Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 13.833
EU - Europa 4.059
AS - Asia 1.818
AF - Africa 24
SA - Sud America 22
OC - Oceania 15
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
Totale 19.775
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 13.803
IT - Italia 1.751
CN - Cina 829
SG - Singapore 760
UA - Ucraina 532
FI - Finlandia 471
DE - Germania 346
SE - Svezia 298
FR - Francia 297
GB - Regno Unito 140
VN - Vietnam 91
IN - India 45
NL - Olanda 34
CA - Canada 29
IE - Irlanda 29
EE - Estonia 23
TR - Turchia 22
AT - Austria 21
ES - Italia 13
RU - Federazione Russa 13
IR - Iran 12
KR - Corea 12
PL - Polonia 12
RO - Romania 12
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 11
ZA - Sudafrica 11
CH - Svizzera 10
TW - Taiwan 10
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 9
CO - Colombia 8
GH - Ghana 8
BE - Belgio 7
BR - Brasile 7
GR - Grecia 7
PH - Filippine 7
SI - Slovenia 7
AU - Australia 6
HK - Hong Kong 5
ID - Indonesia 5
JP - Giappone 5
TH - Thailandia 5
CL - Cile 4
EU - Europa 4
HU - Ungheria 4
PS - Palestinian Territory 4
RS - Serbia 4
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 4
BG - Bulgaria 3
HR - Croazia 2
LV - Lettonia 2
PE - Perù 2
PT - Portogallo 2
ZM - Zambia 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AR - Argentina 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
DK - Danimarca 1
IQ - Iraq 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LT - Lituania 1
LY - Libia 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MV - Maldive 1
MX - Messico 1
MY - Malesia 1
NG - Nigeria 1
NO - Norvegia 1
TZ - Tanzania 1
Totale 19.775
Città #
Jacksonville 1.769
Fairfield 1.496
Woodbridge 1.233
Chandler 966
Ann Arbor 846
Houston 776
Ashburn 713
Wilmington 680
Princeton 596
Singapore 572
Cambridge 513
Boardman 507
Santa Clara 468
Seattle 447
Padova 393
Medford 234
Des Moines 179
San Diego 178
Nanjing 169
Helsinki 164
Beijing 138
Roxbury 102
Dong Ket 89
Milan 77
Rome 68
Shenyang 60
Hebei 59
Nanchang 49
Norwalk 45
Redwood City 45
Guangzhou 41
Turin 31
Jinan 30
London 30
Jiaxing 29
New York 29
Changsha 28
Los Angeles 28
Dearborn 26
Dublin 25
Tianjin 24
Dallas 22
Florence 20
Bologna 17
Verona 17
Tartu 16
Villorba 16
Indiana 15
Ogden 15
Borås 14
Lappeenranta 14
Munich 14
Naples 14
Venice 14
Peschiera Del Garda 13
Rockville 13
Sundsvall 13
Ancona 12
Bergamo 12
Parma 11
Trento 11
Kharkiv 10
Orange 10
Phoenix 10
Rapino 10
Umeå 10
Camponogara 9
Haikou 9
Ningbo 9
Spresiano 9
Trieste 9
Vicenza 9
Vienna 9
Washington 9
Zhengzhou 9
Bari 8
Genoa 8
Lanzhou 8
Legnaro 8
Romano d'Ezzelino 8
Yenibosna 8
Accra 7
Athens 7
Bolzano 7
Krakow 7
Napoli 7
Palermo 7
Taizhou 7
Tappahannock 7
Treviso 7
Ural 7
Zurich 7
Brixen 6
Pescara 6
San Francisco 6
Shanghai 6
Torino 6
Udine 6
Vancouver 6
Villa del Conte 6
Totale 14.549
Nome #
Tecnologia del legno. Dispense del Corso integrato di tecnologia del legno, meccanizzazione e utilizzazioni forestali. 337
How Wood Fuels’ Quality Relates to the Standards: A Class-Modelling Approach 221
Forest damage inventory after the "Vaia" storm in Italy 213
Sustainability of using vineyard pruning residues as an energy source: Combustion performances and environmental impact 182
Vineyard pruning residues pellets for use in domestic appliances: a quality assessment according to the EN ISO 17225 172
Life cycle environmental impact of firewood production – A case study in Italy 164
New insights into the psychological dimension of wood–human interaction 158
Comparative life cycle assessment and life cycle costing of lodging in the Himalaya 153
Adoption of renewable heating systems: An empirical test of the diffusion of innovation theory 151
The Global Warming Potential of Building Materials: An Application of Life Cycle Analysis in Nepal 151
Agricultural and forest biomass production for energy use 142
Buffer Strips on the Low-Lying Plain of Veneto Region (Italy): Environmental Benefits and Efficient Use of Wood as an Energy Resource 140
Cable yarding productivity models: a systematic review over the period 2000–2011 139
A multivariate SIMCA index as discriminant in wood pellet quality assessment 133
Raccolta dei sarmenti di vite in cippato: disponibilità potenziale tecnica in provincia di Treviso 131
Exploring the Spatial Heterogeneity of Individual Preferences for Ambient Heating Systems 131
Massive wood material for sustainable building design: the Massiv-Holz-Mauer wall system 124
Changes of particle size classification of wood chips according to the new standard rules for domestic use 122
A strategy for the management of abandoned mountain pasture land colonised by dwarf pine 121
Harvesting systems for steep terrain in the Italian Alps: state of the art and future prospects 121
Tractor cabin ergonomics analyses by means of Kinect motion capture technology 119
Energy recovery of glued wood waste – A review 119
Comparison of biomass feedstock supply and demand in Northeast Italy 115
Safety assessment of trees used as anchors in cable-supported tree harvesting based on experimental observations 110
Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Bioenergy Production from Different Wood Pellet Supply Chains 104
Energetic and exergetic analysis of steam production for the extraction of coniferous essential oils 101
On the use of micro-size charges of explosive to split above-ground tree stumps 101
Evaluation of the manufacturing of desk and stringer boards for wood pallets production by discrete event simulation 100
Influence of characteristics and extension of a forest road network on the supply cost of forest woodchips 99
Colorimetric patterns of wood pellets and their relations with quality and energy parameters 99
Productivity and quality performance of an innovative firewood processor 99
Salamandra atra aurorae Trevisan habitat and forest management 99
null 98
Steep terrain forest operations – challenges, technology development, current implementation, and future opportunities 95
Technical and economic efficiency of forage-livestock systems on the Alps and their environmental impacts: a proposal of some indexes 94
GNSS-based operational monitoring devices for forest logging operation chains 94
Biodiversità. Ieri oggi domani 93
Sostenibilità ambientale dei biocombustibili legnosi: importanza della filiera corta 93
Skyline tensile force monitoring of mobile tower yarders operating in the Italian Alps 90
GPS mobile devices and open sources GIS: a comparison between different solutions 89
Retrospective Study on Search and Rescue Operations in Two Prealps Areas of Italy 89
The evolution of a mountain road network from its original use during the First World War to meeting today’s forestry needs: current management 89
Effect of tannin on increasing UF adhesive performance at high temperature investigated by TMA and TGA analysis 87
Determination of forest road surface roughness by kinect depth imaging 87
Determination of the forest road network influence on the supply chain for firewood production by discrete event simulation 86
Elastic-properties measurement at high temperatures through contact resonance atomic force microscopy 86
Analysis on vehicle and walking speeds of search and rescue ground crews in mountainous areas 85
Forwarder productivity in salvage logging operations in difficult terrain 85
Studio di alcuni metodi di trattamento della paglia con ammoniaca 83
Wood chipping service: an analysis approach in Northeastern Italy 83
Assessment of noise level and noise propagation generated by light-lift helicopters in mountain natural environments 83
On-board computing in forest machinery as a tool to improve skidding operations in South African softwood sawtimber operations 82
Analysis of a double steering forest trailer for long wood log transportation 82
Critical factors in cantilever Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy 81
Modelling noise propagation generated by forest operations: a case study in Southern Italy 81
Hybrids silane-crosslinking polymers: a potential alternative to polyurethane wood adhesives? A preliminary investigation by TMA 81
Riflessioni sulla viabilità forestale e opere connesse a supporto delle iniziative per la predisposizione dei decreti attuativi del Testo Unico in materia di Foreste e Filiere Forestali 81
Sustainability performance of hotel buildings in the Himalayan region 81
Cobra 1400. La trinciasarmenti per vigneti 80
Geographical analysis with GIS methodology for a sustainable use of logging residues in mountainous area 80
State of the Art on the Use of Trees as Supports and Anchors in Forest Operations 80
Environmental assessment of MHM building system 79
Preliminary analysis on mowing and harvesting grass along riverbanks for the supply of anaerobic digestion plants in North-Eastern Italy 78
Productivity, costs and ecological impacts of a cable-forwarder employed under alpine conditions 77
Temporal analysis of the traffic loads on forest road networks 77
Gru a cavo nelle imprese forestali lombarde 76
Quality assessment of pellets and briquettes made from glued wood waste 76
Esbosco in ambiente montano con cable-forwarder 75
L'utilizzazione del foraggio in collina e in montagna 74
Diffusione del rumore prodotto dalla motosega in boschi con differente forma di governo 74
Forage conditioning under Alpine environmental conditions 73
Miglioramento dell'efficienza tecnica e ambientale degli adesivi utilizzati nel settore del mobile 72
Cable crane use under sustainable forest management in North-eastern Italian Alps 72
Development of an energetic plan in an alpine district 71
A Skyline Deflection Analysis Methodology for Timber Volume Estimation in Yarding Operations 71
Forestry curricula at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Padova 70
Un metodo tecnico-economico come ausilio alla determinazione della ripresa 70
The influence of individual characteristics on perceived restorativeness and benefits associated with exposure to nature in a garden 69
Linee evolutive nel settore delle utilizzazioni forestali e dell'approvvigionamento del legname 68
Planning forest biomass supply chain for energetic use through site analysis 67
“Wood Comfort”: Analisi del comfort generato dal legno come materiale da costruzione e d’arredo 66
The animal husbandry-forage system and the protection of Alpine environment 65
Gru a cavo nelle Alpi Centrali. Caratteristiche delle linee e osservazioni sui tempi di montaggio e smontaggio. 65
The influence of two layers tillage on energy and labour requirements 64
Schianti da vento nei sistemi forestali: analisi degli impatti del disturbo in un contesto di multifunzionalità 63
The effect of soil compaction on mole plow draft 63
Tecniche di ripristino del legno morto per la conservazione delle faune saproxiliche. Il Progetto LIFE Natura NAT/IT/99/6245 di "Bosco della Fontana" (Mantova, Italia) 63
Le segherie nella provincia di Belluno 63
Trattamento con ammoniaca anidra e con alcuni composti ammoniacali di stocchi di mais raccolti in rotoballe: perdite di conservazione e caratteristiche nutrizionali 62
Raccolta e trasformazione dei sarmenti di vite in cippato. Disponibilità  potenziale e tecnica in provincia di Treviso 62
Adaptation of a 4WD agricultural tractor for wood extraction in steep terrain 62
Evaluating costs on wood supply chain for supporting Slovenian and Italian forest cooperation 62
Wood biomass boilers and heating plants in north-eastern italy: which strategy to boost a sustainable local supply chain? 62
Productivity and cost of a tractor-mounted processor in thinning operations under alpine condition 62
Metodologia per la valutazione delle esigenze diviabilità silvo-pastorale in un contesto montano 60
Productivity and energy balance of forest plantation harvesting in Uganda 60
Forest operation engineering and management for sustainable use of mountain forests 60
Razionalizzazione della meccanizzazione dei processi di fienagione 59
Supply of logging residues for energy production. A GIS-based study in New Zealand and in Italy 59
Danni da eventi bellici nei boschi di un'area dell'Altopiano dei Sette Comuni (Vicenza) 59
Totale 9.599
Categoria #
all - tutte 66.804
article - articoli 43.846
book - libri 2.047
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 777
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 4.091
Totale 117.565

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.855 0 0 0 0 0 286 167 324 217 449 189 223
2020/20212.972 74 246 68 344 98 281 57 241 404 345 396 418
2021/20222.864 48 631 137 271 90 215 64 303 107 71 243 684
2022/20232.758 742 117 26 232 481 368 31 166 373 40 126 56
2023/20241.714 95 237 152 129 108 130 98 105 84 105 241 230
2024/20252.491 70 408 412 360 1.199 42 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 20.079