Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia Applicata - FISPPA
A Deep Dive into Compassion: Italian Validation, Network Analysis, and Correlates of Recent Compassion Scales
2023 Lucarini, A.; Fuochi, G.; Voci, A.
A deeper look at the relationship between dispositional mindfulness and empathy: Meditation experience as a moderator and dereification processes as mediators
2020 Fuochi, G.; Voci, A.
A Mindful Path Toward Prejudice Reduction: Key Mindfulness Facets and Mediators for Promoting Positive Intergroup Relations
2023 Fuochi, Giulia; Boin, Jessica; Lucarini, Alice; Voci, Alberto
A Peaceful Mind: How Dispositional Mindfulness is Related to Emotional Stability Over Time and Across Events. A peaceful mind: come la mindfulness disposizionale si associa a stabilità emotiva nel tempo e attraverso gli eventi
2018 Fuochi, Giulia
Affective generalization from intergroup contact: Associations between contact-related and outgroup-related empathy, anxiety, and trust
2021 Fuochi, Giulia; Voci, Alberto; Boin, Jessica; Hewstone, Miles
Childhood exposure to the Second World War and financial risk taking in adult life
2020 Bellucci, D.; Fuochi, G.; Conzo, P.
Close to me: The importance of closeness versus superficiality in explaining the positive-negative contact asymmetry
2020 Fuochi, G.; Voci, A.; Boin, J.; Hewstone, M.
COVID-19 threat and perceptions of common belonging with outgroups: The roles of prejudice-related individual differences and intergroup contact
2021 Fuochi, G.; Boin, J.; Voci, A.; Hewstone, M.
Dealing with the Ups and Downs of Life: Positive Dispositions in Coping with Negative and Positive Events and Their Relationships with Well-Being Indicators
2021 Fuochi, G.; Voci, A.
Deprovincialization as a key correlate of ideology, prejudice, and intergroup contact
2020 Boin, J.; Fuochi, G.; Voci, A.
Desperate Housework: Relative Resources, Time Availability, Economic Dependency, and Gender Ideology Across Europe
2014 Aassve, Arnstein; Fuochi, Giulia; Mencarini, Letizia
Differences in the way to conceive happiness relate to different reactions to negative events
2018 Fuochi, Giulia; Veneziani, Chiara A.; Voci, Alberto
Exploring the social side of self-compassion: Relations with empathy and outgroup attitudes
2018 Fuochi, Giulia; Veneziani, Chiara A.; Voci, Alberto
Factorial validity and item response theory analysis of the Gratitude Questionnaire in an Italian sample
2018 Fuochi, Giulia; Voci, Alberto; Veneziani, Chiara
Factors affecting women's well-being during the experience of acute myocardial infarction: a literature review
2015 Foà, Chiara; Fuochi, Giulia; Fruggeri, Laura
Fertility and Life Satisfaction in Rural Ethiopia
2017 Conzo, Pierluigi; Fuochi, Giulia; Mencarini, Letizia
How mindfulness, decentering, nonattachment and rumination interact with the temporal associations between emotions and thoughts: An experience sampling study
2024 Fuochi, G.; Voci, A.
Is negative mass media news always associated with outgroup prejudice? The buffering role of direct contact
2020 Fuochi, G.; Voci, A.; Veneziani, C. A.; Boin, J.; Fell, B.; Hewstone, M.
Negative media portrayals of immigrants increase ingroup favoritism and hostile physiological and emotional reactions
2021 Conzo, P.; Fuochi, G.; Anfossi, L.; Spaccatini, F.; Mosso, C. O.
Open your eyes, open your mind: The profile of cognitive liberalization and intergroup contact experiences
2024 Fuochi, Giulia; Boin, Jessica; Lucarini, Alice; Voci, Alberto