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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
Changes in the uptake and assimilation efficiency for sulfate and nitrate in maize hybrids selected during the period 1930 through 1975 1983 CACCO, GIOVANNISACCOMANI, MASSIMOFERRARI, GIOVANNI PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM - -
Combining ability estimates of sulfate uptake efficiency in maize 1982 SACCOMANI, MASSIMOCACCO, GIOVANNI + THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS - -
Coordination of sulfate uptake, ATPsulfurylase and O-Acetylserinesulphidrilase activities in maize roots as affected by Ht mutation 1979 CACCO, GIOVANNIFERRARI, GIOVANNISACCOMANI, MASSIMO MAYDICA - -
Development of Sulfate Uptake Capacity and ATP-Sulfurylase Activity during Root Elongation in Maize 1977 CACCO, GIOVANNISACCOMANI, MASSIMOFERRARI, GIOVANNI PLANT PHYSIOLOGY - -
Dynamic Response of Key Germination Traits to NaCl Stress in Sugar Beet Seeds 2019 Stevanato P.Cacco G. + SUGAR TECH - -
Effect of sulfate availability on root traits and microRNA395 expression in sugar beet 2015 STEVANATO, PIERGIORGIOTREBBI, DANIELECAGNIN, MASSIMOSACCOMANI, MASSIMOCACCO, GIOVANNI + BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM - -
Effetto della salinità sull' assimilazione dell' azoto in ecotipi di Pennisetum Thyphoideum 1981 BOTTACIN, ALESSANDRACACCO, GIOVANNISACCOMANI, MASSIMOFERRARI, GIOVANNI GIORNALE BOTANICO ITALIANO - -
Efficiency of the first steps of sulfate utilization by maize hybrids in relation to their productivity 1981 SACCOMANI, MASSIMOCACCO, GIOVANNIFERRARI, GIOVANNI PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM - -
Efficienza di trasporto attivo dei solfati e attività di ATPsulfurilasi di ibridi di mais e relativi parentali 1977 CACCO, GIOVANNISACCOMANI, MASSIMOFERRARI, GIOVANNI GENETICA AGRARIA - -
Energetics of sulfate uptake by plants as related to previous sulfate availability 1990 FERRARI, GIOVANNICACCO, GIOVANNIBOTTACIN, ALESSANDRASACCOMANI, MASSIMO - - Sulfur Nutrition and Sulfur Assimilation in Higher Plants
Evaluation of genetic diversity and root traits of sea beet accessions of the Adriatic Sea coast 2013 STEVANATO, PIERGIORGIOTREBBI, DANIELECACCO, GIOVANNISACCOMANI, MASSIMO + EUPHYTICA - -
Evaluation of some enzymatic activities involved in the nitrogen metabolism of Asparagus cells cultures during 6 days growth 1979 SACCOMANI, MASSIMOCACCO, GIOVANNI GIORNALE BOTANICO ITALIANO - -
Expression of genes encoding protein kinases during flower opening in two cut rose cultivars with different longevity 2011 CACCO, GIOVANNISTEVANATO, PIERGIORGIO + IRANIAN JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY - -
Genetic controlof ion uptake and coordinate regulation with metabolism in plant 1980 FERRARI, GIOVANNICACCO, GIOVANNISACCOMANI, MASSIMO - - -
Genetic regulation of nitrate reductase and nitrate uptake activities in maize (Zea mais L.) 1980 SACCOMANI, MASSIMOCACCO, GIOVANNI RIVISTA DI AGRONOMIA - -
Genetic variability of the efficiency of nutrient utilization by maize (Zea mays L.) 1983 CACCO, GIOVANNIFERRARI, GIOVANNISACCOMANI, MASSIMO - - Genetic aspects of plant nutrition.
Genetic variation of sulfate translocation in maize 1982 SACCOMANI, MASSIMOCACCO, GIOVANNI + MAYDICA - -
Grain yield and efficiency on K+ and SO4= uptake in maize 1983 SACCOMANI, MASSIMOCACCO, GIOVANNI + AGROCHIMICA - -
Identification and characterization of genes differentially displayed in Rosa hybrida petals during flower senescence 2011 CACCO, GIOVANNISTEVANATO, PIERGIORGIO + SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE - -
Influenza delle concimazioni fozfoazotate sulla produttività di ibridi di mais con diversa efficienza del sistema di trasporto radicale. 1981 SACCOMANI, MASSIMOCACCO, GIOVANNI L'AGRICOLTURA ITALIANA - -