Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia Applicata - FISPPA  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A Mindful Path Toward Prejudice Reduction: Key Mindfulness Facets and Mediators for Promoting Positive Intergroup Relations 2023 Fuochi, GiuliaBoin, JessicaLucarini, AliceVoci, Alberto MINDFULNESS - -
Affective generalization from intergroup contact: Associations between contact-related and outgroup-related empathy, anxiety, and trust 2021 Fuochi, GiuliaVoci, AlbertoBoin, Jessica + GROUP PROCESSES & INTERGROUP RELATIONS - -
Attachment orientations and humanity attributions to individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 2018 Capozza, DoraFalvo, RossellaBoin, Jessica LIFE SPAN AND DISABILITY - -
Close to me: The importance of closeness versus superficiality in explaining the positive-negative contact asymmetry 2020 Fuochi G.Voci A.Boin J.Hewstone M. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY - -
COVID-19 threat and perceptions of common belonging with outgroups: The roles of prejudice-related individual differences and intergroup contact 2021 Fuochi G.Boin J.Voci A. + PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES - -
Dehumanization in medical contexts: An expanding research field 2016 CAPOZZA, DORAFALVO, ROSSELLABOIN, JESSICAColledani, Daiana TPM. TESTING, PSYCHOMETRICS, METHODOLOGY IN APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY - -
Deprovincialization as a key correlate of ideology, prejudice, and intergroup contact 2020 Boin J.Fuochi G.Voci A. PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES - -
Individual Differences, subjective well-being, and job satisfaction: The mediating role of workaholism 2015 DAZZI, CARLACOLLEDANI, DAIANAFALVO, ROSSELLABOIN, JESSICA TPM. TESTING, PSYCHOMETRICS, METHODOLOGY IN APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY - -
Is negative mass media news always associated with outgroup prejudice? The buffering role of direct contact 2020 Fuochi G.Voci A.Veneziani C. A.Boin J.Hewstone M. + GROUP PROCESSES & INTERGROUP RELATIONS - -
Modeling the Dynamics of Positive and Negative Contact: the Role of Affective Variables, Deprovincialization, and Individual Dispositions 2019 Boin, Jessica - - -
Open your eyes, open your mind: The profile of cognitive liberalization and intergroup contact experiences 2024 Giulia FuochiJessica BoinAlice LucariniAlberto Voci JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY & APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY - -
Può l’attivazione dell’attaccamento sicuro favorire l’umanizzazione di outgroup stigmatizzati? 2018 Falvo R.Di Bernardo G. A.Boin J.Capozza, D. + - - Book of Abstract XV Congresso Nazionale AIP - Psicologia Sociale
Quiet ego and noisy ego: A useful distinction in the investigation of individual well-being and intergroup relations 2019 Boin J.Voci A. TPM. TESTING, PSYCHOMETRICS, METHODOLOGY IN APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY - -
Secure attachment priming and outgroup humanization 2018 Rossella FalvoDora CapozzaGian Antonio Di BernardoJessica Boin - - 2018 Printed Program and Abstracts SPSP Annual Convention
The generalization of intergroup contact effects: Emerging research, policy relevance, and future directions 2021 Boin J. + THE JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ISSUES - -
The intra-individual power of contact: Investigating when, how and why intergroup contact and intergroup outcomes fluctuate together 2023 Boin, JessicaFuochi, GiuliaVoci, Alberto + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY - -
The nature of deprovincialism: Assessment, nomological network, and comparison of cultural and group deprovincialization 2023 Lucarini, AliceBoin, JessicaFuochi, GiuliaVoci, Alberto + JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY & APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY - -
Waves of immigration in Italy, immigrants’ dehumanization and proposal of defensive strategies. 2016 Jessica BOINDora CAPOZZADaiana COLLEDANIRossella FALVO - - WWII – Management of death between new social emergencies and their solution. Endlife: Death & dying studies- Program and Abstracts