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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A dynamic analogy between integro-differential operators and musical expressiveness 2009 MION, LUCADE POLI, GIOVANNIRODA', ANTONIO - - Proc. of 6th Sound and Music Computing Conference
Comparing affective and sensorial expressions in music performance by machine learning techniques 2007 Mion, LucaDe Poli, Giovanni - - Internation Workshop on the Biology and Genetics of Music
Computational models for audio expressive communication 2005 DE POLI, GIOVANNIMION, LUCAD'INCA', GIANLUCA - - Proc. Audio Engineering Society Italian Section Annual Meeting (AES05)
Exploring similarities of affective and sensorial expressive intentions in music performance 2007 DE POLI, GIOVANNIMION, LUCA + - - Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Enactive Interfaces (ENACTIVE07)
Expressive classifier at CSC: an overview of the main research streams 2003 CANAZZA TARGON, SERGIODE POLI, GIOVANNIMION, LUCARODA', ANTONIOVIDOLIN, ALVISEZANON, PATRICK - - XIV Colloquium on Musical Informatics (XIV CIM)
Expressiveness detection of music performances in the Kinematics Energy Space 2004 MION, LUCADE POLI, GIOVANNI - - Proc. Sound and Music Computing Conf. (JIM/CIM 04)
Learning sounding gestures 2007 DE GOTZEN, AMALIAMION, LUCAAVANZINI, FEDERICO + - - Proc. Int. Computer Music Conf. (ICMC07)
Multimodal design for enactive toys 2008 DE GOTZEN, AMALIAMION, LUCAAVANZINI, FEDERICO + - - Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval. Sense of Sounds
Music Expression Understanding Based on a Joint Semantic Space 2007 MION, LUCADE POLI, GIOVANNI - - AI*IA 2007: Artificial Intelligence and Human-Oriented Computing
Perceptual organization of affective and sensorial expressive intentions in music performance. 2010 MION, LUCADE POLI, GIOVANNI + ACM TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED PERCEPTION - -
Personalized 3d sound rendering for content creation, delivery, and presentation. 2009 AVANZINI, FEDERICOMION, LUCASPAGNOL, SIMONE - - Proc. Networked and Electronic Media Summit (NEM2009)
Real-time auditory-visual distance rendering for a virtual reaching task 2007 MION, LUCAAVANZINI, FEDERICO + - - Proc. ACM Int. Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST07)
Recognition of musical gestures in known pieces and in improvisations 2004 CIROTTEAU, DAMIEN MARIE PIERREDe Poli, Giovanni.Mion, LucaZanon, Patrick + - - Gesture Based Communication in Human-Computer Interaction
Score-Independent Audio Features for Description of Music Expression 2008 Mion, LucaDe Poli, Giovanni IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO, SPEECH, AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING - -
Simulating a virtual target in depth through the invariant relation between optics, acoustics, and inertia 2006 MION, LUCAAVANZINI, FEDERICO + - - Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Enactive Interfaces (ENACTIVE06)
Toward an action based metaphor for gestural interaction with musical contents. 2009 DE POLI, GIOVANNIMION, LUCARODA', ANTONIO JOURNAL OF NEW MUSIC RESEARCH - -
Towards a multi-layer architecture for multi-modal rendering of expressive actions 2005 DE POLI, GIOVANNIAVANZINI, FEDERICORODA', ANTONIOMION, LUCAD'INCA', GIANLUCATRESTINO, COSMO + - - Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Enactive Interfaces (ENACTIVE05)