Dipartimento di Tecnica e Gestione dei Sistemi Industriali - DTG
Advanced Materials for Applications at High Temperature: Fatigue Assessment by Means of Local Strain Energy Density
2015 Gallo, Pasquale; Berto, Filippo
Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics XIII
2015 Berto, Filippo; Gallo, Pasquale; Lazzarin, Paolo
Analysis of creep stresses and strains around sharp and blunt V-notches
2016 Gallo, Pasquale; Berto, Filippo; Glinka, Grzegorz
Brittle Failure of Graphite Weakened by V-Notches: A Review of Some Recent Results Under Different Loading Modes
2015 Berto, Filippo; Campagnolo, Alberto; Gallo, Pasquale
2014 Gallo, Pasquale; Berto, Filippo; Lazzarin, Paolo
Caratterizzazione a fatica ad elevata temperatura di una lega di Cu-Co-Be in presenza di intagli
2013 Berto, Filippo; Gallo, Pasquale; Lazzarin, Paolo; P., Luisetto
Evaluation of the strain energy density control volume for a nanoscale singular stress field
2016 Gallo, Pasquale; Sumigawa, T.; Kitamura, T.; Berto, Filippo
Experimental evaluation of rolling contact fatigue in railroad wheels
2016 Sciammarella, C. A.; Chen, R. J. S.; Gallo, Pasquale; Berto, Filippo; Lamberti, L.
Extension of linear elastic strain energy density approach to high temperature fatigue and a synthesis of cu-be alloy experimental tests
2015 Berto, Filippo; Gallo, Pasquale
Generalized approach to estimation of strains and stresses at blunt V-notches under non-localized creep
2016 Gallo, Pasquale; Berto, Filippo; Glinka, G.
High temperature fatigue tests and crack growth in 40CrMoV13.9 notched components
2015 Gallo, Pasquale; Berto, Filippo
High temperature fatigue tests of notched specimens made of titanium Grade 2
2015 Gallo, Pasquale; Berto, Filippo; Lazzarin, P.
High temperature fatigue tests of un-notched and notched specimens made of 40CrMoV13.9 steel
2014 Berto, Filippo; Gallo, Pasquale; Lazzarin, Paolo; P., Luisetto
High temperature fatigue tests of un-notched and notched specimens made of 40CrMoV13.9 steel
2014 Berto, Filippo; Gallo, Pasquale; Lazzarin, Paolo
High-temperature fatigue strength of a copper-cobalt-beryllium alloy
2014 Berto, Filippo; Lazzarin, Paolo; Gallo, Pasquale
Influence of surface roughness on high temperature fatigue strength and cracks initiation in 40CrMoV13.9 notched components
2015 Gallo, Pasquale; Berto, Filippo
Local approaches for the fatigue design of components subjected to high temperature
2016 Gallo, Pasquale
Review of local strain energy density theory for the fracture assessment of V-notches under mixed mode loading
2017 Ayatollahi M., R; Berto, F.; Campagnolo, A.; Gallo, P.; Tang, K
Some Considerations on the J-Integral under Elastic-Plastic Conditions for Materials Obeying a Ramberg-Osgood Law
2015 Gallo, Pasquale; Berto, Filippo