Dipartimento di Tecnica e Gestione dei Sistemi Industriali - DTG
A bi-parametric Wohler curve for high cycle multiaxial fatigue assessment
2002 Susmel, L; Lazzarin, Paolo
A comparison among some recent energy- and stress-based criteria for the fracture assessment of sharp V-notched components under Mode I loading
2014 Lazzarin, Paolo; Campagnolo, Alberto; Berto, Filippo
A finite-volume-energy based approach to predict the static and fatigue behavior of components with sharp V-shaped notches
2001 Lazzarin, Paolo; Zambardi, R.
A generalised notch stress intensity factor for U-notched components loaded under mixed mode
2008 Gomez, Fj; Elices, M; Berto, Filippo; Lazzarin, Paolo
A generalized stress intensity factor to be applied to rounded V-shaped notches
2006 Lazzarin, Paolo; Filippi, S.
A J-integral-based approach to predict the fatigue strength of components weakened by sharp V-shaped notches
2002 Lazzarin, Paolo; Livieri, P; Zambardi, R.
A new version of the Neuber rule accounting for the influence of the notch opening angle for out-of-plane shear loads
2009 Zappalorto, Michele; Lazzarin, Paolo
A notch intensity factor approach to the stress analysis of welds
1998 Lazzarin, Paolo; Tovo, R.
A notch stress intensity approach applied to fatigue life predictions of welded joints with different local toe geometry
2003 Lazzarin, Paolo; Lassen, T; Livieri, P.
A notch stress intensity approach to assess the multiaxial fatigue strength of welded tube-to-flange joints subjected to combined loadings
2004 Lazzarin, Paolo; Sonsino, Cm; Zambardi, R.
A re-analysis on fatigue data of aluminium alloy bolted joints
1997 Atzori, Bruno; Lazzarin, Paolo; Quaresimin, Marino
A review of the volume-based strain energy density approach applied to V-notches and welded structures
2009 Berto, Filippo; Lazzarin, Paolo
A stress-based method to predict lifetime under multiaxial fatigue loadings
2003 Lazzarin, Paolo; Susmel, L.
A synthesis of data from steel spot welded joints of reduced thickness by means of local SED
2013 Lazzarin, Paolo; Berto, Filippo; Atzori, Bruno
A synthesis of Polymethylmethacrylate data from U-notched specimens and V-notches with end holes by means of local energy
2013 Berto, Filippo; Campagnolo, Alberto; M., Elices; Lazzarin, Paolo
A three-dimensional graphical aid to analyze fatigue crack nucleation and propagation phases under fatigue limit conditions
2002 Atzori, Bruno; Lazzarin, Paolo
A three-dimensional stress field solution for pointed and sharply radiused V-notches in plates of finite thickness
2012 Lazzarin, Paolo; Zappalorto, Michele
A two-term stress function approach to evaluate stress distributions in bonded joints of different geometries
2002 Lazzarin, Paolo; Quaresimin, Marino; Ferro, Paolo
A unified approach to the analysis of nonlinear stress and strain fields ahead of mode III-loaded notches and cracks
2010 Zappalorto, Michele; Lazzarin, Paolo
A unified approach to the evaluation of linear elastic stress fields in the neighborhood of cracks and notches
1996 Lazzarin, Paolo; Tovo, R.