Dipartimento di Scienze Cardio-Toraco-Vascolari e Sanita' Pubblica  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A pseudo-likelihood approach for multivariate meta-analysis of test accuracy studies with multiple thresholds. 2021 Duc Khanh ToAnnamaria Guolo STATISTICAL METHODS IN MEDICAL RESEARCH - -
A two-dimensional backward heat problem with statistical discrete data 2018 TO, DUC KHANH + JOURNAL OF INVERSE AND ILL-POSED PROBLEMS - -
bcROCsurface: An R package for correcting verification bias in estimation of the ROC surface and its volume for continuous diagnostic tests 2017 To Duc, Khanh BMC BIOINFORMATICS - -
Bias–corrected methods for estimating the receiver operating characteristic surface of continuous diagnostic tests 2016 TO, DUC KHANHCHIOGNA, MONICAADIMARI, GIANFRANCO ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF STATISTICS - -
ClusROC: An R Package for ROC Analysis in Three-Class Classification Problems for Clustered Data 2023 Duc-Khanh ToGianfranco Adimari + THE R JOURNAL - -
Confidence regions for optimal sensitivity and specificity of a diagnostic test 2022 Gianfranco AdimariDuc-Khanh ToMonica Chiogna - - Book of Short Papers SIS 2022
Different perspectives in understanding muscle functions in Parkinson's disease through surface electromyography: Exploring multiple activation patterns 2022 Romanato, MarcoPiatkowska, WSpolaor, FDuc-Khanh ToSawacha, Z + JOURNAL OF ELECTROMYOGRAPHY AND KINESIOLOGY - -
Estimation of the volume under a ROC surface in presence of covariates 2022 Duc Khanh ToGianfranco Adimari + COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS - -
Estimation of the volume under the ROC surface in presence of nonignorable verification bias 2019 Khanh To DucGianfranco Adimari + STATISTICAL METHODS & APPLICATIONS - -
Interval estimation in three-class receiver operating characteristic analysis: A fairly general approach based on the empirical likelihood 2024 Duc-Khanh ToGianfranco Adimari + STATISTICAL METHODS IN MEDICAL RESEARCH - -
Likelihood-type confidence regions for optimal sensitivity and specificity of a diagnostic test 2024 Gianfranco AdimariDuc-Khanh To + COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS - -
Mean score equation and instrumental variables: Another look at estimating the volume under the receiver operating characteristic surface when data are missing not at random 2020 To, Duc KhanhAdimari, Gianfranco + STAT - -
Non-monotone transformation of biomarkers 2021 Gianfranco AdimariDuc Khanh To + STATISTICAL METHODS IN MEDICAL RESEARCH - -
Nonparametric estimation of ROC surfaces under verification bias 2020 Khanh To DucMonica ChiognaGianfranco Adimari REVSTAT STATISTICAL JOURNAL - -
Nonparametric estimation of ROC surfaces under verification bias: supplementary material. 2018 TO, DUC KHANHChiogna MonicaAdimari Gianfranco - - -
Nonparametric regression in a statistical modified Helmholtz equation using the Fourier spectral regularization 2015 TO, DUC KHANH + STATISTICS - -
Receiver operating characteristic estimation and threshold selection criteria in three-class classification problems for clustered data 2022 Duc-Khanh ToGianfranco AdimariDavide Risso + STATISTICAL METHODS IN MEDICAL RESEARCH - -
Relationship between Muscular Activity and Postural Control Changes after Proprioceptive Focal Stimulation (Equistasi{ extregistered}) in Middle-Moderate Parkinson's Disease Patients: An Explorative Study 2021 Fabiola SpolaorMarco RomanatoGuiotto AnnamariaDuc-Khanh ToZimi Sawacha + SENSORS - -
Selecting optimal thresholds in ROC analysis with clustered data 2020 Duc Khanh ToGianfranco AdimariMonica Chiogna - - Book of Short Papers
Statistical evaluation of diagnostic tests under verification bias 2017 To Duc, Khanh - - -