along breakthrough curves 2016 ZARAMELLA, MATTIAMARION, ANDREA + JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY - -
Characterizing retention processes in streams using retention metrics 2018 Savickis, JevgenijsZaramella, MattiaBottacin-Busolin, AndreaTregnaghi, MatteoMarion, Andrea GEOPLANET: EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCES - GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences
Comparison of MODIS and model-derived snow-covered areas: Impact of land use and solar illumination conditions 2020 Zaramella M.Borga M. + GEOSCIENCES - -
Complementarity between Combined Heat and Power systems, solar PV and hydropower at a district level: Application to the North Eastern Alps 2019 Handriyanti Diah PuspitariniBaptiste FrançoisMattia Zaramella + - - Geophysical Research Abstracts (GRA)
Complementarity between combined heat and power systems, solar PV and hydropower at a district level: Sensitivity to climate characteristics along an alpine transect 2020 Puspitarini H. D.Francois B.Zaramella M.Borga M. + ENERGIES - -
Development of layered sediment structure and its effects on pore water transport and hyporheic exchange. 2006 MARION, ANDREAZARAMELLA M + WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION - -
Diffusive behaviour of bedform-induced hyporheic exchange in rivers 2005 MARION, ANDREAZARAMELLA M. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING - -
Effects of Streambed Morphology and Biofilm Growth on the Transient Storage of Solutes. 2009 BOTTACIN BUSOLIN, ANDREAZARAMELLA MMARION, ANDREA + ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - -
Effects of Velocity Gradients and Secondary Flow on the Dispersion of Solutes in a Meandering Channel 2006 MARION, ANDREAZARAMELLA M. JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING - -
Enhanced Summer Convection Explains Observed Trends in Extreme Subdaily Precipitation in the Eastern Italian Alps 2022 E. DallanM. BorgaM. ZaramellaF. Marra GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS - -
Evidence of distinct contaminant transport patterns in rivers using tracer tests and a multiple domain retention model 2011 A. Bottacin BusolinMARION, ANDREAMUSNER, TOMMASOTREGNAGHI, MATTEOZARAMELLA, MATTIA ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES - -