Dipartimento di Geoscienze
"eosFit-Pinc: A simple GUI for host-inclusion elastic thermobarometry" - Reply to Zhong et al
2020 Angel, R. J.; Mazzucchelli, M. L.; Alvaro, M.; Nestola, F.
(Na,Ca)(Ti3+,Mg)Si2O6-clinopyroxenes at high pressure: Influence of cation substitution on elastic behavior and phase transition
2010 Ullrich, A; Miletich, R; BALIC ZUNIC, T; Olsen, L; Nestola, Fabrizio; Wildner, M; Ohashi, H.
1D and 3D coordination polymers based on the Cu 3 ( μ 3 -OH)( μ -pz) 3 and Cu(Hpz) 3 SBUs connected by the flexible glutarate dianion
2018 Forlin, Enrico; Lanza, Arianna; Di Nicola, Corrado; Monari, Magda; Gazzano, Massimo; Nestola, Fabrizio; Pettinari, Claudio; Pandolfo, Luciano
3D investigation of inclusions in diamonds using X-ray micro-tomography
2012 Parisatto, Matteo; Nestola, Fabrizio; Artioli, Gilberto; Nimis, Paolo; J., Harris; M., Kopylova; G., Pearson
3D investigation of inclusions in diamonds using X-ray micro-tomography
2011 Parisatto, Matteo; Nestola, Fabrizio; Artioli, Gilberto; Nimis, Paolo; Harris, J. W.
3T polytype of an iron-rich oxyphlogopite from the Bartoy volcanic field, Transbaikalia: Mössbauer, infrared, Raman spectroscopy, and crystal structure
2019 Chukanov, N. V.; Aksenov, S. M.; Kasatkin, A. V.; Skoda, R.; Nestola, F.; Nodari, L.; Ryanskaya, A. D.; Rastsvetaeva, R. K.
40 years of mineral elasticity: a critical review and a new parameterisation of equations of state for mantle olivines and diamond inclusions
2018 Angel, Ross J.; Alvaro, Matteo; Nestola, Fabrizio
A century of mineral structures: How well do we know them?
2016 Angel, ROSS JOHN; Nestola, Fabrizio
A critique of using epitaxial criterion to discriminate between protogenetic and syngenetic mineral inclusions in diamond
2024 Bruno, Marco; Ghignone, Stefano; Aquilano, Dino; Nestola, Fabrizio
A new approach to the study of mineral inclusions in diamond
2011 Nestola, Fabrizio
A new experimental X-ray approach for the study of mineral inclusions in diamonds: structure determination and implications for determining the pressure of formation.
2011 Nestola, Fabrizio
A new micro-furnace for in situ high-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction measurements
2015 Alvaro, Matteo; Angel, ROSS JOHN; Marciano, C.; Milani, Sula; Scandolo, L.; Mazzucchelli, M. L.; Zaffiro, G.; Rustioni, G.; Briccola, M.; Domeneghetti, M. C.; Nestola, Fabrizio
A P21/c-C2/c high-pressure phase transition in Ca0.50Mg1.50Si2O6 clinopyroxene
2001 Tribaudino, M.; Prencipe, M.; Nestola, Fabrizio; Hanfland, M.
A re-evaluation of stannopalladinite using modern analytical techniques
2023 Kasatkin, Anatoly V.; Vymazalová, Anna; Nestola, Fabrizio; Gurzhiy, Vladislav V.; Agakhanov, Atali A.; Škoda, Radek; Belakovskiy, Dmitry I.; Generalov, Mikhail E.
A simple and generalised P-T-V EoS for continuous phase transitions, implemented in EosFit and applied to quartz
2017 Angel, Ross J.; Alvaro, Matteo; Miletich, Ronald; Nestola, Fabrizio
A single-crystal neutron diffraction study of hambergite, Be2BO3(OH,F)
2012 Gatta, G. D.; Mcintyre, G. J.; Bromiley, G.; Guastoni, Alessandro; Nestola, Fabrizio
A single-crystal neutron-diffraction investigation of spodumene at 54K
2003 Tribaudino, M.; Nestola, Fabrizio; Principe, M.; Rundlof, H.
Ab Initio Calculations of the Main Crystal Surfaces of Forsterite (Mg2SiO4): A Preliminary Study to Understand the Nature of Geochemical Processes at the Olivine Interface
2014 M., Bruno; F. R., Massaro; M., Prencipe; R., Demichelis; M., De La Pierre; Nestola, Fabrizio
Aluminocerite-Ce: a new species from Baveno, Italy: description and crystal-structure determination
2009 Nestola, Fabrizio; Guastoni, Alessandro; Camara, F; Secco, Luciano; DAL NEGRO, A; Pedron, Danilo; Beran, A.
Amgaite, Tl3+2Te6+O6, a New Mineral from the Khokhoyskoe Gold Deposit, Eastern Siberia, Russia
2022 Kasatkin, Anatoly V.; Anisimova, Galina S.; Nestola, Fabrizio; Plášil, Jakub; Sejkora, Jiří; Škoda, Radek; Sokolov, Evgeniy P.; Kondratieva, Larisa A.; Kardashevskaia, Veronika N.