Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale - DII
A novel measurement-based procedure for load dynamic equivalent identification
2015 Savio, Andrea; Bignucolo, Fabio; Sgarbossa, Riccardo; Mattavelli, Paolo; Cerretti, A.; Turri, Roberto
Application of a simplified thermal-electric model of a sodium-nickel chloride battery energy storage system to a real case residential prosumer
2017 Bignucolo, Fabio; Coppo, Massimiliano; Crugnola, Giorgio; Savio, Andrea
Cableway Storage System regulation to supply ancillary services to the distribution and transmission network
2015 Bignucolo, Fabio; Savio, Andrea; Raciti, Antonino
Combined effects of distributed generation grid code requirements on the transient behaviour of islanded systems
2016 Bignucolo, Fabio; Savio, Andrea; Sgarbossa, Riccardo; Turri, Roberto; Cerretti, Alberto
Containment of power losses in LV networks with high penetration of distributed generation
2017 Celli, G.; Natale, N.; Pilo, F.; Pisano, Giuditta; Bignucolo, F.; Coppo, M.; Savio, A.; Turri, R.; Cerretti, A
Contribution of MV static distributed generation to voltage unbalance mitigation
2016 Savio, Andrea; Bignucolo, Fabio; Caldon, Roberto
Dimensionamento di sistemi di rifasamento e impatto sulle perdite nelle reti attive di distribuzione
2017 Bignucolo, Fabio; Savio, Andrea; Coppo, Massimiliano; Turri, Roberto
Effects of average power factor management in distribution systems with dispersed generation
2016 Bignucolo, Fabio; Savio, Andrea; Caldon, Roberto; Cerretti, Alberto
Effects of energy storage systems grid code requirements on interface protection performances in low voltage networks
2017 Bignucolo, Fabio; Cerretti, Alberto; Coppo, Massimiliano; Savio, Andrea; Turri, Roberto
Impact of distributed generation grid code requirements on islanding detection in LV networks
2017 Bignucolo, Fabio; Cerretti, Alberto; Coppo, Massimiliano; Savio, Andrea; Turri, Roberto
Influence of electricity pricing models on the daily optimization of residential end-users integrating storage systems
2017 Bignucolo, Fabio; Savio, Andrea; Turri, Roberto; Pesavento, Nicola; Coppo, Massimiliano
Reliable protection systems for locally supplied medium-voltage distribution networks
2017 Bignucolo, Fabio; Savio, Andrea; Coppo, Massimiliano; Turri, Roberto; Cerretti, Alberto; Calone, Roberto
Undesired islanding of MV networks sustained by LV dispersed generators compliant with present grid code requirements
2017 Bignucolo, Fabio; Savio, Andrea; Turri, Roberto; Cerretti, Alberto
Use of rod compactors for high voltage overhead power lines magnetic field mitigation
2017 Bignucolo, Fabio; Coppo, Massimiliano; Savio, Andrea; Turri, Roberto
Voltage management strategies for low voltage networks supplied through phase-decoupled on-load-tap-changer transformers
2017 Bettanin, Alessandro; Coppo, M.; Savio, A.; Turri, R.