Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.040
AS - Asia 809
EU - Europa 779
AF - Africa 4
SA - Sud America 4
OC - Oceania 3
Totale 7.639
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.028
CN - Cina 410
SG - Singapore 341
IT - Italia 204
FI - Finlandia 127
DE - Germania 110
UA - Ucraina 85
FR - Francia 80
SE - Svezia 60
GB - Regno Unito 54
IE - Irlanda 22
BE - Belgio 13
TW - Taiwan 11
VN - Vietnam 11
CA - Canada 10
HK - Hong Kong 10
IN - India 10
NL - Olanda 8
ES - Italia 6
BR - Brasile 4
JP - Giappone 4
ZA - Sudafrica 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
IL - Israele 3
KR - Corea 3
AT - Austria 2
AU - Australia 2
IS - Islanda 2
NI - Nicaragua 2
RU - Federazione Russa 2
TR - Turchia 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
GR - Grecia 1
IR - Iran 1
LT - Lituania 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
Totale 7.639
Città #
Fairfield 987
Woodbridge 721
Houston 597
Ann Arbor 424
Jacksonville 393
Ashburn 369
Seattle 332
Wilmington 323
Cambridge 309
Singapore 288
Chandler 276
Princeton 156
Boardman 113
San Diego 101
Beijing 82
Medford 78
Padova 71
Guangzhou 60
Santa Clara 59
Nanjing 57
Roxbury 52
Des Moines 39
Helsinki 39
Shanghai 21
Shenyang 21
Dublin 19
Nanchang 18
Norwalk 18
Changsha 15
Hebei 15
New York 15
Jinan 12
Dong Ket 11
Jiaxing 10
London 10
Milan 10
Rovigo 10
Leuven 9
Taipei 9
Tianjin 9
Borås 8
Los Angeles 8
Newark 8
Brendola 7
Fayetteville 7
Falls Church 6
Hong Kong 6
Haikou 5
Kharkiv 5
Ogden 5
Paris 5
Phoenix 5
Tappahannock 5
Hangzhou 4
Johannesburg 4
Kilburn 4
Prescot 4
Sona 4
São Paulo 4
Verona 4
Atlanta 3
Brussels 3
Catania 3
Cazzano Sant'Andrea 3
Dallas 3
Frankfurt am Main 3
Hounslow 3
Indiana 3
Montreal 3
Newcastle Upon Tyne 3
Ningbo 3
Oldenburg 3
Orange 3
Rome 3
Salford 3
Scorzè 3
Taizhou 3
Yellow Springs 3
Acton 2
Auburn Hills 2
Barcelona 2
Bari 2
Bengaluru 2
Bologna 2
Chennai 2
Chicago 2
Chiswick 2
Columbus 2
Costa Mesa 2
Gallipoli 2
Halifax 2
Hanover 2
Istanbul 2
Lappeenranta 2
Madrid 2
Managua 2
Mantova 2
Miami 2
Mondaino 2
Parkland 2
Totale 6.364
Nome #
Transcranial random noise stimulation (tRNS): a wide range of frequencies is needed for increasing cortical excitability 142
Differential effects of high-frequency transcranial random noise stimulation (hf-tRNS) on contrast sensitivity and visual acuity when combined with a short perceptual training in adults with amblyopia 137
The effect of experience and of dots’ density and duration on the detection of coherent motion in dogs 136
Probing the involvement of the earliest levels of cortical processing in motion extrapolation with rapid forms of visual motion priming and adaptation 133
Modulatory mechanisms underlying high-frequency transcranial random noise stimulation (hf-tRNS): A combined stochastic resonance and equivalent noise approach 116
Visual Area V5/MT Remembers "What" but Not "Where" 112
Long-term effects of MDMA (ecstasy) on the human central nervous system revealed by visual evoked potentials 110
Left frontal eye field remembers "where" but not "what" 110
Cortical interactions in vision and awareness: hierarchies in reverse 107
The origin of the audiovisual bounce inducing effect: A TMS study. 106
Perceptual learning modulates electrophysiological and psychophysical response to visual texture segmentation in Humans 105
Building ensemble representations: How the shape of preceding distractor distributions affects visual search 105
Common (and multiple) neural substrates for static and dynamic motion after-effects: a rTMS investigation. 104
Attention modulates psychophysical and electrophysiological response to visual texture segmentation in humans 103
The role of human extra-striate visual areas V5/MT and V2/V3 in the perception of the direction of global motion: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study 100
Representing Color Ensembles 100
Learning in combined-feature search: specificity to orientation 99
The motion aftereffect reloaded 98
Rapid learning of visual ensembles 96
Priming of motion direction and area V5/MT: a test of perceptual memory 95
A single case study of Stargardt distrophy: evidence for cortical plasticity 95
Stimulus-specific dynamics of learning in conjunction search tasks 95
Rapid response to dexamethasone intravitreal implant in diabetic macular edema 95
Interactions between motion and form processing in the human visual system 93
Editorial: Improving visual deficits with perceptual learning 93
Visual area V5/MT "remembers" what, not where 92
The temporal course of recovery from brief (sub-second) adaptations to spatial contrast 90
Opposite effects of high-and low-frequency transcranial random noise stimulation probed with visual motion adaptation 89
Implied motion from static photographs influences the perceived position of stationary objects 89
Learning features in a complex and changing environment: A distribution-based framework for visual attention and vision in general 87
Perceptual grouping factors compete for salience 85
Detection of first- and second-order coherent motion in blindsight 85
Improving myopia via perceptual learning: is training with lateral masking the only (or the most) efficacious technique? 85
Improving visual functions in adult amblyopia with combined perceptual training and transcranial random noise stimulation (tRNS): a pilot study 85
Experience enhances texture saliency by reducing behavioural and cortical responses to irrelevant texture features 83
Psychophysical and electrophysiological evidence of independent facilitation by collinearity and similarity in texture grouping and segmentation. 81
The effect of spatial orientation on detecting motion trajectories in noise 81
Specificities of learning in combined-feature search: implications for underlying coding mechanisms 81
Contrast colour and contrast colour from flicker 79
Improvement of uncorrected visual acuity and contrast sensitivity with perceptual learning and transcranial random noise stimulation in individuals with mild myopia 79
Opposing roles of sensory and parietal cortices in awareness in a bistable motion illusion. 78
Attention has memory: Priming for the size of attentional focus. 76
TMS reveals flexible use of form and motion cues in biological motion perception 76
Dogs are not better than humans at detecting coherent motion 76
Segmentation by single and combined features involves different contextual influences 76
Illusory contours over pathological retinal scotomas 73
Sleep and time course of consolidation of visual discrimination skills in patients with narcolepsy-cataplexy 72
Separate motion-detecting mechanisms for first- and second-order patterns revealed by rapid forms of visual motion priming and motion aftereffect 72
Repetition effects of features and spatial position: evidence for dissociable mechanisms 72
Meccanismi di apprendimento rapido nella discriminazione di contorni illusori 71
Hyper-vision in a patient with central and paracentral vision loss reflects cortical reorganisation 71
Reducing crowding by weakening inhibitory lateral interactions in the periphery with perceptual learning 70
The application of online transcranial random noise stimulation and perceptual learning in the improvement of visual functions in mild myopia 69
The neural basis of form and form-motion integration from static and dynamic translational Glass patterns: A rTMS investigation 69
Segmentation by single and combined features involves different contextual influences 68
The role of high-level visual areas in short- and longer-lasting forms of neural plasticity 68
Reducing crowding by weakening inhibitory lateral interactions in the periphery with perceptual learning 67
Illusory speed is retained in memory during invisible motion 67
The fastest (and simplest), the earliest: the locus of processing of rapid forms of motion aftereffect 67
Rapid forms of visual motion priming and motion aftereffects have similar time course but different neural substrates in first- and second-order motion 65
The principle of good continuation in space and time can guide visual search in the absence of spatial priming or contextual cueing 64
Priming of first- and second-order motion: mechanisms and neural substrates 64
The neural basis of implicit short-term memory: TMS investigations of visual priming 63
Hyper-vision in a patient with central and paracentral visual loss 62
Set size manipulations reveal the boundary conditions of perceptual ensemble learning 62
Effects of priming in texture segmentation 58
Human evoked potentials correlates of segregative and aggregative mechanisms of perceptual organisation with and without attention 56
Specificity and generalisation of perceptual learning in combined-features search tasks 56
Speech Fluency Improvement in Developmental Stuttering Using Non-invasive Brain Stimulation: Insights From Available Evidence 56
Interaction between facilitation and inhibition of return facilitates visual search 53
Separate motion-detecting mechanisms for first- and second-order patterns revealed by rapid forms of visual motion priming and motion aftereffect. 52
Where perception meets memory: A review ofrepetition priming in visual search tasks 51
Probabilistic rejection templates in visual working memory 51
Interazioni contestuali su compito di segmentazione di un bordo di tessitura 49
The Neural Basis of Implicit Short-Term Memory: TMSInvestigations of Visual Priming. 49
Cognitive exergame training and transcranial random noise stimulation effects on executive control in healthy young adults 49
Awareness in Primary Visual Cortex 48
Spatial interactions in simple and combined feature visual search 48
Vision and attention: electrophysiological evidence of the role of training in human observers 46
Mask interrupts texture segregation but not grouping processes 46
High definition-transcranial random noise stimulation to improve speech fluency in persistent developmental stuttering: A case study 45
The role of high-level visual areas in short- and long-lasting forms of neural plasticity 45
The neural mechanisms underlying directional and apparent circular motion assessed with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) 45
Minnesotha Multiphasic Personality Inventory - 2: un programma per la somministrazione ed elaborazione automatizzata dei punteggi 44
Learning of combined-features search: specificity of stimulus charactheristics 44
The principle of good continuation in space and time can guide visual search in the absence of priming and contextual cues 42
Two mechanisms for detecting spatial contours defined by motion 42
The involvement of early visual areas in the storage of motion aftereffect: A TMS study 42
Attentional modulation of visual search depends on the relation between eccentricity and spatial interactions 42
Does physical exercise and congruent visual stimulation enhance perceptual learning? 41
DOMHO: Internet of Things for Ambient Assisted Co-housing 40
Whitin-object conjunction visual search: evidence for grouping and binding before and after practice 39
Simple and combined features visual search: the effects of spatial interactions 38
Investigating the interaction between form and motion processing: a review of basic research and clinical evidence 38
Priming for motion direction with first- and second-order stimuli 37
Contributo delle aree V5/MT e parietale posteriore nel priming per la direzione di movimento e posizione spaziale: uno studio con TMS 37
Visual Memory 36
I video giochi d’azione combinati con una stimolazione elettrica transcranica della corteccia parietale posteriore velocizzano la decodifica fonologica in adulti con dislessia (Action Video Games combined with transcranial electrical stimulation of the posterior parietal cortex increase phonological decoding in dyslexic adults) 36
Gestalt's principles in the brain: left frontal eye field and the rule of good continuation 34
Totale 7.297
Categoria #
all - tutte 30.732
article - articoli 26.608
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.073
Totale 58.413

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.094 0 0 0 0 152 126 145 168 150 183 99 71
2020/2021946 35 74 65 79 28 69 28 116 157 130 122 43
2021/20221.231 8 148 206 95 41 40 34 180 61 26 149 243
2022/2023762 188 12 7 63 143 99 5 70 93 9 60 13
2023/2024582 27 59 60 47 29 24 30 35 45 84 74 68
2024/2025704 15 343 106 116 124 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.712