Biomass production and soil organic carbon accumulation in a free water surface constructed wetland treating agricultural wastewater in North Eastern Italy
2014 Maucieri, Carmelo; Salvato, Michela; Tamiazzo, Jessica; Borin, Maurizio
Effects of five macrophytes on nitrogen remediation and mass balance in wetland mesocosms
2012 Borin, Maurizio; Salvato, Michela
La fitodepurazione per il trattamento di acque di origine agricola e di reflui zootecnici. Quaderno progetto AQUA, Veneto Agricoltura, ISBN 978-88-6337-107-9, 44 p. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.5081.9527
2014 Borin, Maurizio; Maucieri, Carmelo; Mietto, Anna; Pavan, Francesca; Politeo, Marco; Salvato, Michela; Tamiazzo, Jessica; Tocchetto, D.
Performance of a wall cascade constructed wetland treating surfactant-polluted water
2015 Tamiazzo, Jessica; Breschigliaro, Simone; Salvato, Michela; Borin, Maurizio
Performance of wetland systems in reducing agricultural nitrogen pollution
2010 Salvato, M
Potential of bacterial and macrophytes association for degratadion of 2,6-Diisopropilnaftalene (DIPN): A preliminary study.
2007 Borin, Maurizio; Salvato, Michela; Casella, Sergio; Basaglia, Marina; Baldan, Enrico
TECH-IA floating system introduced in urban wastewater treatment plants in Veneto Region – Italy.
2013 Mietto, Anna; Borin, Maurizio; Salvato, Michela; Ronco, Paolo; Tadiello, N.
Vegetation contribution on phosphorus removal in constructed wetlands
2020 Maucieri, C.; Salvato, M.; Borin, M.
Wetland plants, micro-organisms and enzymatic activities interrelations in treating N polluted water.
2012 Salvato, Michela; Borin, Maurizio; Doni, S.; Macci, C.; Ceccanti, B.; Marinari, S.; Masciandaro, G.