Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente - DAFNAE
A total evidence phylogeny for the processionary moths of the genus Thaumetopoea (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae: Thaumetopoeinae)
2017 Basso, Andrea; Negrisolo, Enrico; Zilli, Alberto; Battisti, Andrea; Cerretti, Pierfilippo
BumbleKey: an interactive key for the identification of bumblebees of Italy and Corsica (Hymenoptera, Apidae)
2018 Cappellari, Andree; Mei, Maurizio; Lopresti, Massimo; Cerretti, Pierfilippo
ChiloKey, an interactive identification tool for the geophilomorph centipedes of Europe (Chilopoda, Geophilomorpha)
2014 Bonato, Lucio; Minelli, Alessandro; Lopresti, M; Cerretti, Pierfilippo
Effects of natural pyrethrum and synthetic pyrethroids on the tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus (skuse) and non-target flower-visiting insects in urban green areas of Padua, Italy
2020 Corcos, D.; Mazzon, L.; Cerretti, P.; Mei, M.; Giussani, E.; Drago, A.; Marini, L.
Functional traits of plants and pollinators explain resource overlap between honeybees and wild pollinators
2022 Cappellari, Andree; Bonaldi, Giovanna; Mei, Maurizio; Paniccia, Dino; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Marini, Lorenzo
New and confirmed records of fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae) from Italy
2021 Mazzon, Luca; Whitmore, Daniel; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Korneyev, Valery
Temperature and not landscape composition shapes wild bee communities in an urban environment
2023 Geppert, Costanza; Cappellari, Andree; Corcos, Daria; Caruso, Valerio; Cerretti, Pierfilippo; Mei, Maurizio; Marini, Lorenzo