Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente - DAFNAE  

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Risultati 1 - 20 di 335 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.049 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A critical role for aniA in energy-carbon flux and symbiotic nitrogen fixation in Sinorhizobium meliloti 2000 POVOLO, SILVANACASELLA, SERGIO ARCHIVES OF MICROBIOLOGY - -
A method to determine soil DNA and RNA. 1986 CASELLA, SERGIO + SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY - -
A MICROBIOLOGICAL STUDY ON A BIOPILE ASSESSED FOR OIL SPILL SOIL REMEDIATION 2003 BASAGLIA, MARINASQUARTINI, ANDREACASELLA, SERGIO + - - Remediation of Contaminated Sediments-2003. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments. Venice, Italy; 30 Sep–3 Oct 2003)
A microbiological study on a biopile assessed for oil spill soil remediation 2003 BASAGLIA, MARINASQUARTINI, ANDREACASELLA, SERGIO + - - Remediation of Contaminated Sediments-2003. Proceedings of Second International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments
A newly introduced fudder legume (Hedysarum coronarium L.). 1983 CASELLA, SERGIO + CURRENT SCIENCE - -
A novel FTIR-based approach to evaluate the interactions between lignocellulosic inhibitory compounds and their effect on yeast metabolism 2016 FAVARO, LORENZOCAGNIN, LORENZOBERTI, ANTONIOBASAGLIA, MARINACASELLA, SERGIO + RSC ADVANCES - -
A possibile role of nirK in Rhizobium sullae HCNT1. 2005 BASAGLIA, MARINABALDAN, ENRICOPOVOLO, SILVANACASELLA, SERGIO + - - COST Action 856 - Denitrification as a challenge for agriculture, environment and basic research
A possible role of nirK gene in Rhizobium sullae 2009 BOTTEGAL, MARIANGELABASAGLIA, MARINAPOVOLO, SILVANACASELLA, SERGIO - - Proceedings of FEMS 2009, 3rd Congress of European Microbiologist, Microbes and Man-Interdipendence and future challenges
A regulatory protein of Ensifer meliloti involved in biopolymers synthesis 2010 POVOLO, SILVANACASELLA, SERGIO - - ISBP 2010: International Symposium on Biopolymers
A tentative model to evaluate the kinetics of malolactic fermentation. 1988 CASELLA, SERGIO + ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES - -
A wooded riparian strip set up for nitrogen removal can affect the water flux microbial composition 2014 BASAGLIA, MARINAFAVARO, LORENZOCASELLA, SERGIO + ITALIAN JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY - -
A yeast metabolome-based model for an ecotoxicological approach in the management of lignocellulosic ethanol stillage 2019 lorenzo favarolorenzo cagninmarina basagliasergio casella + ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE - -
Advances in the utilization of rhizobia in arid environments 1989 CASELLA, SERGIO + ARID SOIL RESEARCH AND REHABILITATION - -
Agricultural, Food and Environmental microbiology at the University of Padova. An evolutionary journey from lag phase to exponentiality 2022 Lorenzo FavaroMarina BasagliaViviana CorichAlessio GiacominiSergio CasellaAndrea Squartini AGRICULTURE - -
Agro-food residues and bioethanol potential: a study for a specific area 2021 Marina BasagliaLorenzo FavaroSergio Casella + PROCESSES - -
An apparently useless conserved gene in Rhizobium sullae. 2008 BOTTEGAL, MARIANGELABASAGLIA, MARINAPOVOLO, SILVANACASELLA, SERGIO + - - ISME 12
An integrated approach for the evaluation of biological control of the complex Polymyxa betae/Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus, by means of seed inoculants 2001 BASAGLIA, MARINACASELLA, SERGIO + PLANT AND SOIL - -
Analysis of microbial diversity in the soil of a wooded riparian strip 2009 VENDRAMIN, ELENABASAGLIA, MARINAS. CASELLA + ANNALS OF MICROBIOLOGY - -
aniA controls reserve polymer accumulation in Sinorhizobium meliloti 2002 POVOLO, SILVANACASELLA, SERGIO - - Biopolimers:Limits of natural Performances & prospects for Overcoming